I love D Va.
I love D Va
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I love Reisen!
I'd post Lucio and D.va and yell "Blacked" but since Lucio is 5'3" and 2 inches shorter than Zero Suit D.va it doesn't work
What a slutty rabbit
The fat fanart pics of d.va make sense given she just eats junk and plays vidya. Good thing its my fetish
I hate myself and just wish I'd tie the noose already.
I don't even play OW, but I have a D.va folder because she's so cute.
does DVa actually have a backstory, or is she just the franchise qt?
> mechs arise from the ocean
> s.korea launches a mech defense program
> hires pro starcraft gamer aka d.va
> tears shit up
shes the cutest and competitively viable, you just gotta be good enough
>competitively viable
Not since Blizzard fucking destroyed her with the nerf bat a few months ago.
i dunno user, i play her pretty much exclusively since day one.
>s1 rank 57
>s2 rank 3200
>s3 rank 3250
i didnt even play s3 until the last few days
D Va is probably the best girl in video game history.
She's Asuka and Umaru combined. She really is our girl.
No way she eats junk food and drinks soda pop, while still remaining so thin.
>starcraft pros
>have a mandatory work-out session every 4 hours of starcraft
>D.Va in particular is from a future where all fat people died in a robotic war
>works for the south korean military to shoot the fuck out of robots while streaming it on twitch
>is actively in combat
>only eats that garbage in public due to sponsorships
>D.va folder
dump pls
>Body by Doritos, Dew, and vidya
Hana was a professional gamer until the robots destroyed her country and so she enlisted in the military.
You'll Love Ds Nuts
>sits in a robot all day, dies instantly if she tries walking around outside it
>probably rides around in it even outside of work
>guzzles soda and energy drink 24/7
>eats chips a fistful at a time
>probably wears a diaper because she can't help but piss herself during 17 hour gaymin sessions
Hana is fat! FAT!
She's a slob! SLOB!
She smells bad! BAD!
Mercy > Widowmaker > Mei > D.Va > Symmetra > Pharah > Sombra > Tracer > Ana
Then you're gonna love this
Implying you can't eat junk and still stay thin with superior Asian metabolism
>not removing the pickles before eating a big mac
Gambatte and take it all into your mouth, user.
Will you still love her when Blizzard confirms she's trans?
They already have Zarya for the trans audience.
>D.Va with a feminine penis
Sup Forums would love her more
>removing food from food
I love her too.
D.Va and 76 porn is my favorite Overwatch porn
hbu faggots?
Futa Zarya and any of the other OW girls
>have a mandatory work-out session every 4 hours of starcraft
No time, you have to play a hundred games of starcraft a day or you're not allowed to sleep.
Dva needs more NTR porn
I don't think they can get away with that, it's a bit too "real", since there actually is a tranny SC2 pro who is moderately successful.
and also really cute
bump for Hana