Why are WRPG love interests always slutty and whorish where as jrpg lobr interests are pure maidens?
Why are WRPG love interests always slutty and whorish where as jrpg lobr interests are pure maidens?
Western women are whores
You should stick with that strategy of calling all women who will consider sleeping with you sluts and whores. It should work out well.
Who the fuck said they'd consider sleeping with me and who the fuck said I'd want to sleep with them?
Yes they are whores, get over it you ugly sjw princess.
There are plenty of WRPG love interests who are pure maidens though. Morrigan isn't the standard. Interestingly enough Morrigan is also a better character than your average JRPG pure maiden.
I'm sorry? Are you asking why Japanese RPGs are more innocent and simpler characterizations that don't reflect women at all?
Versus comolex, morally ambiguous, flashed out concepts with motivations beyond being held prisoner and captured?
I'm not sure, I'll get back to.it when I'm done having fun with a legit game and not a loli sim.
(((they))) are working hard to destroy family
Because the west and the east fetishize different types of women.
The gay agenda is a powerful force of evil.
>Good girl = stupid
>Whore = complex
Anita, pls
West wants women to be whores and STD-riddled. East wants pure and loyal women.
Don't say shit about my witchfu m8
Because JRPG love interests are 12 year olds
This actually ends up being the case more often than not.
You forgot to say
>pic unrelated
I thought Morrigan was the pure one but a huge bitch and Leliana was a slut but was trying to be a good person.
>slutty and whorish
Pretty sure she's loyal to you boyo. Even Leliana, the most slutty of the Origin companions, is completely faithful
CDPR are slavs.
It was, though Leliana was never really a slut.
Weirdly enough, the series' biggest whore, Zevran, still gets pissed off if you sleep around with other people.
Nice try, sluuuuuut.
Yeah, she was. She slept around quite frequently before finding religion.
From my exprience, it is like that IRL. American women have sex sooner, become single moms way more often, you get the idea.
>t-trust me, I've changed! My past doesn't define who I am now
>America fought a whole war to prove they aren't European
>Take credit for stuff Europe does anyway
Bow down to your Slav overlords, Murica.
Because filthy otaku are obsessed with purity above anything else. While Western audience prefer more realistically written characters who are depicted doing human things including but not limited to having romantic and sexual relationships.
It's true though. "Sluts" as you call them are much more likely to get actual character development and have more than one layer to their personality. Meanwhile the generic pure maiden is nothing but a generic pure maiden, because if she had any sort of depth to her people wouldn't like her as much.
People that want a pure maiden want a fantasy blow-up doll who has no personality. That's why the Yamato Nadeshiko is so popular.
JRPG main characters are just younger. Never above 25.
I was embarrassed when she talked about my warden's prowess in bed.
Because Japan understands that cute is justice.
Not always.
Wasn't her whole shtick about acting all mature and experienced while being totally naive inside? Like she tells you all about how she was once disciplined by her mother for being interested in superficial, petty things like jewellery and that she is now above such immature, material things yet that stuff is what makes her happiest when you gift it to her.
But then again, there is that dialogue about her getting down to all kinds of weird shit while having taken the form of an animal.
That's a pretty big head
>a woman's personality is measured by the amount of dicks they take
That's a interesting point of view.
>I-Its me who doesn't want them
lmao autistic faggot
Because the west is in decline as a civilization. Why do you think they're importing 3rd world newtons and einsteins?
Pure maiden > stronk empowered womyn who don't need no
>an autist perception of a woman's personality is measured by the amount of dicks she does or doesn't take
I really do feel sorry for your generation.
You should kill yourself and avoid your future.
Jesus Christing Christ, what the fuck is that thing?
the Sup Forumstards take on historical processes is such a funny thing to read
Female character with a personality who can take care of herself >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pure Maiden > Stronk empowered woman
>muh experienced at sex meme
thanks for telling us you never had a good lay
Pure Maiden character with a personality who can take care of herself >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Female character with a personality who can take care of herself >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pure Maiden > Stronk empowered woman
>pure maidens
because more often than not people aren't pure maidens, and the developer's main audience might not be the perfect escapist fantasies of those whose sexual development was stunted during adolescence.
nobody besides ultimate autists and bibltards give a fuck about maidens m8o
>Pure Maiden character
>with a personality who
These are a direct contradiction, as 'pure maidens' have no personality beyond being nice sweet girls. They also usually can't take care of themselves, though in some cases they can to some extent.
Are you alright, user?
Ironically, young asari in general are still sluts. That one is just the odd one out.
Except for the part where she throws herself at Shepard the moment she gets the chance you mean?
Morrigan is pure. PURE!
West Slavs.*
We are not fucking Russians, you retard.
To be fair, that was her being a nerd and Shepard being an unusual case of getting-brainfucked-by-ancient-tech.
Morrigan isn't really that slutty though is she? I mean, in the first game I think she might suggest that her mother would keep men around but Flemeth was already a whore for centuries on end. I dunno if it's actually stated that Morrigan has done the same thing, and she's pretty possessive of "Her Warden" in inquisition if you made those choices.
Just curious.
You can't get much sluttier and whorish than Triss
I want to kiss her neck and bite her ears but I'm not sure she'd be okay with that
You can get Yen.
Because otaku HATE realistic women and will only pay for pure maidens that fit into easily understood tropes.
Companies have literally been boycotted before for making their women impure.
>pure maidens
Fight me to death, asshole. You'll never speak Morrigan's name with your filthy mouth ever again.
i want her to literally turn into a bitch and pound and slap her doggie pusssy while she yelps and growls haha
This is getting kinky
but you were part of russia werent you? lmao mongol blood tainted you. you might as well be called easterners.
We've been under Germany for longer and more than Russia, does that make us Übermenschen?
literally all of europe has been tainted with mongol blood, except spain and italy whicch were tainted with moors and th balkans with turks
the anglos are inbred and worse than jews and nords are going extinct so who gives a fuck anyway
Central Europe was never subjugated by the Mongols, you mongoloid.
proto mongols, huns, whatver the fuck you wanna call them
>Being subjugated by the Huns
Go fuck yourself already you literal shit eater.
lmao they literally buttraped the whole germanic peoples into the west, you little hun spawn
Ah, the day of the rope for purityfags can't come soon enough.
>tfw theres only 2 (two) love interests for heterosexual males in inquisition
i actually ended up liking the nigress and wanted to bang her but you cant, what a waste.
>Pure Maiden character with a personality who can take care of herself
*takes breath*
I'm just throwing this here because this thought's been in my mind for some time.
The concept that a girl's value is measured according to how well she can resist to the desire to have sex, or, in case she's not a virgin anymore, to how many dicks she's taken (think about the epic key-lock analogy) is blatantly unnatural, nonsensical and, despite what purityfags say ("t-that's just how people are hardwired to act towards """sloots"""!") fake.
You do realize that, if the lock-key analogy was correct, the pinnacle of female perfection would be life-long virgins? Subsequently, perfection implies human extinction, which I would personally welcome, but the same people who complain about "sluts" very often also complain about shit like societal stability, economy and so on. I really wonder how they deal with the cognitive dissonance, if they even notice it.
Moreover, women past 40 who never got married and don't have kids are often the subjects of jokes and people's scorn, which furtherly shows how flawed a concept purity is, and how nobody takes it seriously apart from wingnuts, religiousfags and autists.
female sluts are bad because females get pregnant. its pretty simple. sorry you got saddled with such responsibility but its just life.
japs loathe women with ambition beyond getting married and serving their nation. it horrifies them.
like they say, if you're a woman then in people's eyes your either a maiden, a crone, or a whore. no inbetween
Ah so they're bad because they allow the human species to surivive. Really insightful.
lol. yeah thats what some poor teenager who gets knocked up and becomes a burden on her family is thinking. at least im continuing the species. please.
Not even that dude, but wut?
>Why are WRPG love interests always slutty and whorish
I fucking wish, most of them look like a man.
Strong short hair "woman"
Yen and Morrigan are probably only 2 hot waifu in WRPG
>Moreover, women past 40
Or women past 25 in Japan. So apparently the ideal is that a female:
>must stay pure until she's with the guy she will be with for the rest of her life
>must never be separated from said guy, as if she's lost her virginity she is used goods and unwanted by anyone else
>must find said guy and have any children before the age of 25
autism speaks
Same thing happened with me. I fucking hated the two actual female love interests but always had Vivienne on my team.
For all their talk of being inclusive and having relationships for every sexual orientation you'd think they'd just make everyone in the game fuckable.
Westerners bought into the whole "strong independent proud slut womyn who don't need no man" meme while Japs prefer women who are wife material.
>wife material
>the bitches in porn who just lie there and scream
can you bone morrigan in da3
not sure what you dont understand
women who are sluts are bad because if they fuck up they become a burden to everyone they know. just the ugly truth.
It wouldn't be an issue if strong female characters weren't so obnoxious and abrasive. It doesn't make sense either. In reality, anyone who is constantly combative or tries to prove their strengths ends up alone. Because nobody wants to have that shit hanging around. Goddamn.
For you
>representative of real life
Yeah, apparently Jap women are even worse in real life.
Somehow I doubt you're speaking from experience
Morrigan isn't slutty, she's just a barbarian who was raised in a swamp.
I would hope not, I haven't ever been to Japan.
It is well known that cuckold fetish is widespread among western gamers.
Because Japanese fathers slave at the office all day, 6 days a week, they rarely spend time with their children.
So basically you have a nation that are raised by women. Because of the lack of a father figure in their lives, the men have idiotic fantasies of purity, and incest. Which we can very clearly see manifested in games, anime and manga.