Let's continue to waste our times looking for nothing in GTA V

let's continue to waste our times looking for nothing in GTA V

Chilliad mystery thread

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sorry, forgot to link the previous thread

I want to know what the spider webs mean

drunkanon seemed to know what he was talking about

the fountain bump map is intersting

>people thinking there's anything to find after rockstar rused everyone with sasquatch over 10 years ago
>people thinking there's anything to find in the age of datamining

You people are just as clueless as the flat earth tinfoil hat faggots.

are you dumb? they literally have playable Sasquatch in GTA5 and it was well hidden

drunkanon was very clear when he mentioned a relation between the "ELF on the mountain" and the blackphone
if he was not bullshiting us, I'd say that's an interesting point to look into

ELF means "extremely low frequency". wikipedia says they can be generated naturally by lighting or other events, and that it's difficult to build antennas that generate them. furthermore, they're mostly used for communicating with submarines and underground mines for the wave's ability of penetrating saltwater and large amounts of rock/ground

with that in mind, one could go hunting in the mountains messing with the blackphone number looking for structures that could be related to radio waves (like antennas and such), but also take into consideration lighting storms which could be the key to this (I don't think lighting in the game actually falls into the map and are just a skybox thing) although somehow I feel like this is a bit farfetched

what I've experienced with the blackphone is that the first time you call it, the explosion happens, and if you call it again the explosion doesn't happen (if you call a third time it happens again and so on) meaning it might be operating on an ON/OFF switch; when it explodes means you turned it on, and when it doesn't it means it turned off (this is just my expeculation though)

pick related is other things drunkanon said that are directly related related to this
other things that could be related:
>Ursula is able to spawn thunder storms when called
could be used in case you need lighting to happen
>stuff needs to be triggered at certain days
self explanatory, could be relevant

he was also very adamant about secrets in GTA V being "evolutions" of GTA SA myths, and that Rockstar used them as inspiration. Rockstar made the Bigfoot peyote hunt as a way to show people how to uncover the Chilliad mystery

I'd say the abandoned mine shaft could be important, after all you do use explosives to open it and ELFs are related to mines

do you think the ron symbol is a glitch? or on purpose?

Not a glitch. Leakman said everything is intentional.

Workanon back from work now. Currently running around east of Grapeseed by the sea / lighthouse testing this ELF thing out. Trying tog et it to kick up so I can try using Blackphone.

By the way, someone in last thread posted tree wallpapers. I think they're relevant. The first is at night, obviously a clear sky because the stars are visible, egg on the top branch.

Second obviously during the day, egg another branch down.

Third at night, but no stars. Overcast? Maybe fog? Egg on lowest branch.

I could be something to do with the moon and a tree / weather.

in a way it looks like a tower emitting something, like waves or whatever
also kinda reminds me of the piramids with light shinning at the top of them that are featured in the wallpapers

Hey dude I created that pic, I got the domes wrong it's actually these gas dome things in pic related.

did you realize the broken part in the middle between those domes. was that from a mission or anything?

i'll go ahead and re-link this one vid i found since as much as it may very well be nothing i feel like it's possibly related

(skip to 15:50 or 16:00)

the ringing in the video got passed off as 'goatman' or the 'panic in the woods' myth, but i really feel like it has something to do with this (that is if, like i said before, it isn't bullshit)

no what i do remember is grapeseed has been a point of interest in these topics and this video takes place just on the other side of the highway from it, and iirc drunkanon was mentioning mountains/ELF around the area. pic related is where the dude who made the video was before he got out of his vehicle and walked a bit of a ways along the mountain/hillside to where the ringing happened

a few other anons started looking into it, and another user said the ringing's happened to him too, so i guess there might be something here? i dunno

Yeah I saw that too, I replayed GTA V campaign a lot. But I don't remember going to these ever, I could be wrong tho.

if the noise is real and can be replicated, I'd say to use the blackphone number when the sound is at the loudest point, or something like that

there's a unique trailer that has random textures on it. It's also the only trailer that will despawn if you try to go thru it

that's exactly what i was thinking, i wish my gta v installation didn't fuck up earlier today. i actually have a full back-up of the game's directory that could probably use some updating, but i'm not sure if that's all i need or if there are other important files

getting back on-topic though,
the bump map really is interesting, for some reason it feels really familiar when i think of it as something of a GTA-style street map, but i'm not sure what to make of it

This is real interesting.
Is there anywhere besides here to read up on this stuff more?
I love big secrets.

I want to believe that there is some big mystery but what are the chances when this game has been data mined

>yfw leakeranon and Rockstar FAGGOT were the same person all along playing double agent to fuck with us

So I'm sitting east of Grapeseed waiting for it to get dark, and it JUST stops raining. I'm chilling waiting, and decided to run up the mountain and watch the sun set just fucking cause.

It's shaped like a motherfucking EYE. Literally tyhe shape of an eye. Not that round shit with the coronas, a sharp oval eye with an iris. I just caught it as it was setting behind Chiliad. Thats the fucking eye Leakanon was fucking telling us about, and I was in the wrong fucking place under the right conditions.


I need to reboot my game and turn overlay on. I was mashing my fucking SS key and nothing was happening.

Forgot to mention - it was Friday. I used the weather cheat to make it Thunder outside around 10am game time. Drove out to see if Ursula would spawn but she didn't, so I headed out to the catfish bay where the ELF kicks in near the bridge. By the time I got there, it went from thundering, to raining, and then just overcast kinda clearing up on it's own around 17:00.

Someone should try sleeping till Friday morning, hitting the Thunder weather, and going out to the Altruist camp to wait for the rain to totally stop and for 17:00 to roll around and see the -actual- eye. It wasn't that corona shit. Actual oval'd eye.

Search for the forbidden fruit.

Omay! Omay! The path reveals at 15!

When did they extract this texture? This should be front page news on CNN and FOX. The egg shape and lines are way too weird for a water texture

there's the chilliad mystery subribbit but it's filled to the brim with complete morons that have completely lost track of anything

you gotta get a screen shot, my nigga
this is interesting

Pics or it didn't happen.

i'm only vaguely familiar with the topic of this thread, but holy shit you guys seem tin foil hat autistic

>everyone calling eachother's theories retarded
I dunno what I expected.





was this what it looked like, user?



>bunch of ayy references in the base game
>unfinished map under chilliad
>lol fuck single player dlc when we can jew out online

really not that hard to put together user, like that was tbe rational opinion 4 years ago when this stuff started popping up

I was there but left when he said he was drunk. Maybe I shouldn't have.
I can't contribute so I guess I'll just say that during the mission where you kidnap someone, if you drive the van through the winding upward path Franklin will say "yo dog why we using this slow ass van anyway?", but somehow I only got to trigger that conversation once, and never again.

Holy fuck, thats it. I saw it happen as it was going behind Mt Chiliad from Catfish Bay mountain.

We're supposed to see exactly that but from the Altruist camp apparently.

Meanwhile, I've rebooted the game with overlay and I'm fucking around in Grapeseed. Might install a trainer so I can FF time and try different moon and tide cycles.

So there's legit a giant eye in the sky that can look back at you?
That's pretty fucking terrifying.

brings me back to 2013 on the gta forums

I've looked through all the code and there is no jetpack in the PC game for sure

The Chilliad drawing depicts the main story. Each icon is a character, and the Xs are the heists.

The UFO that appears over Chilliad if you get 100% completion is what this is hinting at.

The only people in these threads mentioning a jetpack being in the game are the people saying there isn't one. Nobody is looking for a jetpack you wingnut.

Sounds like the accidentally put the bump map for the dart board on that truck.

Leakanon said everything is intentional.

The truck might be a "bullseye" for something you're supposed to find in that area.


doesnt explain why there's only 1 trailer on the map that looks and acts like this. its clearly a different game object

You mean roleplayeranon, right? Nothing that he said was confirmed, that was /x/ tier random guesses.

>>unfinished map under chilliad
Really? Source? Google is turning up conspiracies

Are you referring to this?


I don't get it. Is the idea that you do something after or is that it? It's an eye in the sky easter egg?

wait whats going on have people finally figured some shit out? Does the user seem legit from the previous threads?

Keep seeing this pop up and other than one user in the first thread no one has tried the thing that sticks out as most obvious to me. Use the transparent maze bank fountain map and the mural on the normal game map. Bet the lines line up with one of the small, dark gray roads.

Wouldn't be much fun going over it though. There's a lot of ground to cover when you're that zoomed in.

No. tl;dr of it all is that Rockstar monitor's progress of the mystery and slips subtle updates to the game, progressing it as people find shit and hit triggers - whether they realize it or not - they can monitor all of this through player activity and actively do, by what Leakanon says. Certain people at Rockstar are anxious for people to figure the shit out already, and have been very subtley throwing little nudges out to the community in forms of wallpapers and etc to push them in the right direction. Reddit, however, has a megathread, but it is full of shit unrelated to it all because they're so far up their own ass, and have waved off actual tips thrown at them by Rockstar reps. A drunk and frustrated rep appeared in a thread lastnight and just started dropping insane amounts of heavy tips and coercing us along to analyze them and piece clues together. After he felt we've been given enough clues, and analyzed things to his liking, he left us on our own, and here we are. Previous thread was the last thread they appeared in. Not sure if they'll reappear tomorrow or what.

Either way, tomorrow I'm organizing a structured thread to get it all going before I go to work, and hopefully get people looking at things. Thing is, Sup Forums is full of lazy shit children, and constantly beg the guy to just tell them shit whenever he appears. They don't want to actually look for dick, and I'm on a very tight work schedule for the next week and don't have enough time to play long enough to test a lot of this shit.

I've just fucked my back and am on doctor's orders to spend the next week or so lying down, I've got my couch moved to face the TV... and I don't have a copy of GTAV anymore. Fuck's sake.

That sucks. If you did I'd have no problem posting the collages and giving you the rundown of the info he spilled to us.

Either way, I'm gonna work on getting it all organized and categorized for us to go over. I know theres a lot of shitters here, but some people seemed genuinely interested, as am I.

The guy was also bent of us solving it before reddit does, but he also implied that whatever it is we solve, it isn't the end - that there's more to follow before we finish the big picture.

Yeah I noticed this, I was in the thread when leakanon started posting stuff. All these underaged faggots came in saying that modders haven't found anything and they kept on saying it over and over. Insanely fucking infuriating, I might see if I can GTA V tomorrow while I go to town and try and help out.

This would be the third time I have shilled money for this one fucking game

North Yankton is south east of Los Santos. not under mt chilad

Yeah. Even more annoying - the guy stated several times that things can be hidden and slipped in through triggered updates, but you know how Sup Forums is - completely up their own asses because all they enjoy doing around here is playing with shit.

Can modders set a bunch of triggers to stay on? Like set the time and day triggers to all be on simultaneously (ie the game thinks it's Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun all at once, and 1, 2, 3 etc o'clock all at once)?

That would streamline so much shit that we're trying to get sorted, and once it's triggered we could just disable parts of the mod to figure out the genuine parameters

I'm not a modder, and don't even actually have the game, but I've tried to help with wallpaper shit and other analyses, so I like to think I'm doing my part. If this idea is retarded then sorry, but anons are already using trainers to change the day and weather, so why not fuck with the triggers if possible.

Whoops sorry
I'm sort of skeptical of triggered updates, but I'm not going to deny it. I'm just thinking if it would work on the 360/PS3 where it was initially supposed to be solved, dunno just seems strange.

Just dug up this map on a wiki (I own it but don't have black light.

Noticed something - there's red circles and some with arrows pointing in directions. Some of them are in the POIs.

Could these perhaps be things we need to look at for triggers?

ign dot com slash wikis slash gta-5/T.P.E_Blueprint_Map_Secrets

I know it's IGN, but the full image is too big for upload.

Check out the inverted BP map.

There are things in the next-gen versions that the previous gens don't have. The mines for example arent accessible in the old versions. Rockstar may have shifted total focus to the new gen versions.

Also, I tried to replicate the blinking eye at the Altruist camp I saw earlier in Grapeseed, but couldn't screenshot. Didn't get the eye, but a gigantic orb with the sun as a pupil. Leakanon said this was close, but not quite what we need to see.

Interesting thing about it though - you can't see it in first person mode. I had to zoom out to 3rd person for it to appear.

Yeah true
This is what I'm talking about, it seems strange that they add clues to the newer versions of GTA V yet they have you go into third person like they expected us to figure out the mystery on last gen.

Either way, I'm off to bed folks. I'll leave this thread open and check in the morning (or noon, whenever I wake up to get ready for work), or just find the new thread if there is one.

He actually spilled very little. The rest is people expanding on what he said, for better or worse.

The basics are;
>Reddit is overthinking it, so discount all the time travel bullshit floating about and focus on what Rockstar have given us.
>There's a strange light in the skybox that appears when standing in a certain spot and looking between the FIB building and the tower next to it. Leak user said it was not a glitch as reddit suggest but very relevant. There's other references to it in game, such as a painting in Franklin's apartment showing the towers and the light. Seems we don't really understand the relevance or the trigger for the light as user simply said to stand there 'at a certain time'.
>In front of Maze Bank there's a fountain which can be made to look like an egg from atop a nearby building. Zooming in from this angle turns the water texture into a scrolling image. Again Reddit dismissed it as a texture glitch but it came up in the first thread. I'm unsure if it was leak user who mentioned it first as he didn't use a trip code.
>Apparently the trippy wallpapers are a literal step by step for this whole thing, and we just need to understand what it's asking.
>The runes found all over the map have been misunderstood, and still have stuff to find out.

That's about it for significant stuff. Plenty of other theories in the threads but all speculation.

This was mentioned on the first thread when someone found a video of it on YouTube. Looked like a texture glitch to me, but maybe you're on to something. A video would help clear this up as the one linked in the original thread looked like the light from the sun fucking up on the in game weather effects, but it was an orb with the sun in the middle just like you describe.

>(I don't think lighting in the game actually falls into the map and are just a skybox thing)

There's a handful of shit videos on youtube showcasing lightning striking the ground near them, all have the same blackening effect, I doubt they're faked. But it's probably next to impossible to have it happen reliably.

Can someone fill me in on what's going on? shit seems interesting

So is it at a dead end again?

You get an alien ship.

I've probably put about 400 hours into GTA 5 mostly just driving round in SP exploring.

Unironically play it every day for a piss around.

This is what you autists are going on as proof of a conspiracy. This and user who's literally trolling you, just like many anons before.

There's not jet pack. There's no mystery. This is just a fucking texture.

He already said their was no jet pack..you get a space ship

Classic GTA /x/ stuff. I love this shit.

>they can monitor all of this through player activity and actively do, by what Leakanon says.

hows that possible when im playing pirated copy :^)

The leakanon said that 'everything is literal' and that these 'glitches' are legitimate signs.

OK, I think the beam in the sky points to the dual cones
same as the eye wallpaper
when you go between them the sun will line up perfectly thru the broken center @ 10pm

the only thing is, I think the line texture moves around based on time / day, so I dont see how it can point to something

Didn't that Rockstar faggot guy say it was nothing? He perfectly predicted GTA:O updates on /vg/ pretty sure

2 full threads of people and this other guy supposedly gving us clues, saying to just literally stand there in these spots at these times and yet exactly nothing has happened for anyone.

Wait a second, is that a video released by Rockstar in 2015 that's basically showing people how to make the eye appear? No wonder that dude supposedly from Rockstar was angry as fuck yesterday, they were literally spoonfeeding those Redditards clues and they still couldn't piece this shit together.

To be honest, it seems like nobody really cares enough anymore to figure this out. Spending years getting nowhere can have that effect.

Isn't it showing though? It looks way too polished to just be a glitch.

What video? Link please?

Are you a fucking retard?

It's literally just a texture. Nothing special about it other than it moved.

>video released by Rockstar in 2015

But why that texture and why is it even happening? Are there other examples in this game where textures scroll across surfaces like that to justify brushing it off as a glitch?

I didn't realize the person who uploaded the video had rockstar in their username, sorry mate

Besides the name of the channel is there any other proof that this is Rockstar themselves?

this you nigga need to stop brushing things off as a glitch.

you probably have no knowledge of programming either if you think that's a glitch.

>putt a weird scrolling maze texture with an egg in a water's bump map
>nothing weird

how dense are you? Have you any idea of what normal water bump maps look like in games? They arent anything like this

Waiting for video proof from to confirm he saw the exact same thing, if so that means it may've been Rockstar using an unofficial account to put the clue out there.

see: boards.fireden.net/_/search/tripcode/!CSmUrZluSg/

>Sup Forums Rockstar FAGGOT !CSmUrZluSg
>Its nothing and it never has been. Give it up, you idiots.

Predicted online updates and RDR2s name (all though wasn't too hard to guess)
I want to it to be real just as much as anyone else here

I never said it's a glitch. Its intentional sure, but it doesn't mean it's a fucking mystery.

So far these entire threads have been nothing but:

>hey guys I work at Rockstar, remember all the clues that people have already found in the game that lead nowhere, well THEY LEAD SOMEWHERE, figure it out for yourselves

It's just a troll kid, guys. I want to believe this mystery has an ending as much as the next user but nothing new has been brought to the table in these threads. Whatever the mystery was supposed to be, it was never finished by Rockstar.

Fuck off.

>tfw all this shit may have lead to something but R* cancelled the story dlc for the GTAO dlc

just pack it up guys, they are already working on RDR2

>tfw the RDR 1 mystery never got figured out either

How many games have been left with massive secrets left buried?
There would have to be thousands, right?
