Ford is best husbondi
Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon Thread
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good job OP
Ford is /ourguy/
Date the autist today.
Wayne is a womanizer!
Wayne is a flirt!
All women around him will have horrible futures!
So says Ford. You believe him don't you?
What style in which are you naming your animals?
Do Siluka and Iluka have anything similar if you try and date both of them? As far as I know they don't have lunch.
I haven't done their routes. I do know apparently from the Jap wiki that Ford has the more unique lines of dialog (as in longer) if you break up with him and if you spend too much time with Wayne.
i always name my first chicken Nugget. been naming my barn animals after flowers in this game. i used to name my cows after waifus from previous games though, which is kind of insulting to them in hindsight.
hard to believe they'd have two marriage candidates NEVER eat lunch. maybe they do it on their day off?
Is dis better than Stardew?
Been in the mood for some comfy harvestin gaems. Not sure if start a new file in SV or try this.
if you've played Stardew before i'd say give this a try just for something new, it's really good.
LEWD strip from last thread:
MC tries to convince Ford to have sex after many sexless nights after their wedding. Ford gives in obviously.
>Hector's friend event
fuck man
All the Westown residents are great.
No. Stardew is closer to the original HM formula (specifically, SNES and Back to Nature), so it's better.
That being said, this game is alright. It's curse is that it's turned into Cooking Mama. It's like the first thing they decided on when designing this shit was "how many recipes and outfits can we make?" and then they just added hundreds of crops and animal types to achieve those crafting combinations.
What you get is a mess of content that's really a headache to sift through at times.
Play Stardew Valley first, Back to Nature second, and then come to this game if you're thirsty for scraps like we are.
long ears, duh.
speaking of, damn, i really miss the cute, floppy eared dog from older games. i guess it's great they let you pick from a bunch of different pet varieties now, but i miss the classic HM doggo.
Think I went with pointy ears, never was much of a fan of dogs with droopy ears.
>speaking of, damn, i really miss the cute, floppy eared dog from older games. i guess it's great they let you pick from a bunch of different pet varieties now, but i miss the classic HM doggo.
I miss Farmer Jack in general.
Fuck all of this twee shit they're adding in. It's like they have 50+ outfits for each gender, and they all manage to look like shit
I give my cows and sheep manly names.
My chickens get jap female names.
Every other animals gets some stupid name like nubby or chikan.
>No. Stardew is closer to the original HM formula (specifically, SNES and Back to Nature), so it's better.
I know when I bailed out.
HM from PS2 era to modern era is shit. I'm sorry, user.
As soon as they moved to 3D, they forgot what they were doing. And then they lost the original creator, Yasuhiro Wada, and the deal was sealed.
>witch princess is still in it
oh shit, that actually makes me want to get this
>out doing errands
>see wayne and frank in frank's house
>decide to check in
>wayne is sitting at the table
>frank is playing the guitar and singing to him
o-oh, I guess they are both wearing cowboy hats
i am enjoying Trio of Towns but man, you and are right, i think i'd enjoy it even more if there wasn't so much stuff. i don't need two flavors of cows, sheep, alpacas, chickens, rabbits, two flavors of 'crop used to make even more cloth for outfits', an unknown number of trees, flowers, crops, plus all the wild shit you can find around town. i think i'd be happy with much less variety. it's just too damn much now.
the best harvest moons ever were FoMT and HMDS
I kinda agree. I imagine they look at Rune Factory and "what can we add that's not combat or adventuring?" so you have all this shit that detracts from farm life itself. Also, modern HM/SoS games are WAY too easy and convenient.
>no love rivals or any challenge in social aspect at all
>farming is so simplified I wonder why I'm even doing it
Enjoy being retarded, then. I love 64/BTN, but I'm having as much as I've ever did with AP and ToT.
Now that I look back at ANB, there's something that feels very weird about all the waifu and husbando choices in it, even with WP and Amir
witch princess was two games ago in A New Beginning. she's a loli in the new game (Trio of Towns) and you can't marry lolis. not in these games, anyway.
I always name my first chicken Popuri after that scene she gives you an egg. Then, I name the next chickens after the Mineral Town waifus.
Been naming cows that start with a letter B.
Lewd hand holding in Ford's office!
we need to get atf on the job so that they can make a rom hack to give witch loli a route
Ah yes, the port of Back to Nature without the greenhouse, the fishing pond, many festivals... but you have a shitty interface!
Are you retarded?
>but I'm having as much as I've ever did with AP and ToT.
So am I, but AP and ToT were merely okay.
The goalpost isn't very high up with modern HM
>there are multiple "teach Ford how to have sex" doujins
I wonder if this is scanned anywhere?
there's Harvest Goddess loli too. and Noel, and Alma... hell, i don't even like lolis, but someone interested in making a hack could make a whole cast of loli waifus for a patch for those who are. you can already dance with the non-deity lolis are festivals.
>own kids aren't as cute as all the other kids in the three towns
Goddamnit all
So to assist with this black rock dearth due to high effectiveness I just buy a shitty hammer specifically to mine the 2 weak nodes for black rocks right?
Those two games could be a lot better and less hand-holdy, but to say they're worse than 64/BtN is too funny. And to say that the farming is easier is even funnier. It's still the same plant, water, and harvest bullshit. The one time they tried to change it up, the casuals screamed and whined.
After different products that they can be made into, so Nugget or Strip for Chickens and Beef and Steak for Cows.
You didn't marry the right person.
I want to make Kasumi wear western clothes and live in a western house.
No matter the color of their hair, their looks are still very mediocre at best
>that they can be made into,
>yfw Stardew Valley was originally planned to have butchering
>but it was taken out because of whiny beta testers
Anyone have their game crash randomly yet? It's happened to me twice but under different circumstances each time
Is rice worth it in any way? 3 months for one harvest seems insane.
i wonder how that would have worked. i've thought about my dream comfy farming sim game before and i always get stuck trying to imagine animal butchering because it just ain't comfy and i like meat but i'm a wuss when it comes to thinking about how it ends up on my plate.
the easiest way (to me) always seemed like it should be selling them to either a distant company or a butcher NPC who give you the choice of receiving a lot of money depending on the quality of the animal, or who would give you the products from the animal, which you could process or sell or give away as you pleased.
not at all
animal husbandry is way better in Trio. get some alpacas and give them chewy treats (200g) every day, and they'll start shedding 15 wool per clip (20,000+).
I haven't seen golden alpha wool yet but I can't wait to cum all over my screen
Pudding is also solid in the early game. Milk + egg = at least 1000g return. It also scales well with chewy treats. Get that Byproduct QTY up high and rake it in.
Spam a lot of that fertilizer that increases the amount of crop you can pick on it while you wait.
>Rabbits go to the barn now rather than the coop
>when the barn is already full as it is with shit like cows, sheeps and alpacas
Literally who thought this was a good idea
>i'm a wuss when it comes to thinking about how it ends up on my plate.
Civilized countries use a captive bolt pistol, which instantaneously destroys the brain and leaves very little room for pain and suffering.
Subhumans like Jews and Muslims cut the animal's throat with a knife and let it bleed out just to get kosher/halal meat. Bunch of fucking assholes.
>Literally who thought this was a good idea
Harvest Moon was better when it was just chicken/sheep/cow.
Prove me wrong.
Why would I when I hate how many goddamn types of fur they're asking me to get just to look fashionable
>get kicked out because women think you're icky
Bunch of bitches and whores
Anyone want a silkie egg? I'll trade if anybody wants one.
but i can't
>tfw Wayne is trying to make Ford wear a yellow T-Shirt to cover up his "weird clothing"
Don't trick him you slut.
Why did the game director give Ford such a disturbing backstory?
I like it.
Soy is a money maker crop if you get a pickle maker.
But harvest moon shouldn't have a child abuse subplot.
This is literally me stalking Komari/Kasumi for events
I crashed twice, going to bed to next day both times. I figured it was my cfw but now not so sure
64 Karen's dad was abusive...
This is worse.
>all this Ford shilling
Yuzuki is the cutest and most loving husbando. Ford has nothing on him.
Tell me about the Yuzuki
I wonder what "Vita-Veggies" 99.98% of daily value nutrition tastes like?
>dumb sweets obsessed boy (girl) that can barely support himself because he has permanent cancer
Ford is our boy. Not the autism we need but the autism we deserve.
Horrible I'd say, judging from how goddamn little I recover from eating his food
Do you have to water soy?
"I do not cook for flavor, only nutritional value"
>if he doesn't eat directly at a specified time he breaks down into awkward stomach pains
Cute nip dude who was born with a weak body and was pretty much abandoned by his parents and left to his grandparents because of it. His parents have another child they love more and he knows this. He has some of the most romantic dialogue and events with you and his break-up scene is extremely sad.
>his break-up scene is extremely sad
Ford is a fedora tipping autist though.
Do you have to water tomatoes once they start bearing fruit?
He probably doesn't even know what that is.
He's the only guy who tells you that he still loves you.
you should water them until the game won't let you water them anymore to get the maximum yield for your harvest.
Rune Factory 5 when
I could barely trudge through SoS and I don't like any of ToT's girls
read, moron
>Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon Thread
do you not like any of ToT's girls based on appearance of the art or actually seeing/interacting with them in game?
Who's a better husbando? Neil, Allen, or Amir?
I can't choose.
Usually my farm and first of each animal is the Russian word for those things. Although I went with "ranch" this time. Then Portuguese, then German, then animals I've had that have passed, and finally my dead parents
Failed to name the MC Ivan this time though I read you can change your name so no real loss there.
>only guy
Ford pretends to be at a medical conference when really he's wasting away in bed. So depressed he can't move and he's afraid he'll die. Then he begs you to take him back.
And this doesn't happen right away. It's the day after you break up with him and he pretends he's fine and you made the right decision.
All of the husbandos do this though, not just those two.
To be fair, appearance is an incredibly important point. If you don't find someone attractive, you're not going to have a good relationship with them.
On the other hand, it's a video game.
Liquid fertilizer is the shit, where can I find a philosopher's stone so I can infinitely juice my crops
One wears a trench coat while raising livestock, the other is a prissy douche, and the last one is a nigger
So yeah might as well go for Amir, at least he's rich, clearly the least worst of the lot
What ever happened to /rfhmg/?
>no EU launch date announced
XSEED why? I don't want to risk bricking my 3ds
Should I harvest immediately when the tomatoes appear, or should I give them a few days to grow?
Should i save scum mining every day or every once every three days?
Ford is the only one that advises you not to date drunks and gamblers in his place though.
>I don't want to risk bricking my 3ds
Same shit in a better package
Well I did like the girl whose kids were paid DLC from xseed instead of a free patch like Japan got but yeah
My burning desire has been that Marvelous would learn from Neverland when it came to town liveliness and controls+menu management, but after buying SoS 1 and seeing that they really do just plan to continue pumping out the same game over and over with more items, I'm not even encouraged to pirate this one.