Hey Sup Forums, I'm a PC gamer who likes RPGs. What game should I be playing? (serious post by the way...

Hey Sup Forums, I'm a PC gamer who likes RPGs. What game should I be playing? (serious post by the way, I'll weather the first 5-10 replies attempting to be witty and/or edgy to get to the non-autist who gives a few actual enjoyable suggestions).

Thanks in advance.

PS: Isn't it fucked up how I have to write that to even have a 10% chance of starting a normal or positive discussion about video games on Sup Forums?

I guess that depends, what kind of RPG's do you like?

Breath of the Wild


Nice buzzwords

Anyway, play Battletech games.


Mechwarrior 2-4, Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries

Mechcommander 1-2

Mechwarrior Living Legends

>Isn't it fucked up how I have to write that to even have a 10% chance of starting a normal or positive discussion about video games on Sup Forums?

You posted a bait image, ya fuckin' mongoloid.

Fuck off.

ignore MWLL, whoops.

Also try: The Witcher 3, Fallout New Vegas

Maybe Hexen

That bait image combined with that post?

It'd be great if there were actual substantive discussions on this board, and not just contrarianism and memes. I waste too much time on here anyway.

But to answer your question:
Dark Souls
Diablo 1 and 2
Any Elder Scrolls game
I hear Dragon Age and Mass Effect are good
Mount & Blade if you like open world stuff
Deus Ex is cool if you like sci-fi stuff


>uses an off-topic bait OP image for the (You)'s
>whines that Sup Forums threads are off-topic

cancerous faggots like you are why we can't have nice things here

Why not just start the thread with the picture text? What the hell is wrong with you? You know what you are fucking doing.

Fuck you, and everybody who posts images meant to "cover" off topic shitposts.

>b-b-but I was on topic!
>can't blame me if people want to talk about my image! It is and imageboard after all!

Your parents should have aborted you.

Nigress thread? Nigress thread.

This is now a bait-thread. Post rare bait.

Man you just went balls deep into proving the OP correct.

disingenuous threads like these, are started by people like you, which causes this board to be like that. get an emulator


>posts bait image
>expects civil discussion

You're %100 retarded

Is cemu that hard to use?

I'm willing to try anything as long as it has something engaging to offer (story, gameplay, etc). I'm even willing to try RPG/FPS, action RPG. Just kind of ran out of games lately.

Played both but after the influx of New Vegas threads on Sup Forums I kind of want to re-download and mod the hell out of it and give it a new playthrough.



You too, asshole.

>post bait
>get biters

Fuck you. Mods should ban both you and OP.





Sorry OP looks like Sup Forums doesn't want to do anything but shitpost in this thread as well.

You have a 10% chance of having a good thread when you post bait.


I honestly expected my OP image to bypass the people it's not actually about. Kind of like how when you bring attention to bad police officers other bad police officers are immediately offended while the good ones understand where you're coming from and agree.

Wonder which you are, seeing as you thought it was bait immediately?


>You too, asshole.

So you just admitted that you're just as bad and then you go ahead and say "people that bad should be banned but not me cuz I'm just fine"


Thanks for some legit suggestions.


this is skyrim mod thread now




What the fuck? Admitted i was as bad? I was saying everything i said in my first post also applies to you, hence "You too"

You're damn straight "but not me because im fine" im not the one going around making not-so-stealth off topic threads.

Also that is the correct form of "too", if thats what you are getting at.


He's fucking baiting you in a bait thread, my man. How are you missing this? That 'too' thing should've clenched it.


All three Dark Souls games are a lot of fun, just be patient when you play them. My favorite starting class is pyromancer, but classes only matter early game.

Listen man, I really wanted some ideas for a game to play. And although I still give Sup Forums as a collective some credit at knowing good games, I fully know that in order to even get close to tapping that knowledge base I'll have to overcome a wall of bullshit bigger than anything any nation will ever build. I was just trying to eliminate the literal half a dozen+ shitposts of teenagers trying to be edgy and as I typed more and more I realized how fucking annoying it was I even had to do it. You'll notice I titled my OP image like I did because I am aware it's not pleasant.

But it's fucking true. Not a bait post.

I know. I'm just tired of it.

If you've enjoyed NV then Fallout 3
oblivion and morrowind if you haven't already

Also here's an unrelated question
why do people double space their posts? like



what's the point?



Well, now you know for the future not to post antagonizing images meant to alienate an entire 50% of a board's userbase, when at the same time acting surprised when you dont get solid discussion from that same board.

Lesson learned.

I figured it makes it easier to read.

Because it separates thoughts and looks nicer. Easier to read.

If you mean separating from the actual post number than it's just how they do.




I know I'll be crucified for saying this (Sup Forums was never good, etc) but it was NOT always like this. Even a few years ago this board offered a lot of truly neutral and welcoming discussion about video games. It is not fun being this jaded.


Get fucked, he's right. I'd rather have a brutally honest guy calling people out than stupid hug boxy bullshit like you suggest.

Try system shock 1 & 2, VTMB, Planescape: Torment.


>why do people double space their posts?
I usually do it for basic readability. If a post is more than a few sentences a double space is a nice way to break up a chunk of text, or start talking about a different but somewhat related idea with a nice clear separation between them. It doesn't seem like a lot but I've found it's a nice way to stop people from getting things confused.

>Get fucked, he's right. I'd rather have a brutally honest guy calling people out than stupid hug boxy bullshit like you suggest.

What the fuck does that have to do with discussing video games?




Way to strawman. Nowhere did i suggest "stupid hugboxy bullshit"

Unless you consider on topic posting with an appropriate image to set the tone for the thread "stupid hugboxy bullshit".

Also, nice on topic afterthought to cover your tracks.


Are you new here?

The only thing his image would do is attract shit posters and people calling him a moron, which is exactly opposite of what his intentions were. Anyone wanting to discuss video games would know to stay far away from this thread


don't want to sound like a frogposter or anything but reeee normies get out seriously


It means that I'd rather discuss video games with people who have the goddamned courtesy to call others out on bullshit because the last fucking thing this board needs is fucking lemmings abiding by horseshit of this magnitude. I can actually respect the opinions of people who have the balls to call things as they see them instead of playing coy with no intentions of changing the fucking status quo of shitposting 24/7 and derailing any and all discussion. So I reiterate: GET. FUCKED.

If you're ok with some hard shit try some of the Wizardry series. Are you ok with emulating and/or jrpgs op?

Holy shit what a loser.

There, just called you out on your bullshit, you like that? I bet you do. hell, you probably even like me now because im so honest about how much a fucking failure you are.

Emulators are the way to go op. Start your search from the older and work your way to the newer to get a baseline.

I didn't realize OP was keepin' real by being a passive-aggressive bitch complaining about people not discussing video games while goading people into shitposting then acting surprised with people shit up his thread.

>waaah, Sup Forums is mean and stupid
Hey there gamer, if you want some REAL discussion, just head on over to Reddit dot com!

>Way to strawman. Nowhere did i suggest "stupid hugboxy bullshit"

Well, now you know for the future not to post antagonizing images meant to alienate an entire 50% of a board's userbase, when at the same time acting surprised when you dont get solid discussion from that same board.

If you get triggered by that image how about you grow some thicker skin instead of bitch? Instead of crying "OH WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE SO MEAN" you should probably take a step away from your computer and ask yourself "should I really be here?" Last I fucking checked you haven't contributed shit to this thread, so you can fuck yourself over to . At least I'm posting suggestions so he can tl;dr my posts and skip to the end for relevant shit. The fuck have you done besides cry bait?

Other suggestions, this time emulated:
SMT series, probably starting with Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2. Some final fantasy games are good: 5, 6, 7, 9 are all heavy hitters for different reasons, and 8 has its niche. Your mileage may vary. Chrono trigger is lauded, give it a shot. Some people like its sequel Chrono Cross. Try that too if you feel like it, but the story shits itself late in the game.

When I saw the thread image and the pretentious drivel written in the OP I hoped that it'd be full of shitposting. Nice to see it was. I took the bait in replying to this thread though, so congrats in that.

very good post

I don't give a shit how you feel about me but at least you have the common courtesy to post some fucking suggestions. So thank you for at least moving discussion along. I respect your opinion on video games because you feel strongly enough about them to discuss them to some capacity. Maybe with a couple good twists people can pull the sticks out of their asses long enough to stop getting offended by being called a fucking loser and actually talk about vidya. Also liking someone and respecting their opinions can be different things.

I hear Wild Arms is a pretty good series of RPGs, though I don't know much about it. Breath of Fire 1-3 is also pretty good. I think SaGa Frontier has some fanfare, as well, but those games are pretty hit or miss from what I've heard.