Bulletstorm remastered won't be free to PC owners

Most games remasters on PC are free upgrades to previous PC owners. Not Bulletstorm. Publisher Randy Pitchford says there will be no free upgrade for PC and you most buy the game. This is shitty because Bulletstorm is only playable on Windows 7 OS because of the GWL. Is bulletstorm a flop already?

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I bought Bulletstorm on the 360. Bought it because of the Gears of War 3 beta early Acess didn't even play the game

>Remaster of a game that came out in the same generation and still looks brand new today


Bulletstorm came out last gen

>Bulletstorm remastered won't be free to PC owners

unless there's denuvo on it, it will be

Can't they just remove GWL? I think Batman Arkham Asylum and Dark Souls 1 did this

Used to be able to buy used copies at Gamestop for 3 dollars or less.
Why pay full retail price for a slightly better looking version?

BS fucking sucks and that alone should be reason enough to NOT buy the game again.

Did the same thing and don't regret it once,

No because that version is actually published by EA. So technically they still have rights to that version. It's also why gearbox can't off free upgrades to the current pc version.

I play bulletstorm all the time on win8.

>pre order to play as duke nukem

For fuck's sake let the duke rest in peace already.

>Most games remasters on PC are free upgrades to previous PC owners

the fuck, since when?

since like bioshock or whatever dude

What makes you think you are entitled to free content?
It has Duke Nukem.

No idea the only ones I can think of are bioshock and skyrim, not sure about serious sam.

Predictions on how hard this'll flop?

Very hard, the games wasn't even a huge success when it first came out. It a fun game don't get me wrong but its also a game that didn't even need a remaster for one and anyone who wanted tot play the game has done so already for two.

Why is randy pitchfork such a jew?

Buy the original bulletstorm for like $3 during steam sales, then apply the GFWL patch. pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Bulletstorm

>Bulletstorm remastered
literally no one asked for this

It's a fun game but way too short and the multiplayer gets boring real fast.

Serious Sam was the opposite, owners of Serious Sam HD on steam got the originals free

Because this is probably a last ditch effort to make some bank for Gearshit. There's a reason he's pushing this 'remaster' at 60$.
Stillborn was a complete failure, they fucked Duke with forever and with the new Duke3D edition that was waaaaaaaay overpriced. Forever, new Duke3D and stillborn didn't sell well at all so it ain't hard to see Randy's piss covered face is in some financial issues.

Here's to hoping that there is some justice for once and that gearbox does go under. Or at least that they are forced to sell the Duke license to more capable hands.

I just wanted someone to post the tweet but that works too.

I'm buying it for the Duke Nukem DLC

Can't wait until they finally squeeze out BL3, its garbage and they die at last

I wasn't on Sup Forums when the game came out, but I loved it immensely, it's still one of my favorite FPS of all time, if not the most. But from what I heard, it went criminally underappreciated by most people. What did Sup Forums think about it?

The big criticisms were about how it was hyped to be more fun and different than COD, but still ended up proliferating many of the same old habits. Weapon limits, health regen, ADS, linear as fuck etc.

I mean, its just a skin you never see outside of cutscenes and a voice pack.

As a Gears fan from the start, that beta was the best multiplayer the series ever had. So beautiful.

Thought it was fun but short. Multiplayer was dead so I didn't get to play it. I assume if Bulletstorm remastered does well we will finally get Bulletstorm 2

Fun game but too short and ends with a forever cliffhanger.

Pretty much this

I remember people recommended it as a "good but not amazing" game, also on most steam sales.
Still there was a lot of skepticism for FPS games, especially those with console releases because "we want the COD audience" when COD was extremely successful

>Remastering Bulletstorm

What exactly keeps Gearbox afloat anymore?

Not the first time something like this happened.

The Metro Redux games weren't free although were heavily discounted if you owned both original games.

I still ended up buying both again, then again Deep Silver are devs I'd support, unlike Randy Bobandy at Shitbox.

Neither was homeworld and that shit is still bugged two years after release.

They are asking 60$ for a remaster for a last gen game. And it's a bad remaster.
You can pick up the original game for 5$ during a sale. Nobody asked for this, nobody is waiting for this shit and nobody is going to buy it.

It's a last ditch effort but it's not going to work. They don't even care about making a bulletstorm 2, they would have done so already instead of remastering the old one for lazy $$$

>remastering a game nobody gives a flying fuck about
>a game from 7th fucking gen not even old enough to quality for a good remaster
No matter how bad life may seem, I will never be Randy "Piss on my face" Pitchford

>Loved Bulletstorm, despite its flaws
>Want to show love for it some more and show interest for a possible sequel
>Hate Gearbox
>Dont' want to support any of their bullshit

torn. Best case scenario, I find it in a used game shop a month and a half after release for twenty bucks

>remaster of a game no one gave a fuck about and that no one remembers

So much this, i recently replayed the fist one, not once i though that the game looked bad.
It suffers from other problems, namely the linearity and way too many invisible walls, even around holes with ladders you are supposed to jump down to anyway.
I wish the shotgun and the bowling bull didn't suck monkey dick, pistol was good but had to little bullets to make it viable long-term.

>nobody gives a flying fuck about
I give a flying fuck, the duke voice-over is nice, but there's basically nothing they can do to make it better without straight up adding new levels/weapons

There's a good chance this shit's still gonna be forced letterbox on anything other than 16:9 monitors

Just glancing at my library, I see Skyrim, Bioshock 1/2, Darksiders, and Titan Quest.

>that pic
now that the dust has settled, it turned out that both games were just slightly different sorts of shit

What do you mean? I have skyrim in my library and they still want 40 dollarydoos for the special edition.

I loved Bulletstorm. It was a splash of color in a brown and grey wold of vidya, the variety of cursing was top notch and playing a godzilla running through a tiny town was simply excellent.
That being said, if you're going to offer me the opportunity to purchase your game again you should damn well make sure I can still play my first copy of it without jumping through hoops.

i got this game for 1 buck on steam , i will not get the free remaster edition ? that is bs

>Randy Pitchford



did you get all the dlc for Skyrim? That's why, as soon as Special Edition got announced they increased the price of Legacy Edition.
>tfw got Legacy when it was $5 during steam sale back in 2014.

Nah I just have the vampire one they fucked up and gave to people for free. I still don't understand what your point is, did people with all DLC get the special edition free?

>gets blown out on twitter
>writes a song about it
>performs song at large conference
What a time to be alive.


I didn't even know it had been remastered. I just checked and the remaster is in my games list and apparently has been for months and I had no idea. I don't remember get a notification for Skyrim either. Why doesn't steam notify you when shit is added to your account like that?

Or just pirate it day one. I liked bulletstorm but I know this is just Randy fishing around his IP bin to make some free money because there is no Borderlands coming up and Battleborn is fading away.

Even under good circumstances, Randy will just go "Thanks for the money, suckers!" then announce that BS isn't getting a sequel and Battleborn 2 is starting production.

Even Denuvo is just a matter of waiting for the Italians to get around to it

Must feel good burning Randy so hard and he got so furious that he wrote a song about it then proceeded to play it in front of everyone in a desperate attempt to not look petty.


what's that exactly?

Why are they remastering this? Its like if someone remastered Heavenly Sword, who gives a fuck?

Yes, only people who had all the dlc got SE for free. Hence why Shitesda raised the price for each dlc and the Legacy bundle.

I just found out that I own it too. Darksiders original is still my least played game on Steam that's actually been installed and played.

Bulletstorm is just a few years old, but it has aged so badly.

Its was Basically the anti cod only in spirit, but fundamentally it was honestly really booring, things got old real fast, and the levels were linear as hell.

If it was made like how shadow warrior 2 was, then it would be damn near perfect.

>Why are they remastering this
Cause there is a fake rumor that it is a hidden gem, while it's not. So why not to sell it again.

Oh okay. I now understand.
It's not like you can't just mod the base game and basically have the SE anyways.

>(((((((((((( remaster ))))))))))))

>Game's ending sets up a sequel
>Never happens but gets a remaster of all things

I liked how the potty-mouthed villain ended up being the best character

Worth a pirate.

its a 6 hours long with no replay value
why on earth would i wanna play it again?

You can carry all the weapons at the same time now.

That's honestly the only reason I can think of and even then it's not worth 60 bucks

They have to fill hole that overwatch killer made.

I forgot about this game, didn't know it was popular enough to even get a remaster.

>mediocre combat that gets boring within an hour
>Juvenile "humor" every 10 seconds that make South Park and Tosh.0 seem mature

Didn't it originally sell like shit anyways? Who the fuck wants this? It's designed to be babbys first fps-extra dick and fart jokes-edition.

I dunno. What the fuck is hobby grade co-op?

I liked Bulletstorm. Played it on my PS Triple. But I don't like it enough to give Gearbox money.

Its actually been pretty common recently, Skyrim, Bioshock 1/2, Darksiders 1/2.

Remasters are more of a console thing especially with the lack of backwards compatability on the PS4 and limited BC on the Xbone. PC really does not have that issue and most people aren't willing to buy a remaster for a last gen title.

I'm assuming he means that it mixes multiple genres which to be fair it kinda does.

>remastering a game that came out like last gen
>remastering a game that no one cared about


Don't be a bigot, buy the game and support developers so they can make more awesome games where you can be a badass!

>only playable on Windows 7

Wrong, played it about a month ago the whole way through on Win10

>mediocre combat that gets boring within an hour

when you play this as a generic fps, then yes.

And the best part: they didn't even bother with rewriting the dialogue so they still call Douk "Grayson":

>shooting a red barrel
>a gorillion points

>throwing enemy in the air with the whip
>juggling him with the shotgun
>shooting him with the sniper rifle
>kicking him
>10 points

Thanks for showing what was wrong with the skillshot system.

Bulletstorm wasnt even good, it must be the easiest game to "remaster" woah a duke skin and voicework well worth full price said no one ever

It's Gearbox republishing it. It's a flop by that name alone.

> Randy Pitchford confirms Bulletstorm remaster will be a flop.

Good job Randy.

Not even a new voicework.

My mistake. A tired St. John on the phone on his way to buy some bourbon to forget about this shit is new. PREORDER NOW!


I bought ZOE for the mgs2 demo, little did I know what I was in for

Wh@? No way stillborn must have really fucked up shitbox

I wonder if JSJ is sick of Duke, Gearbox or both since he still sounds great in Rad Rodgers.

>Randy Pitchford
Stopped reading right there, no extra information is required about that grubby little kike. That faggot is the Finebros of the video game industry.

not only stillborn. Dont forget the lackluster sales of the pre-sequel (I know they didnt make it, but they were expecting BL2 money from it via licensing) AND their new butchered piece of shit homeworld sequel.

Theyve been hurting for a long, long time.

id say gearbox.

Likely Gearbox desu. When the whole Duke remaster was announced on-stage, JSJ made some abortion joke that made the audience laugh but both Randy and some other idiot from Gearbox visibly cringe and coil.
A writer who understands what fucking Duke is meant to be would make St. John come back to life. As it is, it's just a tired old man.

Bulletstorm was fun, i guess could pirate it again just for randy

I think most people put it in the
>fun but forgettable
Personally I didn't like it too much and dropped it. The finisher gimmick didn't sit with me too well and playing it as a regular shooter was pretty shit.

also trine

And Ethan Carter and Dear Esther if you count those as games.

o shit this