Why did people think PS1 graphics were good?

Why did people think PS1 graphics were good?

Looks pretty good.
I don't see the problem.

Megaman Legends is the only game from that generation that still looks decent.

Damn shes fucking hot, what I wouldn't give to rip off those clothes and go to town on her ass.

Claire is pretty good too.

Depends on the aesthetic and art design. The Spyro and Crash trilogies are prime examples of graphics that still look alright decades after release.


They are good.


Because they were for the time. The jerky polygons also helped make it look more natural.

Neck yourself.

They were, for the time. PS1 games overall looked better than N64 games overall for sure.

because it was the best we had
ppl thought Atari graphics were good when it came out too

Let's say you live in the stone age, and your village is well known for having shiny rocks, and all your life you've been content with, ends up looking like shit, you throw it away and end up holding onto the new shiny rock, and always have good memories about finding it, That's how it felt to get a ps1 when you've only had a NES or a SNES back in the day and that's why so many people have a orgasm remembering ps1 graphics even though they look like dogshit in today's standards


i love when claire takes off her pink vest

Jerky polygons are shit and are a result of bad math and no z buffer.

Side note, the dreamcast version of Dino Crisis has the same warped texture problem that ALL 3d PS1 games have. Guess they just copied and pasted the code.

Yeah, yeah, still looks better than static low poly. Texture bending, on the other hand, is just bad.

The fact that it was in 3D at all was cool back in the mid 90s. It didn't matter how shit it looks.

t. wesker

Nothing in the 5th gen looked good unless it was 2D. Not even at the time.

>Why did people think PS1 graphics were good?

source: my ass

PS1 was about the catalog, the FMV, the audio quality and the cheap games, not about the graphics you fucking gen Z kids

N64 looked much better. clean animations, textures and polygons

Why do people think we called it a ps1

Yeah user. You tell those jerkops. How about coming over to my place to play some Final Fantasy on my PlayStation? Or rather to clarify, since there are multiple PlayStations and over a dozen Final Fantasy games now, Final Fantasy 7 (the seventh one) on my PlayStation 1 (the first one)?

Half this board wasn't even BORN when PS1 came out


in a few years time os1 graphics will be the new pixelshit
accept it
enjoy it

You'd have to go out of your way to implement affine texture mapping. Indie devs tend to use existing game engines.

I've been waiting for it, can't be any worse than Atari stick-man pixelshit.

Except it will be completely half-assed and look stupid as fuck.


Some do some don't
Aesthetic > technical graphics, always