What are some games where I can play as a futuristic samurai?
Nioh is not futuristic so it doesn't count.
I just want something cyberpunk but with a dose of nature as well if possible.
What are some games where I can play as a futuristic samurai?
Nioh is not futuristic so it doesn't count.
I just want something cyberpunk but with a dose of nature as well if possible.
>that birthing scene
Made me really uncomfortable and also a boner
Just give me a Samurai Jack mixed with BotW game.
user but I want to talk about videogames.
Furi comes close
It is really rough around the edges though
I'm pretty sure EYE can let you be a samurai.
Scatman did nothing wrong.
Except for his absolute shit taste
That actually seems like an interesting proposition, seems like a sort of bullet hell but not really top down game.
Torrenting now.
You can slash around fuckers with your katana and finish them off with your shotgun in EYE
But is EYE stylish?
depends, it's not flashy but it is stylish
Literally every cartoon that comes from the US today is fucking dog shit compared to this.
He was the best thing about the episode
Im really not digging the whole le hallucinating protagonist, that shit is so overdone. Hope they dont over do it
Will it run on Intel HD 3000?
It's source 1, probably doable
Shadow warrior 2. Its exactly what you are looking for, lots of weapons too. Enemies will be a bit spongy initially, but only for a first quarter. Levels are somehow procedurally generated, but feel really fleshed out and chaoticly arranged. Its weird but dosnt feel or look bad at the same time.
>Shadow warrior 2. Its exactly what you are looking for, lots of weapons too.
No it isn't.
It's pure literal trash that's an even bigger insult to original Shadow Warrior than the first reboot was. Fuck the sequel to the reboot and fuck the reboot and fuck you for even recommending that random generated bullet sponge shitfest with so much visual post process and effect clusterfuck combined with like 4 enemies copypasted in the entire game with recolors and massive bullet sponges and grind that makes Diablo 2 look tame in comparison.
Seriously fuck you.
i watched samurai jack for the first time about a month ago because of the hype around the new season and it is completely overrated besides a couple of episodes like the robot hitman and the haunted house
is it just purely "us 2000s kids amirite?" nostalgia? im not saying its bad, but its nothing to even look forward to
Shit. Taste.
Raiden is a ninja, not a samurai.
Samuel is fine tho, too bad we can't play Raiden's campaign with him.
So did I, you just have shit taste
It's about to all get very real for him I hope
Not the first time he killed humans.
Oh shit did that start? I missed it. Fuck.
Well im so sorry i offended youre oh so decadent tastes user.
Anyway none of its really bad. Its good for quick romps and carless laidback action. It does alot of things diffrent, and all suprisingly well for what could have been far worse.
I mean shits its got the ninja thing down pat, movement is quick and responsive all the time, and foes go down in satisfying ways.
All the things you posted are true, but its not nearly as bad as you make them out to be. I beat the whole thing in like 9 hours. It just gets some getting used to
>i watched samurai jack for the first time about a month ago
From the rest of your post, I'm pretty sure you only watched the WatchMojo Top 10 Amurai Jack episodes list in YouTube.
Shadowrun. Street samurai are what you're looking for
Played Returns, didn't resonate with me to be honest. Felt like a mobile phone game. And yes I did beat it.
this always happens when something old is brought back or remade. people just barely remember watching it but they say its really good to try and fit in
You know what they say, never consider anyone in media dead unless you see the body
I dont think Street samurai class is how you do it
I think Chi + Melee is better
it runs on my $200 laptop. you'll be fine
a samurai is just a retainer to a feudal lord. and its cyberpunk dejour to have corporations that act as surrogate clans
they even have the cliche where Raiden becomes a ronin so that he won't dishonor his lord with his intended actions
I mean the fighting style.
Raiden fights nothing like a samurai.
He's very distinctly what you'd expect a ninja to be, while Sam is the actual samurai.
its goty 2016 so enjoy
What the shit am I reading.
Is it just me or is Jack's skin color different? In the original it was yellow-ish most of the time
If you want a rollercoaster of a ride, check out Shin Megami Tensei IV.
I have shittier Intel, you'll be fine
He's still yellow in the flashbacks, he's meant to have gone pale from stress.
Seconding, but FUCK Naraku.
Not stylish, you don't even see Flynn in combat.
I'm surprised no one's complained about white-washing yet
Genndy gives no fucks.
I kinda wish she threw that. just to see jack grab it spin and toss it back at her full force.
The soundtrack makes up for it.
>tfw Sup Forums is shitting on it while saying it doesn't live up to SU
>going to Sup Forumsmblr
Stay there, you belong there
And I'm glad, I'm just saying SJWs love to complain about EVERYTHING and Samurai Jack is pretty popular right now, so it would have made sense for them to try and make a fuss about it
The show is already animated and finished so it's not like they can do shit about it other than cry bitch tears. And Adultswim won't take it down because it would lose money they invested.
Didn't stop them from giving Iron Fist a 0% Rotten Tomatoes.
I don't even know what that is but feel free to explain.
Not him but Iron Fist is the latest Netflix Marvel TV series.
When it was announced some people made a big deal out of the fact that the guy playing Iron Fist is white (like in the actual comics) and not asian.
It's fucking retarded but that's SJWs for ya
Forget I asked, but thanks for the tl;dr
Iron Fist is the next Marvel netflix show after Luke Cage/Daredevil and because he's a martial arts expert of a mystical asian clan while white sjws reviewed it to the point it got a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. May have gone up though.
I actually liked this game.
Isn't this an anime game based on some really bad 3/10 anime?
Sup Forums is having an orgasm over Samurai Jack. What are you talking about?
Never watched the anime, but I thought the game was pretty fun for a cheap hack n slash.
I like the art style but in general it's a case of people being 12 when they first saw it.
I literally rewatched it last summer, all 4 seasons, and while there's some crappy episodes and it's a "status quo" show, there's plenty of amazing episodes and the self-contained stories are executed extremely well.
It's a show that's purely about style and not WORDS WORDS WORDS. It also understands humor while not being excessive with it.
It also uses the cyberpunk setting to avoid censoring violence extremely well, you have plenty of gore, it's just Sup Forums gore rather than blood.
Nioh has machineguns, it's futuristic.
>machineguns are futuristic
No user, machineguns are 19th century (gatling) or 20th century (general purpose machineguns as we know them).
Nothing futuristic about them.
They shoot lasers.
Metal Gear Rising
I can tell you I have already seen Tumblr posts questioning Jack getting white-washed. Tumblrinas get on that shit fast.
Lasers were invented years ago, not in the future dumbass.
Too bad that's still 20th century
Anime is nothing special, the movie was bad.
I however loved the soundtracks for both.
Anyone know where I can find a torrent of the original 4 seasons that isn't trash quality like the one on PB?
wat. no its not.
is Samurai Jack secretly William Adams? He looks like a white guy.
Depends on what you mean by trash.
If by trash you mean 480p, the show is from early 00s and was animated digitally in 480p so it literally doesn't exist in higher resolution.
Other than that:
S1 rarbg.to
S2 rarbg.to
S3 rarbg.to
S4 rarbg.to
Voiced by a black guy.
He's yellow in the flashbacks, supposed to have gone pale from stress in S5.
Also he's voiced by a negro.
>If by trash you mean 480p
Nah the one on pirate bay has a garbage bitrate, interlacing and has constant compression artifacts.
I'll check out your links though, thanks.
this makes me angry, i hope this shit is ironic.
He is voice by the black dude from pulp fiction that gets his brains blown out in the car.
DVD rips tend to be interlaced since DVD is an interlaced medium to begin with.
>obvious bait
No (you) for you, faggot.
Also Vamp from MGS.
That may be true but when it looks like this every single time something moves it's going in the bin.
Why are you trying to start shit?
When ripping DVDs you're supposed to used proper deinterlacing algorithms, most ripped are retarded and can't do that.
Anyhow the ones I linked are progressive scan webrips.
>play as a futuristic samurai
Can't believe nobody suggested this yet.
and it have great waifus inside.
>Anyhow the ones I linked are progressive scan webrips.
Yeah I noticed that, thanks again for the links my man.
Funny nobody mentioned Nier Automata.
Didn't find it on Steam, is it a console exclusive?
oh and here's a pic of the waifus
Poor marvin
Looks like Sup Forums trash tbqh
Calling it, the 7 daughters of Aku aren't actually Aku's daughters, but Jack's daughters.
All of the daughters are asian, all of them kind of have Jack's eyes and Aishi probably has his good nature and honorable spirit.
It wouldn't surprise me at all of the cultist leader disguised herself and seduced a desperate and hopeless Jack at some point.
Shadow run?
Made my noggin joggin
Cool headcanon, but I doubt they're it'll be anything that interesting.
Hmm, really makes you think