>tfw nintentoddlers will keep overrating Zelda BotW for the next 10 years
Tfw nintentoddlers will keep overrating Zelda BotW for the next 10 years
>Won't be able to have a thread about another open world game or Sony game again without shitposters bringing up BoTW
>it can't possibly just be good
>t-they're overrating it
user it really is just very good.
I'm sorry but it's truly a masterpiece that anyone who loves vidya needs to play
some down to earth nintendo fans says it's 8 at best
It's a lesser MGSV and Dragon's Dogma in every way possible. Play more games toddler.
If you don't go out RIGHT NOW and buy a Switch you're not a real gamer
You do want to be real pro gamer right?
>Zelda is the new Undertale
I beat it in 5 hours. Just bought it today.
Trading it back in at gamestop tomorrow.
Really have no idea why it has perfect scores. I was expecting the next Ocarina of Time or some shit. There wasn't even much of a story it was retarded. Didn't even see one dungeon either. I thought i glitched it and skipped over a bunch of shit but some anons in another thread said thats just how the game is.
Like this is barely even a game.
I think it's an example of exceptional open world design and just generally very good.
Do I think it's absolutely perfect? No. But I find it deeply enjoyable.
Am I down to earth to you or a shill?
>tfw Sonybros will be asshurt about BotW for the next eternity
Literally better than any game ever on a Sony platform and you will never play it
Good thing I hate video games
>speed through it right to the final boss
>refuse to do anything else
>lol why is it so short???
Underage fag that never even touched morrowind.
>go right to the boss and beat it like the develoeprs said you could
>why is the game so short even though I skipped most of it
>I literally cannot grasp the concept of freedom in games
Return it. Someone else deserves the game
lol user you can make a beeline for ganon as soon as you get your paraglider if you want.
It's not the games fault if you didn't want to explore shit. There are dungeons, there is story (clearly you didn't collect any memories), your adventure was shit because you're a shit adventurer.
Stop formatting your post like that. It's makes it painfully obvious that you're a fucking outsider, most likely from RѮddit, who came to Sup Forums a few months ago only as part of Nintendo's astroturfing.
Fuck off idiot.
>implying the zelda cycle won't prevail as always
it's not exceptional if you can literally beat it in 12 minutes, that's a shit game design, it would ruin your first playthought forever if by chance you go straight to the final boss.
How about you leave instead?
anyone else shit on this game before playing it cause of memes?
I bought the wii U version today, and it's pretty fun, I also have horizon dawn and both are pretty decent
You are retarded
Go and beat the game in 12 minutes, right now. Video evidence.
I'll be waiting.
"muh spacing"
Jewtendo will delete it :^)
The current speed run record is like 1 hour or something.
And no there's nothing wrong with that design some people like trying to beat the game as fast possible.
Then unlist it. (v:
How the fuck was I suppose to know I could fight the last boss any time? What kinda fuckin game is that anyway this shit is retarded
I played a link to the past and ocarina of time and those games didn't even start til about 4 hours in after you visit the castle
During the whole time i was in the castle i was expecting to get thrown into some dark world or the "100 years ago" past that ghost king talked about. Blew my shithole out when the credits started rolling.
I was just getting started and its already over
@all these people saying it isn't perfect
Are you like, retarded
Go play call of duty or something
Or learn to be a real adventurer so you can enjoy this epic adventure
That works too
Just return your game
le reddit spacing even, wow
are you retarded crippled underage kid?
Open world games are capped at 7/10.
Sorry user.
Underages can't post here.
You genuinely sound underage
It's the intended 30th Anniversary Zelda title (technically, Switch set it back some months) that did a better job with its series callbacks than Pokemon and it started the game bait-and-switching fans of Ocarina by making them think they'd get the Master Sword for 4 Spirit Orbs, instead it's in the Lost Woods like Link to the Past and requires a set amount of Hearts to acquire like in Zelda I.
It might be overrated as a game, but for Zelda fans who were hoping for something bigger than Ocarina and didn't feel as barren as Twilight or leave a feeling of emptiness and despair like the end of Wind Waker, it certainly hits the mark.
thank you for confirming that you are not only a kid but also mentally ill fuckhead
by that logic we should have the freedom to kill sephiroth right after cloud jumps off the train with style?
accept that your shitty open world xD game has serious problems in terms of story and progression, it doesn't have to be scripted but there will no be such choice that makes you said "lol i give a fuck about everything i just want to go straight to the final boss and return this shit"
literally it's pure filler and autistic gameplay
Did you not listen to the king telling your dumbass to go to Kakariko Town and did not the fact there were killer robots and red cloud shit give the indication you're NOT supposed to go there yet?
dont you think nintenbros sounds better
shit i forgot about the filter
ill just kms
I like nintendorks better
>I don't understand why one game is different from another
That would be cool, so yes
And there is nothing wrong with able to challenge and possibly beat the boss at the start, it also has nothing to do with the problem of progression, chrono trigger did that, morrowind did that, and none of them, including BotW, has problems with story
It's not the games fault that you refuse to follow the king's instruction to go to Kakariko
>accept that your shitty open world xD
Isn't it past your bedtime?
wew lad here's your 15 cents for the shilling
Nintenbros. Cause only a brain dead fool can find these shitty baby games Nintendo keeps shitting out entertaining.
Then why did I just rate it 0 on all the sites
>problem of progression, chrono trigger did that, morrowind did that, and none of them, including BotW, has problems with story
you still had to grind hours for that
It's a good game, not necessarily a GREAT game. I felt it lacked atmosphere like OoT. No sense of urgency, impending doom, or an overall sense of destruction caused by the Cataclysm. All I got was a sense of nostalgia at all the places I recognized from other games. Shrines were hit or miss. Some are really fun others are just a bore. There were some highs though. Hyrule castle was a fun as fuck to explore, some heroic quests like the stranded island (maze islands too) one was really fun and unique. Lore in the game was behind walls of text (diaries) which were boring as fuck to read through. Some lore and history are better told by setting and a sense of exploration. And that's were things get bad. Exploration is fucking boring. One big empty world with korok seeds and shrines thrown around. I love the zelda series and this new one was a mixed bag of good and bad.
open world games were a mistake
they appeal to compulsive autism
No, see the thing is Final Fantasy is a series ruled by narrative.
The problem is that Breath of the Wild was an attempt to be a modern version of the original Zelda while still keeping some conventions found in the rest of the series bar magic.
Said original Zelda had you able to go pretty much anywhere or at least out of order. There was enough freedom to stumble on the final dungeon. They wanted to bring that back.
It makes no sense for Cloud to leave Midgar to find and kill Sephiroth as far as narrative goes. Everyone thinks he's dead.
Well they did it with the highly overrated Ocarina of Time.
They did it with Mario Kart and Goldeneye.
That's the problem with Nintendo, they don't have enough worthwhile games so their fans have to keep talking about 20 years ago
All of this.
Retard; the post.
Said retard probably believes that people who actually played the game believe this turd
Why do motherfuckers always repeat the wrong letter? Do you really pronounce this "DELLY TEEEEEE"?
yes, are you Australian by chance?
It's the only game they'll have for the Switch's lifespan.
Nobody says it isn´t good, it wouldn´t be anywhere near 98 MC if it wasn´t named Zelda though. Game is a solid 9, everything else is just rabid fanboyism.
That's one dedicated Nintendo fan, about to die and still getting the most out of their stuff.
Hey look, someone is actually being objective and putting their Nintendo fanboyism aside for once. Good for you user, I think we could get more interesting discussion in these threads if more people had your mindset. Really sick of all the "10/10 objectively the greatest game ever made" and "1/10 even Skyward Sword was better" posts.
It's a Wii U transplant, you idiot.
Just because the Switch version was put on the forefront doesn't invalidate the part where it was intended to be for Wii U until that fateful e-mail.
>i never played it, but my SHIT OPINION IS THE TRUTh
Dude, let it go, it's a 98, and it's gonna go down in history.
Maybe a decade from now you'll be in a collage, kinda like those nintendoomed from the 80's or the Bags of Dicks and Crow.
You need to let go, or your failure will sting forever
Yeah people generally talk about the gotd for 10 years fami
>try to like it
>constant 20 FPS, 15 FPS in the korok forest
>instantly discard the game as trash
I'm sorry Nintendo fans. I can look past alot of things, but I won't tolerate a terrible framerate. Especially from Nintendo, who's supposed to know the Switch and WiiU inside and out.
I'm gonna also ignore any post that says "framerate doesn't matter" because these are the exact same people who said "the human eye can't see past 24 FPS" and "20 FPS is more cinematic".
Get that out of my face.
But you ar eputting your anti fanboyism in listening to that dude while hundreds of other say 10/10. You aren't THAT stupid, are you?
Don't answer, just being rhetorical
Bloodborne is the GotC then
I'm really sorry you are a retard, user.
Truly, i am
An opinion that finds some things bad is somehow more objective than an opinion that liked those things
>stop having standards, or you're a retard
>not even goty 2015
I don't give a fuck about that "professionals" say
Bloodborne is the best game ever conceived
>Bloodborne or Witcher
>game of the year 2015
I wouldn't be so sure judging by the dozens of replies to this obvious bait.
>Why should i stop being a retard
C'mon, user
yeah man and GTA4 is a 98 too
>only retards wouldn't eat shit on a plate
You can call me a retard all you want, but that doesn't explain why I'm supposedly a "retard"?
try harder
Shill harder, Gertuedstein isn't going to be impressed!
You're really slow.... that's why you CAN'T UNDERSTAND that BotW is that good....
>opinion of a few autismos
>opinion of several thousands/millions of people
>a "retard"
You don't understand the term retard?
That's pretty retarded
The fact that you can't even explain why you think I'm a retard is a little retarded itself. Just saiyan.
But it's already been established that you are too retarded to even understand the explanation.
We gotta slart slow, for your own sake.
Well, I can't speak for that other user
But I for one base my opinion on the fact that you don't know what the word retarded means
Buzzwords galore.
>if you don't shout 98/100s like a maniac then you're retarded
That's it, leaving Sup Forums till tomorrow.
I think I'll join you. Hopefully tomorrow the underage will be able to form arguments other then blatant ad hominem.
No user, the word retarded has nothing to do with bees
Try again, surely you'll get it eventually
>It's not the games fault if you didn't want to explore shit.
It absolutely is. If the game actively punishes skill and inquisitiveness, and makes its story only available for people who are terribad at it, plus disconnests "having an adventure" from the supposed goal of that adventure, it's the game's fault.
The thing is, I've actually played through all of BOTW, and his criticism is spot on. I'll take honesty any day over the retards that stick their fingers in their ears and pretend that the game doesn't have any flaws at all, which sadly, you see way too much of in these circlejerk threads.
>playing filler content
>it's ok when a game reduces it's worth content to just a single boss fight
I prefer nintenbros.