Daily reminder there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. wizardry is something all men should aspire

daily reminder there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. wizardry is something all men should aspire.

>didnt go to my prom
i expect my latent wizard abilities to start kicking in when i turn 20 later this year

22 here, I'm getting there

26 and pretty /fit/, can't wait to multiclass

just don't max alteration, that magic is a meme
conjuration is the best bet

Does it count if it was my cousin when I was 11

>even your summoned qts don't want to fuck you
fuck you. nobody told me about this

9 months away from wizardry ladd, wish me luck lads


This is pretty much true. If you didn't have sex as a teenager you will live under the shadow of that the rest of your life, even if you do it in your 20s. You will have missed a chapter in your life all of your fellow peers accomplished and you will forever regret missing that teen pussy.

Western women are trash.

>implying paying for sex will magically make you not be a loser anymore


lost it at 22
don't give up anons, there's always still hope

>losing it at 19
>expecting wizard powers

Your will is weak

>tfw i'm named after a wizard

3D women are trash

You do know all Japanese women at 16 and older already had sex once right
This applies to the US as well actually

>thinking your abilities will kick in this soon

You have a long way to go


take that back

>mfw turning 28 this year

this nigga is right
though at least JAV is alright compared to western garbage

My point is that nips are cuter than american women.

Those aren't women though, those are disgusting lolis.

Japanese women aren't worth it either.

If Anri's so good, why isn't she in any JAV with good plot?

I lost mine last week at 21 years. SO i'm beyond saving but I was saved?

>3D women
>not trash

27 Sup Forumsirgin now, in adfotion to that I started being NEET 6 months ago, not sure how to feel about that.

None of my friends had sex in high school, they were losers too. At least some of my peers failed

>ugly women
>annoying noises
>draconian censorship



Me too. We should build our wizard towers in the same neighbourhood.

the best JAVs with plot are sentai/Power Rangers porn
>tfw Hitomi's in one
>tfw can't find it pirated

Because she quit!


So, you're too old to be considered anything except a failure. You didn't even go all the way, and become a wizard.


you okay there user?

>Giving up fucking MAGIC for pussy
youre a special kind of retard, arent you?




Wasn't she sucking some grandma's tits together with Hitomi last month?

first two are only true if you're literally just scratching the surface for normal garbage
lots of cute girls without annoying noises and the usual retarded rape themes if you know what to look for
I agree with the third one tho



Lost it at 27, and judging by the feedbacks I got I'm very good in bed and also a big guy.

>tfw your gf share your dickpics to her girlfriends to brag about it

If she quit then she isn't good

Your parents planned for this.

Embrace your destiny. Become all powerful.

More accurate version.

No she quit last year

Sounds like a great girl, for you

who /point of no return/ here??

sex makes babies and venerial disease

the only people that care about virginity are high school millennial babbys

Stop lying cunt.

You gave up the ability to shoot lightning for that?

when will you learn, user-kun?


its good that she quit the degenerate lifestyle desu senpai baka

>11 years ago
>Didn't know about wizard powers then
Never had a chance. I could have grasped the infinite secrets of the universe by now.

Green Tea Neko is too good for this world

But how do I live to be 1000?

Time to skill-up.

>no bothersome outings and dates
>no damning engagements
>no parental responsibilities

Anything is possible now.

What sort of parents do you have user?

Alchemy and study with ancient dragons and serpents

are you telling me that I can eventually become a C U T E loli? my fucking dream come true
magic, bitch

how do i make this a reality

Optimal Prime reporting in.

I'm 8 months away from being a wizard :-(.

I've gotten head and kissed a girl, but never made it to third base.

i'm almost 26 and i don't really see any end in sight

probably because i'm maladjusted as fuck. i like girls, but i dont like the normie kind. i basically want to be the housewife and have the girl be the "man" of the relationship. which pretty much never happens unless you go after trannies, or if you are super duper cute because tough, masculine women can pretty much get whoever the fuck they want

and dont bother replying to me saying i'm a degenerate or gay or whatever because i already know i'm fucked up

I'm sorry you can only be a Sage

Lost it at 24, when I proposed to the woman who became my wife. Could have lost it before that, but I figured that if you're gonna ask someone for something, you better be able to put yourself through it, as well.

Like I give a damn about 3d

They're both Rosae Crucis, my brothers got better names than i did but i'll refrain from saying too much

But becoming wizard is impossible for anyone who masturbated even once.

Mortal desires does not mean sex alone. But masturbation, gluttony, vanity.

We will all die as mugblood fags, even worse without having sex once

>You actually let her place her lips on your head
Just kill yourself, you un-virgin.

I lost mine at on my 21st birthday, got a beej when I was 20. Honestly 20+ is when it starts getting kinda tricky

She was showing them to Tyrone while pointing and laughing at your tiny dick

We love you, user

Expecting a normal woman to be happy in an abnormal relationship isn't realistic.

I know women like that, who have husbands who stay at home and raise the kids (including homeschooling). Those women are not attractive.

Please do yourself a favour and hire a hooker.
No man should ever have to live life this pathetic.

fuckin unvirgin scum
t. never even held hands :DDD

>he let a girl get that closet to him

you're not alone user
also not a fag and don't want normal sluts with trashy lifestyles to just drain my money
thinking about taking care of the house and a child sounds really nice desu, specially because it's kinda what I already do while working from home

She shouldn't have quit, it's the pnly thing whores are good for

>tfw content fapping to 2D girls and playing vidya
>tfw didn't go to prom

I didn't go to prom because I hated my school and it was expensive as fuck. I wish I was still kissless, but I had to be mildly molested as a child and have my first kiss stolen

The wizard meme doesn't happen on its own. It's the reward for ignoring whores and focusing on honing your skills instead.

I hope you've spent all the time you missed out on socializing practicing a craft instead

anit-magic propaganda
fuck off wannabe psion

>tfw no monstergirl gf

>Sounds like a great girl, for you
First time a girl called me a big guy I had to bite my tongue to not answer "for you" with the biggest grin on my face and the whole plance scene playing in my head.
I did mutter For You in the end couldn't help it fucking Sup Forums

I wish, but all happened last year.

For now it's worth it I would say

>implying i'm burger

>a succubus sapped your essence with her mouth

Better learn how to plow the fields, farmer peasant.

that last entry reminds me of deviantart

become a genius and commit your life to the pursuit of immortality

>also not a fag and don't want normal sluts with trashy lifestyles to just drain my money
I don't understand this. In a traditional relationship that ends in marriage, a woman is exclusively giving up her most valuable assets (her fertility, her youth, and her ability to generate income while rearing children) to a single person. Why is it unreasonable to expect to receive something in return for all of that?

this is the life user
never stray away from 2D, because they never let you down

>projecting that much
You're not even being subtle here

Right after I finished uni when I was 22, I went to work for 4,5 year and living in cheap and small apartment alone. With low spending, using money I've saved I can live as NEET for another 16 months.
But eventually I'll have to give up this.

what if I'm good looking, have turned down numerous women and actually choose to be a virgin unlike the ugly fags that say they haven't slept with women because muh feminism or the usual all girls are whores meme?

>time for Sup Forums!
seriously though, it's sad that the first thing that comes to mind when I wake up is to browse Sup Forums and other imageboards

>All those times in your life when girls gave you signals but you never picked up on them

The fucking worst. I still to this day can't read signals correctly, either " I want you" or "I don't want you"

why should I have to slave all my life away to a whore? she isn't entitled to any of it
>giving away her fertility youth and ability to generate income just because she had a child
sure thing you fat fuck

Not part of the convo up to this point, but I'm 7.25 inches erect. I'm large enough that sex without lube is impossible with the type of girls I'm into (petite). I've never sent a dick pick, and even being asked would make me wary of the relationship.

I got a prostitute when I was 17. Had multiple prostitutes since. Got some head from 2 girls I met on POF when I was 18-19. And had condomed sex with a woman I met at McDonalds when I was 20. 21 now. Still never had sex without a condom.