Gets ending A

Gets ending A

Complains that the game didn't answer any of the questions raised and doesnt want to bother playing through the same game again to get the answers.


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Everyone is calling him out for that on twitter and FB, but it doesn't matter because his score counts anyway.

That's why metascore is a fucking joke. The dude didn't even want to play Nier, he wanted to play Zelda instead and let his bias make him stop playing the game around 30% in and give a shit review, but whatever, still counts and you can't do anything about it!

I don't think he even finishes anything.
In his BoTW review he says something like, "I’ve no trouble recommending The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild based on what I’ve seen so far."

Putting personal politics in your review is bad enough but at least those people (for the most part) complete the game. Even fucking polygon doesn't put up reviews until they finish it.

He's literally worse than polygon.

Let that sink in.

He's getting shredded for that.


So when I deleted all my data, did my file turn into a vengeful spirit to defend Taro's game?

>Professional review

I got blocked by him 1 minute after these

i agree that he can't complain about the story's ending but it wasn't fun enough to justify playing through the same exact fucking game with a different character model just to progress a completely generic "dude aliens and jesus metaphors lmao" JRPG-tier story (lat least at the time of ending A) then that's a bigger issue on the game's part

so am i pretty safe in just ignoring every single side quest?

i JUST now unlocked the ability to warp to any vending machine, but doing side quests up til now was giving me PTSD from the Witcher 1 where you'd just constantly run from one side of the map to the other. do they get better or is it basically only worth doing side quests if i'm strapped for cash?

To be fair most people are not used to Taro endings. They think NG+ is just going to be more difficult and that's it.

I dunno, I'm one of the sad people waiting for the PC release :( but I'll probably be trying to 100% it

Except from what I've heard the game literally tells you it'll be different

You get Chapter Select at the end of Ending C.

Teleporting makes sidequests significantly easier to digest since you just move shorter distances now.

Square enix flat out has the ending message say that ng+ is different with more story.

>To be fair...
You know the game has full screen announcement from Square Enix after you get ending [A] that the story continues and you get more gameplay mechanics.

I haven't played Nier Automata, but did play Nier and did all endings/platinum trophy.

Doing additional playthroughs really didn't offer anything new gameplaywise. Some story, sure, but that was a lot of hours of doing the same shit I did the first time just for that. I can see why most people think getting the first ending is good enough. It'd be like critisizing someone for clearing a game on Normal, but they didn't play it on Hard and Expert as well after.

was that there in 1.0 or did they add that in an update

nierfags are literal babies

a guy gave it a bad review get over it

Automata is a different case because a bunch of different things do happen in the routes to the other 4 endings, unlike the original nier. The third playable character isn't even usable until the third playthrough, and unlike nier where beating it once would still be somewhat ok, you'd feel like nothing happened after beating automata once.

>I can see why most people think getting the first ending is good enough

Except you start route B in almost a completely different fashion from your first playthrough.

I got that from JP version, 2 days after release.
Not sure if it was 1.0 or patched already.

Imagine if all of the reviewers didn't bother playing Undertale after the first playthrough.

You're right, the review was bad. He really should have been more thorough in his criticisms.

>but that was a lot of hours of doing the same shit I did the first time just for that.
Not really. You could finish second half of Nier in hour and a half and only time consuming part was gathering all weapons if you didn't do it as you went.

literally autistic

>i can't be bothered to play 2/3 of the story
>5/10 game is BAD doesn't answer shit
Yeah, why the fuck would anyone complain about that?
It's completely normal 'professional gaming journalism'
Fucking whiners.

I only accept reviews from grognards who have finished their games at least 7 times.

Maybe if he spent more time with the game, he could have decided whether his impressions were positive or negative.

I wonder if I can also get money for writing bad reviews of things I refuse to do.

>Games like BotW, Skyrim, Ass Creed get good scores because you can experience the entire game in the first quarter
>Games that are large, expansive like Nier get shit scores because reviewers are lazy, biased hacks
And to think some people actually defend Metashithole and IGN

>I wonder if I can also get money for writing bad reviews of things I refuse to do.
Sure, ask Sony / Nintendo / Microsoft for shill $ and 'review' enemy consoles' game.

>Uncharted 4 gets a meme review from a newspaper that didn't even have it's own score before Metacritic just gave it one that brought down the average
>Sup Forums thinks this is hilarious
>Nier gets a meme review from some guy who obviously doesn't get it that brings down the average
>Sup Forums thinks this is an outrage

Uncharted is an exclusive

>And to think some people actually defend Metashithole
No one does, everyone shits on it because 'professional' reviews are paid / biassed and unproffesional and user reviews are battleground for system wars.

Sup Forumstards post Metacritic because it's premium shitposting fuel, that's all.

He's an asshole and an example of what is wrong with modern day gaming reviewers but there's not much that can be done other than call him out for it and boycott his reviews.

IGN is somewhat ok, a bit hit or miss depending on who reviews their games. Tales of Berseria got a good score because the person who reviewed the game actually likes the series. Then again, theres the issue of being biased because of revieeing a series you like, but thats way better than half-assing your playthrough and calling it a "review." If anything IGN is fair game in a sea of shitty mainstream videogame reviewers

Well, I could write for Sony but I get the distinct feeling they'd probably want me to work as a hype man for ghostbusters 2. Damage control that hemorrhaging film division. Or that hemorrhaging TV division. Or that hemorrhaging music division. Pretty much try to stop internal bleeding in anything that isn't video games, which can at least said to only have an advanced state of cancer.

I could review for Nintendo, but I kind of doubt anyone there could hear me. Aren't they all over 110 years old? Lost in memories of years when they had harems of Korean comfort women and piles of Chinese babies to roast over an open grorious nihon fire.

I can't write for Microsoft because there are no games to shill for.

Uncharted fans aren't as autistic as taro/Platinum fans

I'm an autistic Platinum/taro fan.

And not trying to sound superior or pretentious, but uncharted is popcorn brainless fun. There's nothing to "get".

A game shouldn't require multiple playthroughs to be good. Nier was just as a mess as this. Fucking weebs will make any excuse for jap creators' failures.


Holy shit this is a new level of lazyness from the chinks

And worse you blind fanboys are defending it

One is on PC which is 95% of Sup Forums's population

I do plan on getting Automata when I can and getting the platinum out of it.

Yeah, I was remembering getting all the weapons that I didn't even need at that point, and a lot of time getting the resources, like fishing for rusted clumps (or whatever it was) that took forever.

I still loved Nier and am looking forward to Automata. Love the ass shots I've seen so far. Trying not to spoil things too much for myself, but I did like the demo. The little robot shooting things seems kinda weird.

Yeah I hate when my games have content

Anyone here still for the "skip combat button" in games?

>ignorant retard openly flaunts his ignorance

Let him keep the review up, Yoko Taro would want that.

Need some help.

Level 13, stuck on Adam and Eve. I'd leave the underground, but I can't find a way back up. Dying just respawns me in front of the boss. One hit from them kills me. Wat do

Taro is fueled by his fan's despair so it makes sense

Personally I prefer games where the whole story is told in one playthrough (I'm not the biggest fan of replaying games), but I'm really excited to play Nier after watching a stream of it yesterday. It looks like an absolutely beautiful game.

No spoilers please, I'm trying to avoid spoilers until the PC version comes out


>"wtf?! I have to *PLAY* a video game?! 5/10!
Point to the doll where a nierfag touched you, super cuck

Don't get hit

They aren't really spoilers. It's early as fuck in the game and they aren't named until that point. You'll be okay.

Please tell me that you're fishing for (you)s or are just retarded.

Don't take the 'multiple playthroughs' part too seriously.
Anons can't be bothered to explain properly and then people get wrong ideas thinking you play the same whole game 5 times to get main endings which is completely false.

How the fuck did Nier become popular with normalfags? This is what happens when you keep posting 2B's ass and then the hipsters jump on board allowing the fucking normalfags to swoop in.

Wow your twitter must be so much fun to follow

Platinum game, cute female MC laden with fanservice, available on pc. Pick one or all



Ehhhhh, not really. Feel free to look at it and bully me

pc and thicc memes

everything gets worse when it hits pc

There are a lot of people replying directly to him and getting blocked; what everyone SHOULD be doing is bringing it up to @NationalPost.

>wtf I have to play video games?? fucking mess

Fucking Chads.

so does the game really branch off significantly depending on the choices?

Is he verified on metacritic?

>m-m-muh metacritic scores

fucking nu-males

That raises the question of why even end the game at all if you're not really done with it. I mean, replay value is fine and all, but this just seems like blatant padding. Honestly, the fact that have to outright tell you to keep playing tells me that they expected people to make the same mistake and they wanted to make it as unambiguous as possible so as to avoid criticism.

It obviously didn't work very well.

Pasta time, some very minor spoilers ahead:

Game is divided into two parts.
You play through first part with 2B first, 9S hangs around most of the time.
Ending [A] follows.
Then you reply same timeframe from 9S' perspective (you'll see what the shota was up to when he wasn't hanging out with 2B)
Ending [B].
Second part of story starts.
You switch between playing 2A and 9S for 4 chapters.
Once certain event happens game switches between characters automatically as needed.
You get ending [C] or [D] depending on your decision at the end of this part.
Once you get [C] or [D], chapter select becomes available so you can chose any part of the story and jump right in (like if you got ending [C] you can start from the decision and outright pick [D] without replying the 2nd half of the game).
Chapter select also allows you to finish quests you might have failed or ignored at the time.

>credits roll not even halfway through the game
>this is somehow the player's fault

Yoko Taro is a retarded idiot for rolling the credits 20 times a game.

If the game has more story and more content that the fans apparently deem as mandatory, stop rolling credits and forcing people back to the main menu multiple times.

I was initially worried about playing as 9S doing the same shit again but the route does give you some interesting perspective. Plus you get some new side quests that really help give you a better understanding of 2B.

you're on a board full of nu-males. Quit your bitching

As long as there is no rhythm game ending...

No one stopped playing MGSV when credits rolled 30+ times. Shut the hell up.

>reading "professional" reviews

why, user?

why do that to yourself.

Really great and accurate comparison user, keep up the quality posting.

>Die on the tutorial
>Credits start rolling

Anyone have that webm of how to beat the third speedstar?

Also holy fuck trying to do all the sidequests I missed before I do ending E is hell, I have no motivation

I did. Because I was so fucking mad after "chapter 1".

I can appreciate it from a gameplay standpoint but it was infuriating as a metal gear fanboy

You know you can get credits rolling few seconds after you get control of your character for the first time.
>guess that was it.
>somewhat short, but pretty sweet, 7/10

Maybe instead of calling them "ending a, ending b, ending c, and ending d", people should have been calling them "part 1, part 2, part 3, ending a, ending b"

I clocked 18 hours today after beating the game for the first time

I'm pretty sure at least half of that was the fucking speedstar

never figured it out

>I can't differentiate a joke ending with an actual ending
>it even has a fast forward effect

the problem is the "actual" ending isn't the actual ending

why even have an "ending" after the Eve fight?

>to jump or not to jump


>thinks his posts are quality.

You're as retarded as the reviewer. He literally just saw credits and pat himself on the shoulder. Maybe you both should get a room and fag it up.

Speed Salves / Movement Speed Chips

But oh wait people think this is just a character action game and not an ARPG so no one uses the items.

>I can't differentiate what is basically a chapter ending with an actual ending
>it even has a full screen announcement that it's not the final ending
guess people are mashing too hard


He's getting chewed out good and proper.

no, it has a screen saying "Thank you for playing the game, now play it again"

not even trying

Oh c'mon, cut me some slack. I'm doing a double here.

They're the Ending of Acts.

End of the 2B Act
End of the 9S Act
End of the 2A Act
End of the 9S Act 2
End of YoHRA Act

They're fucking endings. The issue is that people make assumptions like retards.

Endings of an act? Why stop there? Why not call the end of every single level its own ending? why not call every single cutscene an ending? It IS technically an ending, it's ending the segment of gameplay you just completed.


Because you're confusing minor story beats with major story beats.

Those five endings represent the conclusions of the major story beats. The other 21 endings represent conclusions to story beats that don't fit the narrative but allow you for freedom.

>some hipster beats the first ending and gives the game a low score.
This shit happens with every Yoko taro game, I'm surprised he's the only one.