Horizon thread: sexy midriff edition

>Horizon thread: sexy midriff edition

29 hours in, and I've not even reached Meridian. What a game. I feel like I don't want it to end. Just exploring, leveling, upgrading everything, collecting flowers, vantages, loting robots, playing with traps and tripcasters...

Yesterday I discovered the banuk sidequest, and a hidden bunker with a gigantic monster looming over it. Probably a or the end-game setting.

I'm not sure how many hours I've put in, but I'm level 31 and only recently made it to Meridian.

Took me 40 hours to platinum it. There's not as many sidequests as I would have liked.

>29 hours in, and I've not even reached Meridian
What the fuck are you doing? Seriously, what the fuck could you possibly be doing for 29 hours? The entire 100% takes around 15-20 hours.

Also that hidden bunker is a 10 minute cauldron and that 'monster' outside it is just scenery.

Wow, what difficulty did you play on?

Any tips for taking down thunderjaws?

man, tou people are overleveled. I reached meridian around 22 hour mark and the main quest was too easy.

Ravager best bot. Me and my pet Ravager just took out a Thunderjaw/Ravager/Watcher platoon easy peasy.

nothing like running in, sliding, then overriding an enemy from the front just to get the juices going.

You must have just been rushing through the story on easy mode or something.

Get high tear arrows, shoot their disk launchers off and then pick the disk launcher up and use it to shoot their other weapons off.

I'm playing on Very Hard, and am trying to discover the world not relying on the map or markers. It goes a lot slower but - to me - is immensly more satisfying and immersive.
Also photomode takes up a lot of my time.

When I'm done with the game, I want to have seen everything.

Nope. There's just not a lot of content in the game.

No idea how people are spending more than 25 hours playing it. Maybe you're all just really shit at it or are spending hours walking around the empty world hunting the same robots.

Tear them, Rope em, Ice them them, then three nock precision arrow them. better if you get it at its weakpoint on its sides

Pretty much, yeah. On the way to a quest marker I'll investigate all the nearby areas and kill the large machines just for the sake of doing so.

Roaming around killing stuff is more fun than the questing.

This is the only way I can see the game lasting longer than 25 hours, by spending hours hunting stuff.

So confused why this game is getting so much praise.

Fuck I love this game. Just hit the 15 hour mark but I'm still exploring the part before meridian. Also, is the golden fast travel thing worth getting? I hardly ever use the normal ones, I just run/ride most of the time.

So how does this compare to Zelda?

The core gameplay loop is more fun than most open world action games. If I were just rushing through the story I probably wouldn't like the game at all, because none of the quests, main or side, have been anything special. I've had more fun in the wild.

Do corruptors appear in free roam?

I hit Meridian at like level 18-19 I think? Currently 22 and dicking around in side quests. Killed my first thunderjaw a couple levels ago and that was fun!

I really dig this game. i really want to do an Aloy cosplay.

30+ hours in and I'm about ready to drop it. Story isn't grabbing me nor is the gameplay. Having to harvest plants and animals for healing items is a novel idea in theory but tedious as fuck in practice in a game that's already this dragged out.

The fight in the reveal trailer had me excited because I thought it fights would be few but very involved. Turns out nah, it's just hordes of enemies scattered about the map.

not as good but decent in its own right.

You can do a lot worse.

Shouldn't she have more muscle definition, shittier skin, and rat hair since she lived in the wild and did nothing but train for a decade?

Yeah I'm not saying the hunting part isn't fun (I actually agree, I enjoyed the hunting way more than anything else). But I don't understand why people are calling the game good.
Its a pretty shit game at its core and offers so little compared to every other open world game on the market. Such a promising concept that got dragged into the "Lets make the safest game we possibly can" mindset.

I used to consider shilling a bit of a meme before this game came out.

Reminder to ignore the trolls, don't fall for the bait.

>So confused why this game is getting so much praise.

maybe because some people gauge a game through its gameplay rather than its length?

im not going to play a game thats said to have 100 something hours in length only to have shitty gameplay. im using FFXV as an example

>offers so little compared to every other open world game on the market.
How so?

Honestly it looks nice but apparently you're not allowed to like both games.

but user you're a boy

Can't really compare the 2 games.

Zelda is sandbox open world and horizon is more far cry style open world.

Combat in both games is very fun. Horizon ahas horrible lip-syncing and Zelda has horrible voiceacting so that is definitely not something you should be interested in when u buy these games

>game can last longer than 25 hours if you spend more time playing it
profound insight

I wish I was a boy.

This is why i never finished witcher.

Tallnecks are my favourit robot.

I let the Nintendo shill shitposting get to me. Cancelled my pre-order but now it's expensive everywhere. Regret it now.

Same here, it's sold out and I don't want to buy a digital copy just to double dip later.

>Very limited quests
>Empty world
>Very short progression system
>No unique enemies
>Very limited item variation
>No endgame content or reason to keep playing
>Tiny amount of collectibles (if that's your thing)

Its not about gameplay, its about the amazing lack of content. A game can function perfectly but if it has fuck all to do then its nothing more than wasted potential.

Yes, it lasts longer if you do the exact same thing repeatedly. That's my point. You're artificially extending the length of the game once the content has run dry.

i walked into Target today to take advantage of their buy 2 get 1 free game deal and they had a shitload of copies.
what third world country do you guys live in?

>picking flowers
People actually enjoy this? It's the worst part of every open-world RPG to me.

I was pissed when I realized Eclipse killed one of them in the southern cauldron and was trying to capture the one in the central plains.

I kinda wish there was an enemy tallneck, just imagine what combat with that would be like.

I bought mine from target online, I had to wait a few days but I got free shipping and everything.

> novel idea
> tedious as fuck

Can you elaborate a bit on how the game does it?

Far Cry Robofuture

>So confused why this game is getting so much praise.

Because hunting robot dinosaurs with the sheer variety of weapons they give never gets old.

Is there option to make her shut her mouth? All the gameplay I've seen has her yapping about everything and I hate that, I like my protagonists like I like my crippling depression: quiet.

Are you 10 years old or just thick as shit! People are different, Just because you don't like something, your so small minded you can't understand that others could possibly like it!! Shit there's people out there who like fucking kids and animals!!

Horizon has better weapons and more interesting enemies. Zelda has fun physics and nostalgia.

Corruptors are the coolest.

A combination of shills and ironic shills.

Overpowering Thunderjaws and watching them go on a rampage never gets old.

She really doesn't say things very often outside of cutscenes from my experience. Or maybe I'm not noticing it.

That's a weird way to spell Stalkers.

seriously though, fuck stalkers. Id rather take Behemoths and Ravagers than fucking Stalkers.

this is some advanced false flagging

Yeah as I said above, I've always considered shilling a bit of a meme until this game out then suddenly this game became a "Solid 8/10" despite its glaring faults. In fact no one who defends the game even tries to dispute any criticisms aimed at it, they just say that fighting robots is fun therefore any faults are irrelevant.

Then again the ironic shitposting like-
Is just funny to read.

Their tail attack is devastating.

Which open world games do you like?

Reminder to ignore the trolls, don't fall for the bait.

>can't override corruptors


>Zelda threads full of raging butthurt shitposters
>horizon threads empty and quiet

Causes one to ponder...

What are the faults? I played through it and it seemed pretty solid to me.

Im more concerned that no one else bothered to pull of Aloy's override tactic, its not like corrupters were that hard to put down.

>can't override corruptors
But it makes complete sense on that you wouldn't be able to.

Her focus helped her locate the part.

>Limited side quests
>No unique enemies
>No unique encounters in the wild
>Hunter challenges are easy and take literal seconds
>5 cauldrons, each looking the same and are very linear
>Bandit camps much like cauldrons
>No endgame content
>No reason to explore
>Low level cap
>Very limited item variation
>Best items available 2 hours into game
>Story missions are VERY repetitive
>Short in general

for the two thunderjaws hanging out by each other, 3 corruption arrows makes them attack each other and every other animal in sight. Fucking hilarious. Once I got corruption arrows, I started using them on literally everything except machines in corruption zones.

>no unique enemies

>nest items available 2 hours into game
How the fuck do you get to meredian and complete all the hunting challenges in 2 hours?

Fake news.

There are several types of plants you can pick that serve various purposes but some are for your medicine pouch. You can only hold so much but it is generally enough for just about any big fight in the game. The problem is you can't buy them so you end up spending every waking moment between encounters looking at the ground for these plants rather than the [actually nicely done] world around you.

It's a similar situation for healing potions- you can either buy them (they are rather expensive) or craft them from animals, which you will also be constantly on the lookout for.

For a game that is this big and this long, you just spend an absurd amount of your time picking flowers and hunting when in all honesty, I feel the game really shines when you can just wander around and enjoy the sights.

best girl right here

Cool. Name me a unique enemy.
I'll wait.

Because hunter challenges take a few seconds to 2 minutes to complete.

Just got done with the proving quest, i can't wait to go back to it after work, i never payed much attention to the Nintendo dr0ns shitposting but i was cautiously optimistic because of the open world nature but i'm glad i gave it chance i'm loving it so far.

Seems like you want something you can just keep playing forever with a bunch of radiant quests and bullshit filler and meaningless item/enemy variations. Like Skyrim or something. None of those things are really flaws, they're just features of a different kind of game that's intended for a lot longer play time.


Don't give him (you)'s it's the average nintendo shiposter that's been plaguing every Horizon thread.

Does this look good on old ps4?

I barely ever used the medicine pouch. I always had enough shards to keep my inventory full of health potions, even playing on the highest difficulty. Same goes for the traps and the element potions. Sticks can also be bought from merchants in large quantity for fairly little. In my entire playthorough I probably spent all of 4 or 5 minutes harvesting plants/sticks. It's really just not necessary.

Looks great on mine with HDR.

>Name me a unique enemy

All of them

So basically rather than say that anything I said was wrong you're just going to say that the game is supposed to lack content, like an actual feature of the game is the lack of-
>Unique encounters
>Item variation

That's a new one, I'll give you that.

>Rather than admit the game has flaws I'll just say he's never played it
Great argument.

Yep, It looks good.

Go away CNN games don't concern you.

Does the regular PS4 even support HDR?

I'm the first person to agree that the game has flaws but for some reason it is still really fun.

I played the game through on very hard and the only part that felt even a bit tedious were the two last bandit camps O did without Nil.

this is why i dont buy games any more fuck the gay cuck millennials and their shovelware

I just... I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. What would be a unique enemy in this context? Like an enemy that appears rarely? The Corruptor or the Death Bringer. Or an enemy that only appears once? Nil/all the quest villains

But that doesn't make them good. Unique enemies don't make games good. So I don't understand the point of bringing it up at all.

Forgot to post a picture, this on OGPS4 with photo mode.

holy shit how will AAA devs ever recover

I feel like it's pretty easy to manage health. In most open world games you have to either purchase or craft healing items, but here you can just gather them straight off the map to fill your pouch. And it helps that the main healing plants are bright red and easy to spot.

Ofcourse IF you have a TV that support it, I've got a Samsung KU7300 4K UHD and both Horizon and FFXV look fantastic with HDR.

I wonder how many shills are in this thread.

>I'll wait.


I don't see how the generic enemy types within the game are unique, or maybe you misunderstood what I mean. I'm talking about a unique encounter within the game.

I'm talking about something like Redmaw for example, Redmaw could've been some amazingly badass machine but its literally just a Thunderjaw with seriously minor variations. The Hunters Lodge is massively wasted when a great way to add content could be to add hunts where you go and fight some powerful one-of-a-kind machines that rewards you with unique loot.
It would add some endgame play and also add content without it getting boring.

When I heard 'Hunters Lodge' I thought "Great a chance to hunt down some badass robots that are being hunted because they're so fucking dangerous compared to their counterparts, what I got was a shitty 3 stage mission that ends with a fight against a Thunderjaw.

Most of it is just ironic shitposting.

>poster count 35, just one dedicated marketer that doesnt even know how to use a proxy

Second this. Petra is the best girl

I didn't say anything you mentioned was wrong, because it wasn't. What I sad was that those are not flaws.

The story is good, the gameplay is solid, the visuals are solid, the controls are great, and there are little to no bugs present. Everything the game is looks and works great.

Your only argument here is that the game doesn't have enough content for you. That is not a flaw, that's a personal preference.

>O wait, its Fire Kiln root.

Can you play as a male? Otherwise I'm not playing this.

I wish the game would do away with the tutorial on how to tag a path. I'm halfway through the game for fuck's sake. It's not like I'm going to forget to use the focus if there's not an objective marker.

>I'm talking about a unique encounter within the game

Why does there have to be unique encounters for a game to not be flawed?

You'll play as Aloy and you'll enjoy it.

>Rather than admit the game has flaws I'll just say he's never played it
Great argument.
I stand corrected then, i think the point is most players find a lot of the enemies in the game unique in design and in how you fight them.

sony army going too far

Amount of women this poster has socialized with in real life: 0