Why PB looks unphotogenic

Here's the deal with PB's face (and the rest of crew). Lots of screenshots posted capture her mid-animation or mid-expression. That creates the effect of "uncanny valley", where you know it doesn't look good, but just can't point at the specific element. Ever tried to take a picture of yourself mid-expression? You'll look fucking retarded.

In addition to that, older games (incl. ME series) did not use mocap to such extent and character faces there were "locked in" in a photogenic mode with literally 0 face muscle movement. It makes a game look "dated", and there has to be someone to step up and bring in progress.

This is where Bioware steps in. Andromeda doesn't have perfect animations, yes, but they'll improve next time. You have to be bold with the changes, or you'll get eaten by the competitors (and we already know that Bioware isn't as praised as before, even though they still have a huge following).

I'm actually stoked they bought the rights to Shrek from Dreamworks.

Having an ogre in my squad will be awesome, and I'm sure he'll have some epic bantz. I hear his 'Fart' skill is gonna be pretty OP too.


What if.

Hear me out.

What if.

What if the designs are just legitimately wonky so people noticed it.


She looks terrible regardless of whether she's in motion or not. Thin lips, weird jawline, pug nose.

It's a cheap method that produces a cheap result.

Andromeda obviously had a stunted budget thanks to me3's ending outcry giving the executives cold feet.

They just hired the cheapest talent there is, while creating an illusion that it would be as big a game as all the mass effects before it.

This will be the last mass effect.

I'd say it's more likely because Bioware sucks balls and haven't made a good game in almost a decade.

idk man she looks like Samara to me, mostly because of the jawline. Not bad in static

>man jaws
>uneven lips on face
>that little notch on top of the lip
>huge ugly nose
>man eye brows
>eyes are manly looking

She looks more like a fat female being motion captured than a real hot one.

>Source: My ass

PB looks unphotogenic because she's ugly as fuck. Nice blog, faggot.

You didn't think they hired a bunch of landwhales to do the mo-cap so it'll be more "realistic" and less "objectified" ?

I don't get it.

This looked fine. Cute even maybe. Why did they change it? Was this somehow offensive?

I don't get it.

The male gaze goym.

because it's a different character I guess.

nope let's have every character look the same because it's what retard fans want.

>Non human female

Uncanny Valley doesn't work that way you dumb shit

They're trying to capitalize on Shrek being in right now.

>because it's a different character I guess.
That's fair I guess, but it seems the weird face syndrome has spread to the rest of the cast.

It still looks bad in motion and it already looks dated.
>but other mass effect games
Still shittier animations than Half Life 2.
>they'll do better with the next one
Regardless of whether that happens or not the current animations for this game look awful.

no, let ME explain

bioware are SJWs intentionally making the females less attractive.

why are western devs afraid of attractive designs? japan doesnt have this problem.

>This is where Bioware steps in. Andromeda doesn't have perfect animations, yes, but they'll improve next time.

Sure they will.

Fuck off Bioshit apologists.

>next time
But THIS TIME they are still shit.

She has a fat, ugly face. Likely so that Bioware employees and their buddies can self insert.


requesting the gif where peebee falls on the mc and it all looks fucking wonky and awkward as shit

This one really makes me laugh since the male is clearly designed to be attractive to women.

Looks like a shitty Holden from the Expanse show

it's right here

>What's the deal with these facial animations?
>What's the deal with aliens shooting their gun backwards?

She is ugly as fuck in all the full motion animation as well.

or were those webms all "bad coincidence"

What is you people's obsession with MEA, or Bioware in general? We've known from the first trailer the game looks like crap, yet you can't spam the board enough with this threads. STOP IT. You people are worse than Christians and their obssession with gay people. Or maybe ...

>What's the deal with spaceship food?

yeah I know, I want it not editted too



>ignores gifs and webms

You know I'm happy that im too busy with school to play this at launch, because when I get a chance next month, there will be mods changing all the ugly fucking faces in this mod and I can start my playthrough in peace.

Dude her head is fucking square, if I beat a child wit a hockey stick she would be the outcome

>there will be mods


Not with denuvo in place

>Bioware wants to cater to these people

>Because he's MYYY butler!

Oh yea? I haven't heard anything about it but will mod support be just as shitty as the previous mass effect? But even so face replacers have been out for both the mass effect games and Inquisition so I don't image there will be a problem.

holy fuck is the second one from the right the actual model of the human female squad member

>And you want to be my Medi-gel saleswoman

Anybody here wanna buy me ME3. Been avoiding it like the plague but with ME:A I may as well get it over with.

Anti-tamper = no mods

Is it a new thing they added? I haven't seen anything related to mod support from the devs.

They're just video games, user. You don't have to play them.

>Defending a bioware game
What the actual fuck?

This is genuinely sad.

I don't yea, but I want to finish the series and get some closure. ME has been my favourite series but after hearing about the atrocity that is the ending I've been scared to go near 3.

Are you new? Bioware games are always shilled on Sup Forums. People shit on them like no tomorrow but they still play and love them.

Sup Forums has terrible taste.

The female Angara looks fine here, what the fuck happened in-game?

Why does he want to fuck a squid?

I don't even care about party members, they all seem boring as fuck anyways and will never be able to replace Garrus and Tali. I'm buying this to be a space Captain and for the MP everything else is secondary

>I'm buying this

I even preordered bro.

>squid man, been there, done that
Is this Bioware's senior writer?

>This is where Bioware steps in. Andromeda doesn't have perfect animations, yes, but they'll improve next time.
>people ACTUALLY believe this

>man jaw
It's called adulthood, kid.

Did you get the Special Edition*?

*Note: Special Edition does not actually include game.

>this patriarchal cis hetero normative male supremacist enslaver of womyn made a female character that's not buttfuck ugly
>this shall not stand
>through the power of my vaginer phd studies i will criticize and criticize until there are only buttfuck ugly women in games

this looks like they captured the animations straight from the faces of some actors. the actors have way overdone their expressions

Yeah, should've hired that Gollum give for all mocap


How dare you not hate on a popular franchise, where the fuck do you think you are?

>The new alien race has the same name as the capital of Roachland
>They will be probably the only civilized new race you will see in the game other than the bad guys

That looks fucking disgusting, no offense

My favourite part is the name.

Asari characters have names like Liara, Aria, Mordin, Samara

And then you have this character. Fucking PeeBee.

What the fuck is that?

Niggerification of culture

Names like “OJ” or “PB” are actually common among uncreative apes

To be entirely honest, most of my problems with PeePoo (and the rest of the characters for that matter) is their design direction, I mean, look at that goddamn outfit! The belts, the ridiculous popped collar, the senseless strips of exposed flesh (why does that jacket have random parts of her shoulders exposed?) and the slightly out of the place Blade Runner reference. And that's just the visual parts of design, without even touching on the obligatory QUIRKINESS of her ''character''.

This shit has to be intentional

But both of those designs are terrible and rather, like most of Andromeda's design direction, creatively bankrupt. How come the original Mass Effect had all the races feel kinda visually balanced - you have your bipedal humanoids, your Syreen, walking jellyfish, quadrupedal squid sloths, with hints of weirder things out there with Rachni, Geth and ultimately the Reapers. Yet the sequels just added a ton of barely re-skinned humanoids (the Drell, Vorcha, Batarians - yes I know they were in the original too, but their concept art was somewhat in a different direction then just humans with four eyes we got in the rushed DLC and Shadow Broker)? The Drell are basically just green humans. They all feel visually more similar to each other then to the rest of the races.

>thinks that uncanny valley can happen when you take a picture of yourself mid expression
an odd expression is not uncanny valley, you dolt.


Never understood Liara's appeal. Yes she was cute but not that sexya and also boring

Because it's an unrealistic standard of beauty to the fat disgusting hambeast SJWs who all the writers just happen to be friends with and are a part of one big cabal- I mean social circle with.
Their (((genetics))) just can't allow them to ever have any amount of hygiene, healthy diet, or exercise so it's unfair to them to have good looking characters since it trains the stupid mongrel men who also run society for some reason into loving only pretty girls and not morbid blobs of grease and shit.

It probably has to be with her being cute and giving off that nerdy scientist innocent girl vibe.

>they still play them
Got a single fact to back that up, shill?


You shitposters sure are getting desperate now