Why aren't there more gay relationships in vidya? It's 2017, shouldn't gamers at least be given the choice?
Why aren't there more gay relationships in vidya? It's 2017, shouldn't gamers at least be given the choice?
Yeah I'm sure Timmy is more afraid of getting called a faggot than Mgongo or Mohammed are afraid of being killed
>what is bioware
nice bait image though
i personally believe we should genocide all gay people. ive had enough of you faggots, now's your time to die
That seems like a whole lot of projection and baseless speculation with no sources given.
>get a 4
>jesus says check this 6
lol numbers xd
No kidding, it's some garbage probably fake buzzfeed nonsense. Pretty good for Sup Forums bait when we're already extremely sensitive to any anti-white or anti-western sentiment though
gee i wonder who wrote this article
The monkey?
>whites are least likely to be comfortable recognizing that they're gay
Most places with brown people you will be arrested or executed on the spot.
blacks are most likely to be gay in america. then it's asians, then latinos, and last is whites. whites are the least gay for some reason
>Especially If They're White
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Is it gay sex if I fuck a girl (male)?
Because whites have attractive women unlike all the others you just listed
I do not need an article to tell whether I might enjoy being sodomized when prison has already done that for me.
>especially if they're white
Jesus, they aren't even trying to hide about destroying the West and white people specifically.
How the fuck did it get to this point?
>especially if they are white
Hey rabbi
I sure as fuck wasn't, why should anyone else
Stop reading there. All these top list articles are complete garbage
why not blacks or asians?
By refusing to name the Jew.
looks like it was taken down. Very convenient bait though.
I find sex disgusting.
Make having gay options the more profitable choice.
I woulda thought that black or arabs would be least likely to admit their homosexuality.
Especially given how whites being masculine seems to be taboo.
Get out of this board Faggot
In terms of gayness they are all gay but
Getting fucked by a male >>>> getting fucked by a trap >>>>>>>getting fucked by a shemale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fucking a male >>>>>>>>> fucking a trap >>> fucking a shemale
Being on the receiving end from anybody is already a terrible sign, being on the receiving end of another male means you're practically a woman.
>whites being masculine seems to be taboo
it's not. just because you see literally shaking on twitter does not mean that it is any way taboo in society for white people to be masculine. This is the danger of consuming too much media.
arabs celebrate a day every week were they can be gay with each other, they rape boys because they are for pleasure while women/girls are for procreating
Because gays are really fucking rare.
Haven't played these games, but someone mentioned the idea of bonus clip at the very end where the two best bros end up making out, out of nowhere, and how hilarious a shitstorm it would end up being
What if you're being pegged by a woman?
And what if two big bears fuck each other? Are they both practically women? And if they're practically women does that mean it's not gay to fuck them?
I would say uncommon is more appropriate than really rare, I see gays almost every day wherever I go. And that's just the obviously homo ones.
Tried it. Pussy feels objectively better. Nice try, Schlomo.
>whites are the least likely to be comfortable recognizing that they're gay.
Wait, what? Really, what?
Do they mean in America, or overall?
Go to any other country and see just how wrong this is.
unfortunately you can't make those kind of jokes anymore because people would think it's "the gay agenda" instead of just a joke
>Nice try, Schlomo.
Confirmed for not having tried any sex.
Handjobs from yourself don't count.
>Tried it
you cant prank your friends with the "i am gay"post because they either get offended or show to be supportive