Why don't you play milsim games?
Arma 3, Squad and Project Reality are the most engaging games you will ever play
Arma's controls are basically a war crime. Bohemia Interactive is incapable of making games that are fun to play.
Then go for Squaaaaad
I play RO2. I'd get into Arma if there were clans that weren't total cancer in a way or another, and if the civilian Bohemia dev team wasn't incompetent as fuck when it comes to coding.
I hate communicating with people and don't have a mic nor more than 5 hours free time.
Why do you play milsims?
Squad is okay but is still missing a ton of content and the maps feel empty.
thats what arma´s controls feel like
What's your steel beasts ID
then play project reality bf2 its free and what squad will eventually be.
>play BF2 PR
>jog for 20 meters
>fire rifle
>can't hit the broad side of the bad unless you're prone and have been in that position for at least 10 seconds
Great game.
go play cod then what the fuck do you want from me, everyone else can figure out how to shoot people.
I want you to stop shilling for a shit game. Having shit accuracy after having jogged for 20 meters is not realistic.
What do people think about Fog of War? Feels like amixture RO and squad.
Squad doesn't have this problem, try it out, might just be up your alley
It looks a bit cheap, atleast squad looks somewhat decent
how's the performance of squad compared to arma 3?
I have never joined any video game group that wasn't full of autistic faggots being led by a power tripping nerd with anger issues.
So i don't really want to find a outfit for ARMA.
Once it gets finished maybe. Fool me once (KF2 Early Access), shame on you, fool me twice oh wait, I can't get fooled again.
Also the fact that the scopes have the regular vidya shit instead of being rendered in 3D like in RO or Insurgency already puts me off.
I never see the enemy in Squad.
I only die and play medic.
Can Insurgency be considered a milsim?
Do you realize how many keybinds Arma has? You come up with better controls.
Fuck no. It's more akin to CS with iron sights if anything.
No, Insurgencys maps are about the size of a CoD maps just with more chokepoints and even lower TTK, it barely qualifies as a tactical shooter.
Yeah, the problem is that every single possible action has its own key devoted to it. Contextual actions would drastically cut down on having to use ridiculous keys like P for relatively normal actions.
B-but it feels realistic
I wouldn't consider it a milsim, but it's a decent tactical shooter that has some milsim elements.
Even CoD on "hardcore" feels "realistic", except it isn't. Modded Arma is realistic, 7.62 Hard Life is realistic. Insurgency isn't even THAT good of a game either if you ask me. The Barbie aspect is alright but that's it.
I would say that Insurgency is more immersive than realistic. Firefights in that game have a lot more punch to them than Squad or Arma
too much autists.
Way, way back when the Unreal mod Red Orchestra was new, I played it and it was pretty exciting desu. But now I'm a jaded old man and the idea of running around only to get sniped by some teenager is not in the least enticing.
because it isn't fun, especially pvp
I enjoyed running a small arma 2 crew back in 2011, when the game was free and it was easy to entice autists to play. But I don't know how much fun the autists actually had. The game itself is a challenging mixture of awkward and frightening; AI are either inhumanly accurate or completely oblivious. I only enjoyed it for the experience of creating missions and more particularly for arranging autists into fireteams and ensuring that they mounted the correct humvees en route to the objective.
If they made one of these games free to play, and somehow MMO, perhaps the way Planetside 2 is, it might gain more traction.
but i do
i was playing Wildlands all day with my friends ;)
Well for starters literally every other game has a different key for Select Fire, Grenade launcher and grenades instead of having to cycle through all of that shit with 1 button.
Bohemia devs are fucking idiots
They revamped the gunplay to make CQC actually possible.
You're still not going to be sniping anything at 100 meters out, however.