The mentor is the final boss

>the mentor is the final boss

Lol I thought this was suppose to have a good story.

>he thinks gehrman's the final boss

>Soulsborne series

Pick one.

I didn't see Gherman as a mentor. More like a cryptic guy who let you use his shop while you hunted things. Also he isn't the final boss.

you got memed OP

What he said. Bloodborne provides the skeleton for the story and you're supposed to flesh it out yourself

>plays souls games for the story

Shit nigger u dumb

then why? the "excellent" combat mechanics, where you circle around and backstab enemies? yeah, that never gets old.

>final boss


>final boss
Munch on some umbilical cords user and try again.

You clearly never played BB.

>final boss
>souls story

literally all of those are wrong

personally I just like to discover and explore the levels

>back stab

>final boss

There is literally no ingame indication what you need to do with the cords and they're all in out of the way locations, except one. Moon Presence is therefore an optional boss like Ozma in FFIX.

No, you're supposed to rigorously investigate the skeleton and make reasonable inferences.

>circle around and backstab

exposed he never played BB

There's a note in the lecture hall that says "three third cords."

More importantly, they're items you have little reason to not consume upon finding.

>final boss

go back to the witcher 3, pleb

no one cares about your opinion

>There is literally no ingame indication what you need to do with the cords

Yes there is. If you stopped playing the game like it's a Batman handholding game and actually Read the few lines of text provided by the game every few hours properly you would've known.

All these handholding garbage games have made people into mindless fucking robots that just consume instead of paying attention.

>unironically believing the quality souls games (DeS, DS1, Bloodborne) don't have some of the best writing in decades

I bet you also unironically believe smut like the Witcher 3 and Nier have good writing

Not only that, but he fights like you do

That's ok kid, one day you will stop pretending to like something just to be accepted.
Watching much lore videos?

Both those games have objectively good writing though.

Moon hangs lower and larger than ever to one side

The workshop burns to the other

All while you duel the man trying to maintain his reality at the base of the old tree, over a bed of tulips

Perfect writing and direction for anyone who's read more than 3 books in life; empty and pointless to plebs

haven't watched one. paid attention to the architecture and read though. you clearly didn't if you think this game's story is too vague. not enough dialogue options and exposition for you, huh? go watch Logan, faggot.


For children, sure.

Only in the case of sidequests and DLC for witcher 3
The main quest is hilariously bad

love the irony in people posting pics that closely resemble themselves physically overlayed with autist text in order to make fun of other people

Nope both are rated M for mature audiences.

Why does Bloodborne combat look so much more cinematic than Dark Souls combat?


wew lad

Because of the sickrad dashes

Its more fluid, faster and has greater movesets for both parties.

The fact that you can change stances mid combo already makes the combat a lot better.

blood sex and cursing make a game mature, huh? those adolescent wet dream and college existentialist storylines bring out the locked away euphoria of my brain

but you can backstab and visceral enemies in Bloodborne?



Yes, but the combat doesn't revolve around it like in any other souls game because of the changes made to it.

>There are people who honestly think this isn't the true main boss

>final boss

Put some effort in for fucks sake.

Nier, probably yes but TW3's main quest had clichéd story, the side quests are good however.

That looks cool, honestly. I'd play this if I had a playstation.

the game has three endings and three possible final bosses. I would consider Gehrman to be the "main event" final boss because it's really not that obvious that eating the umbilical cords will have any effect on the ending, and because MP is a huge pushover compared to Gehrman

Changing Stance? More like the entire fucking weapon.

>he didn't do anything

The Doll did more for you.
Especially when you consider she is based on Sleepy Head Maria from Big Ben

>not this guy

He's not your mentor you retard
>final boss
Yeah he's not that either, retard
>supposed to have a good story
Who the fuck told you that? Or did you make it up to try and shit on it
Once again, you're a retard

U have to land a charged r2 on the enemies back to land the visceral which is extremely difficult on an aggroed enemy. I think the bowblade is the only weapon that can pull it off with 70% certainty.

Why is doll so based?
he's not your mentor he's your boss

does thinking the quote would be cool in a video game make me literally this guy?

>Whirligig intensifies

>circle around and backstab

Confirmed for not having read the books

more importantly how does he get around i dont think uneven dirt and grass mix well with wheelchairs.

>how does he get around
Really? He can fucking walk, dash and beat the living shit out of you.

God, that is beautiful.

hello pcfriend

The context I get from this post is that reading is edgy. Which doesn't surprise me coming from Sup Forums.

Aren't we talking about the game and not the books? I haven't read the books, so I can't comment on that but I have played the game and the main story was nothing spell-binding or unique.

>inb4 no I haven't watched any lore videos, I have my own interpretation of the lore.

>If I owned a PS4 I'd play the only game it has

No shit

>I have my own interpretation of the lore.

Favorite part of the game, favorite boss, and favorite track. I just wish it was a little harder and there was a boss selector so I can fight her anytime.

I swear it was suddenly like a Platinum game.

>Why is doll so based?
Because she's given life by moonsquid who wants you to be motivated to gather paleblood and continue his hunt.

It warms my heart that people are still discovering Bloodborne years after release.
Since DaS3 turned out to be such a failure I imagine BB will go down as Miyazaki's Magnum Opus unless that Sony Japan/Fromsoft Escaflowne game is real.

christ what an embarrassing post

>having to make it to the end to realize Bloodborne has shitty writing and lore

You got memed on pal

You seem to have trouble distinguishing 'plot' from 'story'

>i need other people to use their imagination FOR me

>final boss
No get gud user or git rekt.

>You seem to have trouble distinguishing 'plot' from 'story'

what the fuck do you mean by that

Well, no shit. Not all of us flock to vaati to make sense of the story. Again, what's the point of having a narrative in TW3 if U are suggesting that people read the books?

The books flesh out the story of Eredin/Avallac'h quite a bit, which is really the only problem with the main story.

>You seem to have trouble distinguishing 'plot' from 'story'
Uh no, I just said that the main quest sucks balls. Its basically super mario in poland with a main villain who has less lines than reskinned shopkeepers for fucks sake.

You do realize I'm talking about the Witcher 3 and not Bloodborne, right?

Yeah, the fight got borderline anime fight but still it's probably my favorite fight in the series.

>You do realize I'm talking about the Witcher 3 and not Bloodborne, right?

I don't know what you are talking about my man

Reminder it's Kosm not Kos

Witcher 3 doesn't have interpret-able lore. It's 100% fleshed out in the canon. There's nothing left to your imagination.

it's really hard to find good quality videos of this boss fight online because of the all the bright flowers moving around the screen. Video encoders shit the bed with that kind of unpredictable movement of so many detailed little shapes

Oh, it wasn't clear in ur post. I was talking about bb's lore m8. I don't know shit about the witcher lore except for what was in the game.

samefag identified

You sure got me.

>Gehrman is your mentor
You met him at literally the exact same time the player character does. Notice how he's absent for 99% of the story.

Only low insight illiterate humies say Kos

OoK was way better, other than her third phase which was kinda flashy I thought the entire fight was pretty trash

you're probably some autistic anime loving sperg that fawns over the barest hint of waifutrash

im stuck on her. i cant seem to git gud and im not abusing whirlgig

>suppose to
go back to school

If you circle strafe at close range, she misses almost all the time. I don't like her gun, so I back way off and let her spam shots until she transforms her weapon back.

>magnum opus
Not with the blood gem system friend
Who thinks this? Bamco? Miyazaki? The game sold incredibly well. I don't think any suits think that at all.
Not liking the game is fine. Being hyperbolic is not.

I think you're confusing "anime" with "cinematic".

i always hit her then advance to her right to avoid her and rinse and repeat. i almost beat her like 3 times and its getting old, i wanna finish this dlc and beat gherman+moon presence

>Made it to NG+7 to have a save file to fight rape horse whenever I want

Why is Ludwig so handsome ;_;

Orphan is the best hard boss. I'd never seen anything like him before I played Bloodborne.

>Not with the blood gem system friend
I liked it since it gave some reason for the chalice dungeons to exist and tapped into that old Diablo habit of "run dungeon get loot" along with essentially being a replacement for Dark Soul's different weapon upgrade paths, but even if you fucking hate chalice dungeons and don't want anything to do with them you can pretty easily complete the game with the blood gems it gives you outside of the dungeons.


>the mentor is the final boss

Lol I thought this was suppose to have a good story.

What's a fun play through build for someone's whos finished the game?