Where were you when another console was kill ?

Where were you when another console was kill ?
Demon souls is now working on pc

who wants to play shitty dark souls ripoffs on pc?

No online function.

>8 years later

Holy shit the comments on that video are pathetic.
How do PCbros ALWAYS manage to sound so cringeworthy?

it was never good anyway

>to read clues
Git gud

>Where were you when another console was kill ?
Playing Bloodborne :^), see you again in a decade or so.
>i'm going to have so much fun destroying other faggots with my scraping spear
oh wait...

Jokes on you. I'm terrible at multiplayer.

Whenever I want to play Demon's Soulks I fire up my PS3.
Whenever I want to play Bloodborne I fire up my PS4.
Whenever I want to play a good game besides those two I fire up my PC.

>he thinks that a decade old game still has working multiplayer

>another console was kill
yep, playing demons souls with 10fps on an emu is the reason devs stopped making ps3 games 3 years ago

it does actually, in waves

Yea right
Check video again

>That music
What the fuck were they thinking

If sony had brains they would do everything in their power to release a 4k/60fps bluepoint demons souls remaster on ps4/pro as fast as possible

Demon's Souls sucks dick, it always did. It is the weakest souls game.

DaS:PTDE 1080p 60fps HD modded > DaS3:TFFE = BB:TOH > DaS:SOTFS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DeS.

>ps3 fags always spam that Des is the best in the series because no one wants to buy their shitty console
>it becomes finally playable on pc and they totally take u-turn

Pretty much the only thing stopping Me from buying a ps4


Holy fuck, I might be able to play Yakuza 3/4/5 now. Yakuza 0 got me into the series, 1/2 are playable on pcsx, but I was planning on buying a PS3 for the rest.