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I honestly dont see a problem here.

this is already a standard for bioware :^)

Why do people still play modern Bioware games?


Because PC retards don't have other options in their Gaben spyware

Just wait until this thing has problems running on PC's. I'm not talking AC Unity levels, but I think this might have a lot of technical issues to support all the shitty character models and animations.

they'll fix this stuff in a day 1 patch c:



>first picture
gravitational anomaly warping the light around the character which makes the illusion of them look all twisted

>second picture
two completely different guns

>third picture
they are in space. of course shit can just float in mid air like that.

this game is going to be a 10/10 with over 500 perfect scores from various game reviewers. you guys are just mad because its going to be successful.

very disappointing

what the FUCK

>Can't change squadmates armour and weapons
>Peebee STILL pulls an Avenger out of her ass in the loyalty mission footage
And people have the balls to claim we're too harsh on Bioware.


I dont get it
Is this a low budget spin off or is it an AAA game?
Will it hurt them when it flops?


I literally thought this was Gmod until the third time I watched it.

low budget spinoff trying to pass itself off as a AAA
it won't because your modern day big game developer company has throngs of raving fanatics ready to buy up everything they present regardless of quality, and will fight to the death anyone who says otherwise

What's with the pistol? Stolen design?

holding it backwards

cdprdrones are full-blown shitposting today.

It's backwards.
She's firing a fucking pistol, and she's holding it backwards. The flash comes out the rear end.
Somebody somewhere fucked up and put the model in the wrong way round
Somebody edited it and didn't see a problem
Somebody gave it the ok for release and didn't see a problem

The majority of this is bullshit, but I'll agree that "racist" is the closest a white person will get to the use of "nigger".
Black people hate being called niggers and white folk hate being called racists, there's no denying that.

>an illusion

>there's not even a hole for the bullet to exit from

>the gun stays stationary in low gravity

jesus christ

i'm replying to your post because i found it interesting
it's like you deliberately researched how to be wrong

the last two bioware games to sell better on pc than on console were neverwinter nights and dragon age origins
and ea's games aren't sold on steam anymore

so there must be some kind of ironic twist to the meaning of this post
it's beyond me
you're quite high level at this though

look at the gun model next to the screen. That's clearly the backside of the same pistol that asari is waving menacingly towards the baddies offscreen.


Unfortunately this. Sup Forums has been acting like Bioware have only suddenly started doing this but their fuck ups go right back. Does that make it OK? hell no but stop acting like this is as new as you faggots are.

have you seen laser guns before? they dont need holes to shoot.


>laser gun that shoots bullets

jesus christ


>black people hate being called niggers
>call each other niggers
>white people hate being called racist
>don't call each other racist
Are you retarded?


She's holding it backwards
Almost as if she's telling the player to take it and shoot her in her shrek face


no. u

>everyone that worked on Bioware when they were good has left the company
>a shell of what thye once were
>people still hype their shit game because "bioware"

>imélying the day one patch won't solve this

kys faggots

what the fuck am i looking at

by day 1 patch you mean day 1 dlc right?

I'm glad you found work after your last game flopped, Horizon-kun!

The current year.

It gets funnier every time tho

I mean that's what a patch is

>you need to pay for patches now

>all dlc is paid
come on user


Dlc isn't necessarily paid. Plenty of games have free DLCc . Mass Effect 3 had several

Because that backwards gun is unforgivable, it's the straw that broke the camel's back for me. It's such a tiny detail but somehow that makes it a hundred times worse because I *know* that they have a history of terrible animations and quality control, but it could be fixed IN ONE FUCKING MINUTE. Do they not even look at what they're creating? How can a sentient person -with a job in animation- miss that? Saying "They're lazy" isn't even an answer because it could be fixed so easily, yet they chose to show this cutscene in particular to the public to advertise their game? Are they even human?

Look at it this way. When you hit rock bottom things can only get better.

This doesn't apply to Bioware but still

>They're lazy


It's both.


To play devil's advocate they might have wanted shrek to have a "different" gun to what we've seen before, but didn't have any new assets or weren't allowed to show any new assets off, so they flipped the old gun and figured no one would notice?

>Do they not even look at what they're creating? How can a sentient person -with a job in animation- miss that? Saying "They're lazy" isn't even an answer because it could be fixed so easily

The real answer is almost certainly they had a deadline and so rushed the shit out of it and in their haste made mistakes and either failed to notice them, sometimes even obvious things aren't so obvious when you are in a rush, or were denied the time needed to fix and re-render because of some stupid marketing schedule reason or something.

It's a bad mistake but it may not necessary be due to someone being some stupid they don't even qualify as "sentient".

>EA game
>On steam with Origin around
You probably think you can buy ME3 on steam right?
if this is bait holy shit got me good. Also most likely consoles version of this game will sell like hotcakes and sell more than any console exclusive like always.

It's a story-focused game and the gun appears for less than a second total. Not trying to defend it, but the entire sequence was most likely created as fast as possible by a crunch team. They just don't care.

RIP legit nerds who built up a great original universe only to have it shat on for years to come

Just makes me wonder if it will stay in the final game, though. That would be laughable.

The question isn't if they'll fix this, the question is what they won't bother to fix that will be dredged up and laughed at.

if nobody had said anything it would have you dinguses

I feel like gamers nitpick these issues, especially when it's a big budget game. Things like this happen all the time, videogames are incredibly complex, not just from a technical perspective, but from artistic perspective. A backwards gun could be the result of something as simple as a floating point variable entered in as a negative instead of a positive.
I know that I might just be acting like a killjoy in terms of open discussion, but it's weird how demanding gamers can be.

Just imagine how many mistakes that we haven't seen are in the full game.

this is so depressing

Fuck off, Mac

I don't hate being called racist. I know full well that I'm racist, just like every single other man, woman or child living on this planet.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with my being racist, because I don't throw firebombs through the front door of every corner store owned by an Indian in my neighbourhood, which is all of them because they run every single one in this city.

It's not too bad if there is a glitch or a seam in the world. but all these errors, art stealing, bad animations points to a lazy studio with no quality control.

The last Bioware game i ever bought was Dragon Age Origins when it was 90% off.


>nitpick these issues
These are from fucking trailers that they released theirselves

>using a bow and arrow to bludgeon two heavily armored guards

I agree, fellow anonymous Sup Forums user. Instead of this garbage we should all support the newest release from Bethesda Softworks

I just started jade empire today. Is it one of their bests or their worsts?

>trying to make this a thing

every day that passes I am more convinced toddposting is a bioware marketing tactics


their best are the BG games, everything that came after ranged from average to terrible

Great tier
>BG2 Giant Citizen Kabuto
Good tier
>BG, Mass Effect
Average tier
>Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect 2
Mediocre tier
>JE, ME3, NWN, DA2
Garbage tier

I don't know what you mean, fellow user, but I sure prefer BioWare™ products over those shoddy Bethesda Softworks™ products.

Gamers absolutely nitpick issues. Look at any thread on Sup Forums for an example. However, that doesn't excuse the laziness and lack of care given to their own product that Bioware has because "It's okay, people will buy it anyways".

It's one of their blandest.

>Giant Citizen Kabuto

meant MDK2, had a brain fart

I thought the same thing...what the fuck

MDK2 sucked compared to the first one

Nothing new there. Garrus' loyalty mission in ME2 had the entire background glitch out for many seconds but the lazy cunts said they couldn't patch it as it would be too large a patch. Any programmer knows that is an invalid excuse.

Holy shit the asari look fucking hideous.
And here I though ME1 designs were crap.
Were they pandering to ugly lardass lesbians when they made the game or were they just lacking budget/talent for better character designs?

I feel ashamed but I preordered it recently, I think I'll still have fun in all honesty. Thank you Greenmangaming.

>the lazy cunts said they couldn't patch it as it would be too large a patch. Any programmer knows that is an invalid excuse.

If I remember correctly this was because of Steam. Steam could only verify data integrity on a file level basis, I'm not sure if this is still true, and does not support file patching so it meant changing a few bytes in a 2GB file would necessitate downloading the entire 2GB again. Bioware was of the opinion the glitch wasn't severe enough to justify the required fix.

man I got a shitton of games who get 2-20 gb updates on a regular basis



If it's a big budget game, why doesn't it have the resources to check the details? You don't get to complain about people trashing your game when you don't even have quality control.

It's not such a problem these days but in 2010 people were still bitching about large downloads and how long they would take. No one wanted to try to launch Mass Effect 2 for a quick play only to be greeted with an "update required" message and a 3 hour wait just to fix a single, minor cosmetic glitch.

makes me want to play Dragon Ass: Excision and finally finish it but then I remember those scenes and it kills any want I may have had.



Todd himself probably browses Sup Forums. We don't know if he's amused by it or angry. He probably does "ironic" Toddposting or something.
When anons leaked his Steam profile here, the profile was immediately set private

this game is still going to sell and be a commercial success

What's this obession with "beam in sky" that you see everywhere

so did NMS but who gives a shit

I agree. It's very unlikely that anyone but an evil minded competitor would make fun of a visionary like Todd Howard