ITT: fuck you, I will like it

ITT: fuck you, I will like it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't give a shit about graphics and animation.
My main focus is combat and story.
Combat will likely be good.
Story is what has me worried.

How do you know you will like it? Shouldn't you wait until you've at least tried the game before you make claims like that?

I mean, it's an RPG that's extremely focused on story and characters. You can't really make that claim when we know so little about the story and characters

I'll enjoy laughing at it.

i hope you are not white. otherwise this game is not for you

so brave

99% of Sup Forums somehow knows they'll hate it, and Sup Forums is always wrong, so I know for a fact I'll like it.

>Combat will likely be good.
Lol what


>otherwise this game is not for you

This is a game where you play as a white male who fixes everyone else's mistakes and either fucks a blond white woman or tames aliens with your white cock

ME3's combat was good. Why wouldn't Andromeda's be?

>a galaxy that has had no contact with the human race whatsoever
>still need to check your white male cisgender privilege

>tfw went totally broke for the month because bought it

>knows he'll like it without having played it
this is how you know you're brainwashed

Nu-males aren't white.

If he's getting laid he's not a numale.

>Refrain is literally "I'm only human" the fucking trailer music is already making excuses for how much of a fuckup your character is going to be
Surely you are only pretending, right?

if you have such shit taste, you deserve what's coming faggot

As a wise puppet once said;

Everyone likes the occasional shitty thing. I like shitty things. Some movies are garbage but you have fun watching them anyways. But if you tell me anything except "Yeah I know it's broken, poorly animated, basically just a complete piece of shit, but I like it anyways.", you have no taste and your opinions are worthless.

No? Different developers?

>game isn't out yet
>"fuck you, I will like it"
I guess some people just want to be cucked

>how much of a fuckup you're going to be

You only need to take a look at the leaked achievement ship to see that you
>Save the Salarian Ark
>Save the Turian Ark
>Save the Asari Ark
>Solve the mystery of the Remnants
>Save the Krogan Colony
>Complete the Nexus
>Save Vetra's sister
>Unite all of the outposts to fight some big bad

Yeah, Ryder looks like a real fuck up

>combat looks really good
>RPG mechanics are improved, though I'm not sold on being able to change classes mid battle, looks like it's going to kill build variety/re playability
>world looks boring
>story and writing looks like trash
>gonna be a buggy mess on release

Probably going to be a solid 6/10 game that could've been better if not bogged down by the usual AAA bullshit. Gonna play it around mid year or late 2017/Early 2018 when nothing else is coming out.

You never no, you might not.

Aren't they combining all the classes or making it so you can switch on the fly or something? That sounds like if messed up could ruin the game. Also the animation seems shoddy. Granted though Sup Forums has been way too harsh about the character designs.

>not destroying the other arks and taking the galaxy for humanity

>the protagonist is another chosen savior
I hate it already. Is it too hard to make games where the MC isn't the solution to everyone's problems?

Anything about protecting humanity gets my juices flowing. Literally all they have to do is say humanity enough and I'm sold for the story.

I guess I'm a cheap date, but you'd be surprised how few game producers know how to push my buttons.

I'm sure the gameplay will be okay.

The story will be garbage and I don't want to fuck Blue Shrek.

The cutscene character animations look like shit, but what about the actual graphics. The ships in the cutscenes look good and the graphics ingame look great.

I really wish BioWare would stop giving each race/species in their games their own seperate area that needs saving.
>Go to elf area and save the elves
>Go to dwarf area and save the dwarves
It's boring.

>30fps with gtx1060
yeah nah

>looks like it's going to kill build variety

I'm honestly not sure why so many people feel this way. There are 9 biotic abilities, 8 tech ones, and 6 soldier skills. If you try to spread your skill points around and do everything you will be an ineffectual piece of shit that won't be able to do anything against insanity enemies with their extra defenses. And that's without even taking passives into consideration.
The game heavily encourages specialization toward a certain build with the way the profile system works.

I guarantee that trying to be a special snowflake jack of trades is going to fuck you over hard.

I liked all of mass effect, i even like mass effect 3 except for the shit endings, but other than the ending the rest of the game was good to me.

I even like DA:I as a whole, didn't like some of the characters (bull and sera are two obvious ones) but overall i liked the game quite a bit.

Andromeda seems like it's basically DA:I in space this time, so since i enjoyed both i'm sure i am going to like this too. Sup Forums makes a big deal about the wonky animations but bioware always had those, most i've seen aren't even that bad, the worst one is the disarming cutscene which looks hilariously bad, rest seem okay-ish though. My only worry is that gay tweet the other day saying a fucking gtx 1060 is "for 30 fps". If the game is so badly optimized your frames drop below 30 constantly then i will be pissed and turned off from the game, but i'm crossing my fingers that's just a marketing ploy so people don't expect constant 60 fps at 4k or some shit like that.

You can shit on me all you want for giving the game a fair shot, but i guess i'm just not so jaded to the point i nitpick the most minor of shit and say "game is 0/10 going to flop on launch" like most of Sup Forums seems to be.

>blue and orange
>character standing around for no reason

Fucking marketing I swear to god

Yes, I know you will like eating shit.

>standing around for no reason

He's clearly watching that Ark crash in the distance

The bad guys are called 'Kett'. They're just another race looking to settle somewhere else after they got bumfucked by da reapaz.

This is my guess for plot.

Humanity arrives in Andromeda, all hell breaks loose...nothing goes to plan. A second alien race is trying to colonize Andromeda too.

You race to setup outposts, claim territory, make alliances with the natives, solidify the Milk Way races under one banner and then have a huge battle against the other colonizing race for the fate of the galaxy.

I was faster, see You know what that means, right? *unzips pants*

Sword fight?

I wonder if any click bait """journalists""" will cry about Bioware making a game where you play as a violent colonist oppressing the peaceful Andromedans

good for you OP.

The twist will be that we were the bad guys all along.

How will being white change the game?

I will like it too because it will be better than ME2 and 3 and maybe as good as ME1. Maybe.

That's why they made the other colonizing race, to be the real evil so your lesser evil doesn't seem so bad.

But yes, yes they will because #AngryClicksMatter.

>No true scottsman

why are there people there anyway. and wouldnt they know that andromeda had already been settled by natives (that are coincidentally krogans and humans etc.?)

I thought they'd go far, far away into an yet unexplored galaxy.

That's minimum fps, average is likely to be in the 50's

The impression I got from the video reviews of the demo or whatever they had going on it seems like it will be buggy.

Wait, what?

Andromeda wasn't already populated by Milky Way races. The Nexus and the Salarian Ark just arrived sooner than the Human Ark did.

There are supposedly native species in Andromeda, like those tentacle head guys already shown in promos to get the Japanese and Weeabo fan-base excited.


Bioware already has a day 1 patch ready to fire so we'll see

Look, if you want to jam your hand in a running blender, I'm not going to stop you. But I will still say it's a bad idea, especially after how they mishandled ME3


played ME1 this week because I thought that I might play andromeda, but I don't think I want to sully my experience with playing the series further. I hear ME2 is good but even that looks a bit too new bioware-y compared to 1

>my shoopard forms a human council and eventually wipes out the reapers

that's enough of an ending for me

>jamming your hand in
>not jamming your dick in

Shepard was being indoctrinated by Reapers. He betrays his friends and dies at the citadel.

>I guarantee that trying to be a special snowflake jack of trades is going to fuck you over hard.

Well that's what I'm hoping. But knowing Bioware and knowing AAA gaming in general I've got a feeling that the game is going to try it's hardest to appeal to casuals who don't want to think about building a character appropriately.

In theory I love the class system and the freedom to build characters however you want, but from watching the gameplay vids, they seem to encourage the player to be a super powerful jack of all trades, rather than making a specialised build.


I *hope* I'll like it but I can't know that for sure because the shit isn't released yet.

I'm gonna wait anyway since there's bound to be DLC's.

I was pissed off about the ME3 ending like most, but they had the damn script leaked and felt like they had to change the ending in a hurry.

But I felt like the last free DLC where you got to hang out with your crew made up for it all.

If you look at Nvidia's benchmarks they put the 1060's average fps at slightly below 60

Im with you OP.
If I get dissapoint its my own fault. but theres a golden egg under any shit mess of a videogame.

I'd ask for your reasoning but this is one of those 1 post by this ID threads. That and I don't believe you have one.

ME2 is worth a playthrough but just pretend the series ends after that

damn. that's pretty bad for a frosbite game

How can I run so badly?

I think I want it only for the multiplayer. I will wait though.

I remember reading and article once, sadly can't remember its title, that explained that modern gamers had short attention spans and needed to feel special in the games they play, which is why everything is kinda fast-paced and there are "chosen one" scenarios in many games.

Wonder if someone else knows the article I'm talking about.


I really wanted this to be a good game but everything I've seen shows it to be shit.

I completely agree with you, that type of thing just does it for me entirely. Super easy but I can get myself immersed in the world they're to build with a good humanity speech.

hey maybe they change appearance and shit based on your decisions and what happens to them


The same developers who made ME3's multiplayer component, which was amazing

exactly like in ME:2, why do you complain?

get fat

>exactly like in ME:2, why do you complain?

i didn't like me2 and i will never like me2bh

You can change everyone's guns in 2 tho

I'm not really expecting a 10/10 game. As long as it's similar to ME3, minus the fucking awful cyborg ninja and ending, I'll get my 40-50 hours out of it. Multiplayer does worry me.

Oh fuck did I just spoil the game for myself??

Thats how it works in real life tho
>the black guy area
>the indian area
>the asian area

so you can't ever change equipments to your companions? NEVER EVER? REALLY? ALSO OUTSIDE OF COMBAT YOU CAN'T CHANGE GUNS AND ARMORS?

the closest thing you can do is change their outfits

item collection was a little annoying in ME1 so I can see why they'd want to fix it but removing it altogether IMO is just as bad

I see.

>Vetra is Garrus's used good

they must have a cute girl area you must tell me where so i can save them

ITT: people who have no problem paying for actual shit

who cares?

i might buy me:a if it drops to 6 buck tho 2bh

>getting laid outside femShepard

I still remember that hilariously awkward club scene where you have to be his wingman if he's to have any chance talking up a turian chick.

>"h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi i'm g-g-garrus"
>Shepard gives him a beer and he's instantly a chick magnet

There weren't just 6 companions on me2 though.

>>item collection was a little annoying in ME1 so I can see why they'd want to fix it but removing it altogether IMO is just as bad
That's always been Bioware's MO.
>make new game with feature that isn't handled well but shows definite room for improvement
>when it's time to make the sequel just completely scrap it instead of giving the feature half an ounce of time required to do it right

But user

alcohol makes everything social better!

>getting laid outside femShepard

did you forget i had reach she had flexibility from mass effect duo

You create your own character.

>did you forget i
Garrus fuck off.
Also sniper rifles are for FAGGOTS.

you know its okay for people to have different tastes than your own