>Race of highly aggressive warriors whose women can produce 2000 offspring a year which can potentially live forever
>Thinking that curing the genophage is a good idea
Race of highly aggressive warriors whose women can produce 2000 offspring a year which can potentially live forever
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Everyone in Mass Effect Androgyny will get cucked by a billion Krogans.
You didn't mind their numbers during the rachni wars
The krogan are literally just too stupid to deal with a reasonable birthrate so they spend every game crying about it.
anti genophage fags remind me of beta cucks always paranoid of their girl getting stolen by chad thundercock
>mfw low test humans are afraid of their females getting KROGAN'D
>Second game course corrects first game's implication that the Krogan are all sterile by saying they just have normalized birth rates
>Actually created an interesting moral dilemma where likeable super genius scientist in your party rationalizes genetically modifying an entire species in a way where they're being forced to culturally adapt or die out
>ME3 has that character renege on all of the stuff he talked about with (admittedly good moment) I MADE A MISTAKE
a useful tool when you need it but you don't keep an unsheathed blade around at all times
Kind of funny.
I kind of prefer the situation in Ringworld where the big bad alien race gets the aggressiveness genocided out of them.
Just point them at a reaper and it'll balance out
>Daily reminder that Wrex is nothing but a cureshill
>Hey shall we unleash a second existential threat onto the Galaxy?
>Well I did have some funny conversations with my party member so yes
Andromeda would be much better if it was about correcting all the horrible shit Shepherd did to beat the Reapers.
>have a dream about mass effect andromeda
>everything looks amazing
>gameplay is the greatest of any of the games so far
>characters are fun and amazing to interact with
>decide to pre order the game
>wake up
>remember it's actually fucking terrible
It's not fair I was that close to actually enjoying a well made mass effect game again
Original ME would be miles better if the plot was about the genophage instead of muh ancient evil
Big evil baddies are much easier to market to children
Well, their numbers were explicitly smaller then. That's the entire point.
Peace time and settling on planets with ecosystems that don't naturally select ten out of those 2000 offspring.
Genophage is pretty pathetic though. They should've just wiped the Krogan out rather than let them live but give them trillions of dead babies, not that the latter is worse than the former; but it's always proudly cited as 'we fixed problem but didn't genocide 100%, just genocided 99%!'
And the Krogan should've been more upset and rebelled to the death.
Overall though it ends up not being too bad in practice when its existence creates based as fuck Krogan like Okeer.
;_;7 RIP one true hope for Krogan.
I liked when they'd wear human skin so god would let them win
its bullshit that saving Okeer was not a possible storyline in ME2
>remember it's actually fucking terrible
tell me more facts about the future.
How is the PC port of Automata?
How many bugs does the beta of Battle Brothers stamp out before release?
It was okay. It was chasing what was believed to be a present evil and slowly discovering it was an ancient evil, whose presentation was handled very well.
Not the best but pretty damn decent by bioware standards.
Replayed ME1 literally the last few days, and it's nevervimplied they're all sterile. On the contrary, Wrex flat out says the genophage works the way that only a few of the babies actually get to live while most are stillborn.
Freeing the Rachni in 1?
yes. though it never does anything worth while
because krogans are based and bro tier
The only good thing about ME3 was killing the Quarians.
And even that is achieved in a blunder of a geth plot.
In retrospect it was a risky as fuck idea but at least it didnt turn out bad
fuck the Quarians
Fuck the Geth
muh feelings over rational thought.
I want Chad Thundercock to cuck my asshole.
When you have killer super-machines trying to murder everyone it's OK to say "fuck it" and cure them. You're probably doomed anyway.
Humans have nothing to do with that.
I-it's alright though, they PROMISED they won't go breed-crazy this time, what more do you need?
Absolutely not.
Everybody says that Mass Effect is a Space Fantasy clone; they're wrong, it's a Star Trek rip off.
> Krogan
> Asari
Romulans (debaitable as Orion as well)
> Alliance
Federation of Planets
> Reapers
> Collectors
You have 10 minutes to prove me wrong.
>Krogans - Klingons
Stopped reading right there senpai
>Wrex is cool with the genophage since he knows his people wouldn't be dying if they stopped being raging retards
>at the first hint of a possible cure, is willing to kill Shepard even though he's the galaxy's best bet against Saren and the Reapers
>Wrex is getting his people's shit together so that they can become productive members of galactic society
>at the first hint of a possible cure, refuses to help fight the Reapers unless the genophage gets cured
Watch it organic
>In retrospect it was a risky as fuck idea but at least it didnt turn out bad
I wish it did. It was stupid and Paragons should have had some decisions blow up in their faces.
>fuck the Quarians
Indeed fuck the Quarians. Too bad they're going to be in the new game.
>what if we ripped off klingons but did it in such a way that it makes them completely unlikeable and unsympathetic in anyway
It's a star wars rip off you fuck, the krogan are mandalorians. KOTOR1 might as well be Mass Effect: The FirstTry.
Nobody knows what the Reapers are when the first conflict with Shepard comes up
And it isn't that they're raging retards. It's that they lean significantly towards retarded rage while out-breeding every other race by several orders of magnitude.
You're right in your anti-Wrex sentiment though.
Although it's more of an anti-Bioware-character-writing-sentiment.
I don't remember anyone mentioned to be Mandalorian in the films.
What are Mandalorians?
>How is the PC port of Automata?
Pretty good
>How many bugs does the beta of Battle Brothers stamp out before release?
Too many
It was non-sensical to have Wrex be so adamant about the genophage in ME3, especially considering the fucking stakes. Should've just given Wreav the retarded "muh race" spiel and have Wrex be closer to the coherent middle-ground.
>Genophage is pretty pathetic though. They should've just wiped the Krogan out
Go play KOTOR or use google.
If you really need to be spoon fed, they are a warrior race.
Seriously, play KOTOR, the mission structure is exactly like ME1 and there's even a chip blue alien party member, kayden 1.0 and some other fun stuff
Child blue alien party member*
Sure if you think so. It's just a cowardly system pretending to be moral.
It's like deliberately missing the vitals and leaving somebody to die of infection.
>We didn't kill them, events after our interaction with the subject resulted in their unfortunate death ;(
Don't worry family, I know exactly what they are. My missed joke was a dig at
>extended universe isn't canon
rather than actual ignorance.
The first kotor was pretty shit all up though.
Don't really care for any of the party members other than Canderous and Bastila.
I was replaying it a couple of years back while chatting with the lads in voice chat.
I reflected that I did the wookie planet first because I fucking hated it and wanted to get it out the way. Which then lead me to reflect and I realized that most of the game is pretty god damn mediocre, with the primary exception being:
>cowardly system pretending to be moral.
>It's like deliberately missing the vitals and leaving somebody to die of infe
Negative - the games go over this. It was a miscalculation. They wanted the Genophage to functionally reduce their reproductive capabilities to be compatible with the rest of the galaxy without 1. having to kill them all, 2. be killed by them all.
Mordin talks about this and the challenges and mistakes he made.
If they wanted to wipe them out, they easily could, that wasn't the goal. the goal was to rein in their reproductive rate to a level below "Galactic invasive species".
Mordin also observed the Krogan recovering from the genophage and rather than work off that, after realizing how much the Krogan were suffering under the solution, to possibly provide a more reasonable solution, they just poisoned them back to pure genophage levels.
>implying I didn't sabotage the shroud and shot mordin and later wrex
Wrex wouldn't live forever and the next leader would just start a war
Hackett is best
Terrible analogy, the genophage just forced their birthrates to a normal level.
t. Krogan
>Hm looks like you've recovered
>Femshep is just sitting there in her cocktail dress with her legs spread wide
do you agree with this question, the genophage arc was the ONLY thing good in ME3, it was the only choice with any meat on it, going back to ME1 levels of super horrible to space pope alignments.
Treating other races like your own is racist.
nah ME1 set up the series well, then the ball got dropped hard, I mean you only die at the start of 2 because they thought it would be a cool reveal trailer, and you choices with the council at the end of 1 have fuck all bearing on the game.
Daily reminder that KILLING MORDIN WAS THE RIGHT MOVE and OP is fucking right.
>Fucking world leader of Krogans talking about openly defying the council if they don't grant some planets
>Talking of possibly inciting wars/skirmishes
>All of this happening during the mission about "curing" the genophage
>And some retards still think curing the genophage is a good idea.
>destroy Maelon's data in 2
>Wrex calls you a faggot at every opportunity he gets in 3
Lucky someone can't call you a faggot if they're dead.
that just makes killing him on the citadel so much better
>> Reapers
>Get opportunity to fool Krogans into thinking the genophage was cured
>Get Krogan support
>While not creating a future existential crisis for the galaxy
>Oh, it turns out they actually find out like 15 minutes later
BioWare, I...
Disagree. There are certain absolutes. One of them is the right of sentient life to have room to grow. To develop. Legion himself wanted that for the geth. "Human rights" do not extend only to humans, but to all sentient life forms in the galaxy.
>puny autistic lizards barely scratching over humn height
Haha no. Fucking Super Mutants are bigger, stronger and more ferocious than they'd ever be.
according to the wiki Krogan penises are on average smaller than human penises. In fact human penises are absurdly large compared to almost any other known intelligent species.
There's a sci-fi penises wiki?
that's your question?
They only find out if Wrex is in charge. If he died in ME1 Wreav is too much of a fucktard to figure it out.
I think chimps have huge dicks and balls. Don't quote me on that though.
Having to do with the low fidelity of their women.
You have extremely shit taste. I genuinely feel sorry for you. Typical inbred britcuck.
Chimps have huge balls but small dicks. This is because they need to produce large amounts of sperm to compete with (and flush out) the sperm of other males.
Humans actually the biggest penises of any primate, relative to our size.
By having most of their babies die.
>there are canon sources covering size of aliens' penises