How come Sup Forums hates Battlefield 1?
How come Sup Forums hates Battlefield 1?
I hate niggers
stop forcing your shitty political agendas in my videogames
There's no sense of direction or teamwork, it's a run and gun game 90% of the time, the only redeeming gamemode is operations, but even that is too fast and chaotic for there to be any meaningful gameplay
it's boring
Too many niggers
Gameplay kinda sucks, as well
>make sniping easier why in the name of god
>assaults everywhere mowing shit down with hipfire bullet hoses
>people can skip revives and they do it all the damn time
>make vehicles easier and simplify them to hell
>close heated matches ruined when the game decides to throw a behemoth out
>battlepacks entirely random, my friend who I play with often gets 1 for my every 5
>shitty spread recovery system that hurts medic and support guns but hardly matters for assault and recon
>LMGs inaccurate and lame compared to the ones in 4, justified by muh setting but smgs stronger than 4's PDWs are ok
>LMGs have overheat because fuck you
>grenade spam
I was actually going to buy this game. I know that doesn't sound very interesting by itself, but here's the context: I only usually play driving games and RPGS, the last FPS I owned was fallout 3, so they totally missed on a whole new sale because of their blatant historical revisionism.
yeah I thought that was bullshit when I finished the War Stories and the game talked about how the Central Powers won the war
Battlepacks are cosmetic, why do you care?
all of this
Yeah, I bet they are crying over your sale.
It's not just me, every business needs new sales to drive profit. All IP's must expand their market share, for once I was interested in what they had to offer then they fucked it up, so yes they will care about losing my sale because I'm sure there a another 100,000 just like me.
Anyhoo, you sound like a fuckwit.
>blatant historical revisionism
It could be great but it is heavily let down but a few really dumb design choices. Whoever decided the assault class should get SMGs should have been fired, hell having SMGs in the game at all was pretty dumb. If they wanted that sort of gameplay they should have gone all out and made the setting some kind of alternate history where the war didn't end and dragged into the 1920s. Throw in all kinds of Interwar weapons and vehicles.
He's most likely talking about certain classes either being black or poo in the loos where at that time and location didn't have said races serving there.
It hurts my autism too but having the scouts all be black save 2 factions doesn't bother me since all snipers in the battlefield series generally are worthless niggers anyways.
Actually I enjoy it a lot, gameplay feels even smoother than in BF4.The main factor of enjoyment is that me and my squad wipe the floor with enemy team and usually we end up taking top 5 places on the scoreboard.
I agree with this. When they announced BF1's setting I got excited with the expectation that it wasn't going to be full of niggas running shooting full auto from the hip like most other shooters these days, but goddamn was I wrong.
At least it has planes so I don't have to deal with that shit at least.
it's a first person shooter, regardless, and some of the scouts are wearing gloves so you can't even see your own monkey hands
the only time you even see niggers in this game is on the other end of your bayonet or beating them to death with a shovel, I don't see why Sup Forums has a problem with this
>the game talked about how the Central Powers won the war
It was a joke you fuck, 90% of the single player protagonists were white, and the only reason it wasn't 100% is because of the brown girl with dicks on her face
I didn't get excited because I knew they would fuck it up in the end, but I am surprised just how close they came to doing it right only to fuck it up with the class loadouts. Game as is right now would be improved massively by just removing SMGs, the maps and Operations currently in the game would be great if nobody had SMGs.
Which is why if anything they should have just gone the alternate history route. Throw in tons of interwar and prototype weapons, go even more ridiculous with the behemoths.
>run and gun
>semi-auto/full auto galore
Basically your typical shooter with a ww1 filter.
Like fucking clockwork.
>just remove SMGs
>still have LMGs, Shotguns that can kill you from 50+ feet, Self-Loading Rifles, Semi-Automatic Pistols, and Sniper Rifles
>WWI game
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea.
WW2 is overused. They need something new but more of the same. It's so shitty. Only normies was fooled by this. I was sperging out when I saw the first trailer.
A realistic ww1 game could work. Just check Verdun but this game also have flaws because ww1 is not really all like that but it is close enough.
>Semi-Automatic Pistols
>Sniper Rifles
All things that were commonly and widely used during the war.
>Semi-Auto Rifles
Not widely used at all, but they at least existed and were used beyond the odd prototypes and trial guns. Unlike SMGs.
>the MP18, Hellriegel 1915, and Automatico didn't exist
Medic class guns are ass, which discourage the use. Vehicles are overpowered to shit and back, taking them out is 10x more difficult than it should be. SMGs are over powered to fuck and have no place in this setting. Spawns as usual as ass on a biscuit but who didn't predict that. Games can become so hilarious one sided with no remedy.
>squad full of niggers
>asks why anyone would hate it
I like the game, but it isn't even charming as far as alternate realities go like Wolfenstein is.
>Just check Verdun
You mean that indie WWI barebones COD with terrible graphics?
WWI is a shit setting and it's obvious DICE realized this half-way through development.
That's like saying regular Pepsi out sells penis flavoured Pepsi.
Here, have a random link to support my view:
BF4 and Hardline's sales combined.
Which means no, no one cares aside from Sup Forums, and Sup Forums is irrelevant.
Did you at least check out my link?
Verdun is objectively dogshit.
Stick to Red Orchestra 2, it does what Verdun was going for without even trying to be that.
Sup Forums hates it because there are black people in the game
thats it
I didn't hate it, but I dropped it after 20 hours because they cut a lot of stuff.
The customization of BF4 is completely gone, and yeah, I understand that in WWI game you can't have 20 laser sights, but I think they should just have gone for a WWII game to replicate what BF4 did.
it's boring as shit. guess i'm just tired of FPS games
Grand total of 5,000 were built before WWI ended, not even issued just built.
>Hellriegel 1915
Never entered service, never progressed past prototype stage, the gun is so rare that we barely know anything about it today.
~4000 issued into service right at the very end of the war.
SMGs were a complete and total non-factor in WWI
Full of niggers.
And it's a just another modern military game with a WWI skin.
There's nothing wrong with that.
I'm sure plenty of people who aren't Sup Forums also find it offensive to see the heroes of their respective nation depicted as monkeys.
But nobody wants a game with just semi-automatics and bolt action.
Which, as I said in other posts, is because WWI is a shit setting.
Who the fuck thinks the soldiers of WWI were heroes?
They were puppets used to fight a pointless war that the governments thought would only be a small skirmish and would give them some free territory.
They are as much heroes as people who survive a house fire.
>try to make a thread about BF1 that doesn't have anything to do with the black people
>falls off page 10 with no replies
>make a BF1 thread with a picture of a squad full of black people
>free replies
Game has gotten pretty dead for the past few weeks now and the DLC hasn't even been released yet. Shit will be in its grave by the time the Tsar pack comes out.
Point is BF1's maps and the operations as they are currently designed would be much more balanced and much more enjoyable if you didn't have SMGs in the game. SMGs throw a massive disruptive wrench into everything, and makes the game play nothing like WWI.
>No France
>No Russia
No buy
Because no one wants a game that plays like WWI.
Oh yeah, the game would totally stop being shit if the soldiers had different uniforms.
Why doesn't medic have anything automatic
you keep talking as if they didn't add Back to Basics like 3 weeks after the game launched
Just because you are an ADHD addled simpleton who can't handle not being able to run around hipfiring an automatic weapon doesn't mean other people wouldn't enjoy something else.
What now?
>back to basics servers
>no one is playing them
Because boltactions are shit when you can easily go 80-0 in your choice of a Heavy Tank, Trench fighter and Light tank. Only tryhards play the game using infantry rifles.
>Just because you are an ADHD addled simpleton
Oh, I'm an ADHD addled simpleton because I don't want a game that consists of firing from one trench to another?
And no, don't come up to me now with the first months of WWI because that defeats your own point.
WWI is a shit setting and will always be.
Red Orchestra 2 was closer to WWI combat then this.
>Who the fuck thinks the soldiers of WWI were heroes?
Pretty much everybody.
>They were puppets used to fight a pointless war
Soldiers are always puppets. Wars are almost always pointless.
The beginning of Western epic tradition lays with the Iliad which exalts honor in soldiers who had fought in the Trojan War, a war fought under false pretenses.
Doesn't make the characters depicted in it less heroic.
>They are as much heroes as people who survive a house fire.
Maybe, by your logic, more like firefighters; who are within your realm of logic not heroic because they get paid to pull people from burning houses.
Or EMTs or doctors, who charge you for the privilege of saving your life.
>no one is playing them
I can find a full Back to Basics Conquest match at most times of day on my PS4
Yeah like they did with Line of Sight, Hardcore and every other mediocre gamemode that nobody bothers to give a second look at.
Which is why RO2 is only fun for 20 minutes.
Pandering to normalfags like ruins it. Why not just make another COD at that point?
>Pretty much everybody.
Yes because all people think soldiers are heroes for absolutely no reason.
>Doesn't make the characters depicted in it less heroic.
What's heroic of guys in trenches shooting each other?
>Maybe, by your logic, more like firefighters
No, because, unlike firefighters, WWI didn't bring benefit to anyone, it was a pointles massacre.
Firefighters save people.
COD doesn't have tanks or muh PTFO
>why not just make another CoD
CoD is still yearly installments
The only characters who act somewhat heroic in the Illiad are Hector and Odysseus. And maybe Achilles' gay nephew. Most of the others are just dickheads.
Or pander to ''hardcores'' like you and have the game actually flop and die in the matter of weeks because absolutely no one likes the idea of ''WWI shooter''.
If this didn't have the name Battlefield plastered over it it would have flopped.
This. What were they thinking with fucking 900RPM SMG when everything else has abysmally high TTK.
That's why Red Orchestra and ArmA are still alive, right?
B-b-but muh b-battlepacks!
Because we have played the same shit since BF3
ArmA 3, the game with a server browser where only 1 out of 1000 servers is not modded to hell into some ''citizen roleplay'' shit?
Or RO2, the game peaking at 1000 players?
Isn't bf1 dead af on peecea tho?
It peaked yesterday at 44k, which is ArmA 3 and RO2's peaks combined.
Fuck off underage.
I hate it because they included black people for political reasons.
I also hate it because it's the primary source of information on ww1 for a lot of people and it completely gets every aspect of it wrong because they were too afraid to mix up the gameplay.
thx bby
Verdun has gotten way too much fucking credit because of this game. Never even heard of it beforehand.
>I also hate it because it's the primary source of information on ww1 for a lot of people
Fucking no one cares about WWI.
>Spawn in on Armored Train
>I spawned in quick enough to get to be the conductor
>Proceed to spend the next 5 minutes blowing the whistle non-stop
Typing like an illiterate mouthbreather is a bannable offence.
Lol why don't you go and have a fuckin aneurysm about it then.
>Yes because all people think soldiers are heroes for absolutely no reason.
They think they're heroes for fighting for nation above their own well being. Regardless of the intentions of whoever started the war, people often fight for reasons aside from that.
>WWI didn't bring benefit to anyone
Clearly you're fucking retarded, then. And it's not like people woke u p and decided to be invaded, having people fighting for your country does, in fact, bring benefit to people.
>The only characters who act somewhat heroic in the Illiad are Hector and Odysseus. And maybe Achilles' gay nephew. Most of the others are just dickheads.
They are pretty much all hailed as heroes.
>Clearly you're fucking retarded, then
Who benefitted from WWI?
The only consequence of WWI was sparking WWII, and the only thing WWII did was teach USA that war economy is pretty profitable.
Holy shit you're a terrible human being. I'd like to see you risk your life for something you believe in you pathetic faggot.
Boring setting & lack of variety
Still waiting for a relevant WWII online shooter that isn't WAW or RO2, but even those are prtty shit.
That implies Sup Forums is not filled with Sup Forums-tier neckbeards.
Dont get me wrong, I hate them forced niggers too.
To back away from the retarded “it's a nigger“ comments
Battlefield and cod are the epitome of normie trash mostly 13 year olds play, so why would Sup Forums like them? It's common sense
Sup Forums pretends to like CoD as long as it's not IW
Nigger if France and Britain didn't do anything to stop the Germans pushing their shit in the world would be a very different, possibly worse place. Mind you, every country involved had good reason to defend itself in WW1; no war afterwards was the same. The soldiers called to defend their country and people deserve admiration.
Oh yeah, i'm a terrible person for not falling in line and say that people who fought a pointless war and what they basically did was shoot guns blindly while they cowered in trenches were heroes.
You think they had a choice when people were steamrolling into their fucking country and threatening its very existence? What would you have done, cower in a hole or run away??
What are you talking about, Infinite Warfare was shilled to daeth here.
Sup Forums mostly discusses normie trash.