Did you ever play video games with your dad?

did you ever play video games with your dad?

I grew up up playing Tony Hawk with my Dad. Last summer we sat down and beat THPS 2 in one sitting, taking turns. My dad is pretty cool.

Reminder that baron is a sperg

One of us, One of us

What games does Barron like?

Never, he thought they were a waste of time

He plays Modern Warfare 2

>Trump will never be your dad

I was just playing dark souls 1 with my dad. He's terrible, but it's a good bonding thing I guess.

4D chess

You wouldn't know it from his height, but he's 10 years old and we only ever see him at events that are way past his bed time.

>Wanting to be ugly

Back to your playpen babies

Remember to report Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums.

But isn't the entire united states is a safespace for trump supporters?

So why are Sup Forums obsessed with spamming other boards with interracial porno, anyway

>Talking about games you play with your father is morally wrong

Do you SJWs even listen to yourselves anymore, or have you all gone completely insane?

I played fighting games with my dad, and he kicked my ass everytime. Taught me to get gud

God damn I love Sup Forums. Only those crazy fuckers could get a presidential candidate to chase after fictional Nazi frogs on TV.


I used to play Doom with him and my uncle all the time, mom would freak out because of the violence. Good times.

>wanting your dad to be attacked by the liberal kike media, the neocohen kikes, the Hollywood kikes, the music industry kikes, the banking kikes and all other filthy jews 24/7
>wanting liberal crazies to call for the assassination of your dad

No thanks, I'd rather be a poorfag.

My father and I played Mario 64 together when I was much younger. I believe that was the only game he ever played. I can't remember much about my dad though except us trying to beat the game and a few things here and there.


Aww, does poor /leftypoz/ babby need some play-doh and non-triggering coloring books? :3

leave play-doh out of this you nigger

>defending raiding other boards
Literally kill yourself.

>wanting to be the son of a man who's fans are insane like this user

I played kings field, DOOM, I think it was called TRAP, and other games when I was younger. We still talk about games sometimes and asks for my advice on which ones are good.

He's playing Subnautica right now and whatever MMO flavor of the month he's discovered with dear ol' mom.

Is that why Trump thinks vaccines cause autism?

t. butthurt Hillary shill. How does it feels getting rekt by a game show host that ran because he was bored?

I tried

he didnt care for it much

Used to play Mario with my dad. He still plays black ops 1 zombies every day. Each time I go over there he's always on kino der toten

Says the SJW, who is always invading other communities and lobbying for safe spaces.

I said kill yourself, newfag.

Go back to your designated safe space Sup Forums

My dad asked me to play one pes match (ps2) when I was in high school and I destroyed him, like 7-0 in the first half, very akward situation. I used to play mortal kombat with my mum when I was a little kid tho.

we used to play ISS Soccer Pro on PS1 and every time he scored he would play and rewind the replay of his ball hitting the net over and over, and only the goal scorer's controller could skip it, so I'd get super annoyed and try to press the button on his controller while he just kept playing and rewinding that fucking goal

wouldn't change it for the world

Why do SJWs get so ridiculously upset whenever they see an image with the US president and try to derail threads over it?

How did Trump manage to have a kid at that age?

Let's invade Sup Forums

Star Trek Online.

He's got so many hours in that game and has spent so much money it's incredible.

benis in bagina :DDDD

I'd make a cuck joke but the kid kind of looks like him

Kill yourself, SJW.

I'm not from Sup Forums, but please keep advertising for them.

My dad plays nothing but Overwatch, non-stop.
It makes it more frustrating that I don't feel like playing it anymore. :( He wants me to teach him Minecraft but it's an uphill battle.

Before that it was TF2, and before that Diablo 2.

>Trump's kid

Probably got Donald Jr. to do his wife desu.

He used Alex Jones' male vitality

Not the Sup Forums guy but why do people say Sup Forums has a safe space when they are almost exclusively politically incorrect?

Holy shit stop replying the obvious bait isnt this board supposed to be about vidya? No wonder shitposters and newfags get redirected here

>playing a perfectly normal game
>doing game stuff
>some guy spergs out and yells "NUKE THE JEWS"
>in a server where there are hundreds of people
>not even remotely considerate that some jew might be trying to play the game without having to worry about being holocausted
I swear Sup Forumstards aren't people

It's a safe space for life-failure Sup Forumsacks.

>It's a Sup Forums boogeyman vs SJW boogeyman episode

It's like console wars without the vidya.

>all these fools who don't see the fact that we're just holograms existing in a Reptiloid AI's sense of consciousness

You deserve to have the Babylonian Brotherhood rule you through the Jesuit proxies.

Being only politically incorrect makes a de facto safe space.

>SJW cumshitter mocking safe spaces

That retarded shit came from YOUR side, senpai. :^)

Shitlibs projecting.

This thread was about dads playing games though, it just happened to have a picture of trump and his son

Oh yeah my dad used to play Mario Kart and Bomberman with me back in the Super Nintendo day---oh god this thread.

His wife's son maybe.

Is Sup Forums Sony and SJWs Nintendo?

They are a different sort of politically correct. One with strong backing from the MIC.

A man could still have prime sperm at any age, the woman's eggs are the one's that has an expiration date.

whos xbox then?

My dad is now old. It's heartbreaking. I played Gram Turismo with him as a kid because he loves cars.

you too

Jeb Bush

>Nintendo censors games
>Sony is more reasonable, but nobody ever pays attention to them

Sounds about right.

Men can have kids at any age, it's the women's eggs that expire.

Never met him

Do you get mad when people shout "faggot" while playing Call of Duty too?


he's a winner though user, maybe marco rubio instead
this makes more sense

>lets piss in the piss ocean

More like Nintendo is Sup Forums with all their problematic WHITE MALES and TWO GENDER options.

But Barron looks like him

Never, not once. After 20 years.

Because Barron is his grandkid.

Trump has a cuck fetish but his ego would only let another Trump cuck him.

Jews reap what they sow.

Rich people can't be ugly

No, getting authorities to enforce your point of view by banning dissenting opinions is what a safe space is. It's how SJWs spread, by getting a forum moderator or some other person in power to set a precedent by deleting posts that "trigger" SJWs. You can say whatever you want on Sup Forums and people can call you a faggot for it, but that's the end of it. People who want certain posts to be ban worthy because of opinions are people trying to set up safe spaces. That's why SJWs get called on it here and are told to fuck off.

Don't bully Barron-kun.

Nah, pol and Sony like to yell "B-But Nintendo/Trump" when someone presents conflicting favts

>playing call of duty

Nintendo can never be Sup Forums after what NoA SJWs did to Jap games.


I am sad, not mad. That guy was mad. At the Jews.

The fact that you equate a sort of male who is too weak to breed with an ethnic group also saddens me, because in all likelihood you are yourself a faggot. I cannot guess how many Jews you have run into, but my guess is if you have run into the standard sample size of Western countries, you have run into multiple Jews who were significantly less homosexual than yourself.

Reminder that video games destroy valuable brain cells and should be banned for making people violent and autistic. If you value yourself or your country you would quit playing them and begin working with your local Republican party to help speed along the takeover of the country from the liberals and help put everyone who voted for Hillary in jail.

I didn't even vote for him and I agree. Pretty crazy how much negative attention the media has lavished on him even with his POTUS status.

You mean Barron-chan

Jill Stein

>letting nerds on a Tibetan flip book tell you what to play
>not playing modern warfare 1 or black cocks 1

>No, getting authorities to enforce your point of view by banning dissenting opinions is what a safe space is. It's how SJWs spread, by getting a forum moderator or some other person in power to set a precedent by deleting posts that "trigger" SJWs.

Exactly. Hence why liberal pozcuckolds are getting triggered and destroyed ITT. Just like old Sup Forums !

No, a safe space can be a de facto safe space. Pol is one. Also at this point i rather have some SJW mods than polfaggots. Those fuckers are getting really fucking annoying.

That kid is legit autistic. Probably cause Trump had him when he was so old.

>Barron grows up to be a sissy slut embarrassing his family

This has to be the most fucking moronic post I've read in a while. Congratulations, user.

Sup Forums is not a safe space as dissenting opinions aren't banned like say NeoGaf which is a geniune SJW safe space where you probably originated from.

Trump himself is autistic.

>Also at this point i rather have some SJW mods
Either you're extremely ignorant or one yourself.

He looks like melting ice cream m8


I still play games with my pops from time to time.
I grew up watching him play classics on the ps1, like the first silent hill. He's the one who got me into gaming nowadays.