So what's Sup Forums's opinion on the Shadow Warrior reboots?

So what's Sup Forums's opinion on the Shadow Warrior reboots?

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shit modernized trash

Classic Sup Forums response. But seriously though I thought it was better than most fps's these days, definitely better than the new Doom. Why didn't you like it?

claims to be an old school shooter when the guns are trash, the swordplay is trash, has regeneration and every trash element that makes it the opposite of old school. enemies are laughable and boring to fight. there is nothing fun about this game.

>Score system that encourages getting your combat multiplier even higher!
Fuck you. I wanted a comfy single-player rooty-tooty and instead I have to think about whether i'm being efficient enough with my kill chains.

>Over-emphasis on sword combat.
Shadow Warrior 1 was never about sword combat. In fact you had two melee weapons and the fists were more enjoyable to use than the sword was.

>Shadow Warrior 2 trying to steal the Borderlands audience.
Christ almighty. That's how you know the series has hit the bottom.

Yeah i agree that it can't really be classified as an old school shooter. But it definitely isn't nearly as bad as you make it out to be. What other game has comparable single player sword play to SW? You're just being cynical for the sake of impressing the other cynical weeb/virgins on this site. If not, then give me some good examples of games I should play

I agree with you on the score system in 1, should've never been added.

What fists are you talking about? Shadow Warrior 1 didn't let you use fists

And yes, I also wish 2 kept the single player aspect. I wasn't a fan of the Borderlands BS

the swordplay isn't interesting. it's barely more interactive than skyrim. you mindlessly slash until they're dead. the abilities aren't interesting and are useless most of the time.

Shadow Warrior reboot was pretty fun for a modern single-player shooter. I didn't like the controls for the various sword powers, though. I don't know if they thought it was cool to use directional buttons to trigger special moves, or if they were just trying to make the game work on consoles, but either way, it was pretty annoying.

Shadow Warrior 2 is built around multiplayer so I never even considered buying it.

>Better than the new DOOM
Wew lad

Are you seriously comparing the sword play to Skyrim of all games? Skyrim's sword play is the clunkiest and most boring shit I've ever dealt with in my life. Like I said, give me a good example of a single player game with better sword play. I loved Chivalry's melee but too bad it's multiplayer only, I can't think of any other game with decent melee.

the first reboot was alright, the gunplay was pretty shit since only two of the guns were any fun to use, though the swordplay/magic were fun enough but could've been better
i enjoyed it enough to be interested in the second, but after i saw the fact it had randomized loot (a while before it came out) i dropped all interest in it

>definitely better than the new Doom
I liked the new SW games but this is wrong.

the first one was pretty neat it was mostly about the sword combat which is nice and responsive
half the game feels like a slog and there are loads of damage sponge enemies which are more of a chore than fun to fight against
2 is a weird one it's really a love it or hate it kinda deal, it does have loads of problems and is a bit rough around the edges but still a lot of fun
Ignore anyone who compares it directly to borderlands it's not really about the looting/upgrades it's just more like thing you do rather than seek it out.
not him but despite it's problems it's still better than the new Doom

it's literally no different than skyrim. the ONLY difference is a few abilities that i didn't bother to use as they didn't really change anything.

I enjoyed the hell out of the new Doom but it got so damn boring after about 20 hours. Seeing the same boring ass melee animations can only be fun for so long.

It kills me to agree because I feel the developers had great ideas, but the game just isn't fun to play. Playing the new DOOM it seems so obvious that Shadow Warrior was a lackluster revival for a lackluster game.

Have you tried equipping different runes? It can change the gameplay a ton

He means classic SW.

Fists were cool as shit when you used the Smoke Bomb item.

No different than Skyrim? You're a fool if you truly believe that. Skyrim has the slowest, clunkiest, and shittiest melee I've ever seen. SW is all about fast paced action, absolutely nothing like Skyrim

Shit I actually have SW Redux in my steam library but never played it, I should load it up sometime

lol are you serious. the only difference is the speed of the attacks. it's the same.

Pretty bad. they pretend that the games are old school inspired when they're not. I'd rather just play shadow warrior and if I wanted to play a crappy modern FPS, there are much better ones available.

> I can't think of any other game with decent melee.
you must not play SP melee games then
but SW's melee was decent enough, it could've been better if they'd added actual blocking and let you keep the completed sword for NG+ since that was fun as shit to use, but you only got to use it for about 2 minutes

I'm only a couple hours in and not at all bored yet, but I can see how many things can become trivial to do. The enemy types are great, but the game throws so much at you at random segments, it never feels like anything is too difficult to do. The biggest sin, I feel, is that the shotgun just isn't fun to shoot. I like enemies to pop when you hit em up close and they just don't ever seem to do it unless you kill em with explosives.

You never played classic SW? If you like Douk / Blood then you'll love SW.

Wait until you get the SSG.

>definitely better than the new Doom.
Retarded, shit taste opionion, level design was fuckin garbage, felt like i was playing a fuckin borderlands game.

Very offtopic, but same crowd; I know the DOOM multiplayer isn't very good, but is it completely dead now or was I having issues with my internet?

The first one is really dull. Guns arent fun to use, levels are linear and lifeless, sword is too abusable, fighting group after group in the same way gets tiring quickly. If I wanted a game like Painkiller id play Painkiller at least the guns there are fun to use and the levels have a nice spooky atmosphere despite the repetitive encounters.

I wasn't a fan of the new game plus either, I'd rather just start an actual new game. Any good SP melee games to recommend? After playing SW and Dishonored I've been looking for some more

Really why does everyone love the new Doom so much? I would think you guys would hate it, it is the most repetitive shit I've played in forever, granted the animations and gore is amazing but it gets so damn boring so quick

Dark Messiah cmon son

I watched some gameplay of that the other day and it looks pretty fun, is it any good?

Played the first on release. Weapon balance was hot garbage at the time, hope they fixed it. Randomized ammo pickups are annoying.

Levels were wildly uneven, difficulty spikes would come out of nowhere when you unknowingly drop into a hazard laden arena.

The writing was the studio bending to poltical pressure while half-assing the racing. They won't go full kung fu movie parody like the original, but Lo Wang can't drive worth a shit and all asian culture is one big morass in the game.

Powers didn't ruin the game like people said. You can't heal your way through a fight, not enough to use it as a crutch anyhow.

Haven't touched the reboot sequel.

dark messiah, severance blade of darkness, rune, jedi knight games, mount & blade
dark messiah is pretty good, it's linear but has an RPG system so you can complete the game with different playstyles

I'll probably download Dark Messiah tomorrow, the kicking mechanic looks funny as hell! Reminds me of Dying Light lol

zeno clash

fucking annoying puzzle sections
too many 4th wall breaks

Yeah, but its one of those games thats more about creativity than tight challenge. If you just want to get through it quickly you wont have fun, but if you get creative with its mechanics its a very fun rewarding combat sandbox. Dishonoured felt very much like a stealth focused spiritual successor to me

What did you think the original Doom is? Mazes, key hunts, and slaughter.

nuDoom scratches an arena shooter itch that most other shooters were ignoring for years because they were trying to be "realistic" without making any actual attempts at realism.

Nah i take my time going through games like that rather than rushing, I'll create a quicksave at 1 point then spend an hour trying to accomplish the objective in the coolest way possible lol. If it's anything like Dishonored than I'll probably enjoy it

The developer is totally incompetent and all their games are trash.

Its definitely a game for you then

Well obviously Doom is gonna be unrealistic, and yeah it does scratch that 'arena shooter itch' but that doesn't mean it doesn't get boring. For how much I loved the story and Doom guy is one of my favorite protagonists, it is just gets too boring too quick. Just like the original Doom

movement, interesting monster interactions and perfect weapon balance
nuDoom doesn't have any of this, I find it boring and soulless

Red Steel 2 has better swordplay than Shadow Warrior has. SW1 was good relative to other games at the time but playing it now its a chore

First one is ok but goes on too long. Sort of weird to say that but the game is literally longer than the max amount of entertainment you can get out of all its features combined. The story is astonishingly good for the sort of game it is.

Second one is basically a serious sam clone. It's fine. In no way life-changing but it adds enough to the combat system that you finish the game before it overstays its welcome

I liked SW1, hated SW2

Also this song played during the last boss fight of SW2 which instantly boosts it rep in my book

I played the first of the reboots and thought the level design was crap and it was really annoying how dashing at the top of stairs would kill you from the fall. Still liked it, 7/10.

Get the ice magic spell and cast it on the floor in front of a running enemy for additional slip n slide action.

Fucking garbage 1st person Diablo3 shit tier.

Fucking ruined.

'Fucking' lol man, thanks for the laugh.

Also Diablo in its entirety is shite, although I have no idea how you even managed to bring that game up when we are talking about a linear fps series...

D3 had enemies with random effects.

SW reboot added it

O damn my bad that 1 feature makes the games exactly alike then! Just joking you're a fuckin idiot

> autism

Coming from the guy comparing the Diablo series to Shadow Warrior

> autism intensifies

Are you a fucking downy, they claimed to base the game off of it, the loot system is EXACTLY like it as well, they even added a LOLBAR TORNADO spec v

everyone gets via warping in any direction

It was great back when we were starved for modern fast paced FPS's but nuDoom shits all over it.

Shadow Warrior 1 is a linear fps without a loot system, can't compare that in any way to Diablo. I guess you can compare the loot system in 2 to it but still, the actual gameplay is nowhere even close to being like Diablo. If you wanna look at inventory and loot systems only then let me get my list of games I could compare SW to.

Why's this retard talking about SW1

I didn't mean the Redux of SW1 from 1997 you fuckin dumbass nigger, I meant the 2013 reboot