How do you want your new Quake senpai?

How do you want your new Quake senpai?

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Dead on arrival.

>Sell Price
You honestly cant shit on this, they could have gone full fucking blizzard retardation but they didnt.


Well i didnt want another team shooters thats for sure

>not fun

With cute girls. Can't wait to dress them up.

so its going to be f2p? Okay thanks dropped

Talk to any pro player.

Quake is a sport first and foremost and the people who just want to jump in and not have to practice for 3 months to get a kill are ruining the game.

Sorry, forgot this

>implying I give a shit about pro players

Looks cool to me


>undead female



why are they copying wow

It's still fucking cancer because RNG crate system. It speaks volumes when an EA game doesn't have this shit, opting for straight up cosmetic packs that cost less than a couple loot crates.

This is fucking embarassing.

Calling it now:

This game will be mediocre-enjoyable tier but overall not recognized after the initial hype the name carries dies away (and it will very quickly because Quakefags and even secondaries will realize the shameful nature of this game's existence). Sup Forums will constantly shitpost about it because of custom waifus and the ability to shitpost about it period. It will be another person pissing in the sea of piss that are these lootbox psuedo MOBA games flooding the market. It will be by all definitions a polished turd.

Maybe something like a cute goth will please you more?

>literally lootboxes
Just fuck my shit up senpai

haha oh wow

is every new shooter going to have boxes now?

paladins, undead, females and tabards were there long time before blizzard you fucking retarded blizzdrone

why do blizzdrones think that blizzard came up with every fantasy concept in video games you fucking cumstain

>loot boxes


>every match is now fucked by some asshole that half asses it by only doing the quest instead of trying to win the match
God forbid, it's a god damn 'KILL X WITH THE MELEE WEAPON' quest

>scroll comments
>empty hero most upboats
>close youtube

Not competition for Overwatch

What's wrong with lootshit if it's only aesthetic ?

Open at your own risk. I warned you.

>that fucking MMO tier menu

why the fuck

Wait, what?

This is Quake now?

What the hell happened?

boring as fuck

call me again when they have the old sexy characters and stop censoring their past because of sjws


It joined the overwatch meme. Welcome to the current generation.

>they even copied overwatch lootbox opening animation

Every f2p game have the same dedicated UI designer team.

Oh, it's just Overwatch. Excuse me, I meant modern Team Fortress 2.

It twists and directs people's attention, developers' and players' efforts, skewing priorities in the design and behavior of the playerbase.

I just see it as more evidence of it being little more than a cash grab than an actual good game. It's a way to try and milk gullible people for money, and in some cases it can kind of ruin the game. TF2 is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about. After cosmetic items were introduced people spent more time idling than actually playing, and then after the trading people spent more time trading than actually playing.


whre is Mr. Crow?

Yes and thats how you get dead Esport games like SC2 and SFV





>unholy paladin

God this looks so awfull
The menu looks like one of those chinese fps f2p



Nyx nyxnyxnyxnyx

I can't tell difference between this, World of Tanks, Overwatch, Smite and Paladins.

>chinese fps f2p
You are not far from truth, they are collaborating with some russians

>Symbol from Heretic

Id please revive this series

How does customizing your character make it automatically bad? I mean it's kinda useless feature personally but why does it matter?

>ever being successful

HAHAHAHA. Quakers are so autistic they can't even agree on 2 games from their own franchise. The second there's a slight gameplay mechanic tweak they will flip their shit and proclaim it as the biggest pile of shit and a spawn of satan.

Why is it that every single FTP game in existence has some shitty lootbox that vibrates like a cellphone before exploding?

Hearthstone and Overwatch have it, same with most most freemium phone games.

>unholy paladin


You mean like the Dota 2 menu?

It's actually not a bad game. The abilities are kinda meh but it's fast like it should be and pretty fun

>tfw want to play QC but my lack of skill and a proper internet connection are a red flag to me

Developers wanted to make money in today's market.

Why does it need to exist at all? If they wanted to add customization then why not just make everything available from the start? It's a dumb gimmick they're throwing in to try and squeeze cash out of people. It's the lame ass method lazy developers use to try and get people hooked on the game. It doesn't necessarily mean the game is gonna be bad, but it does speak volumes about the mindset of the development team. The whole thing is looking like a textbook cash grab, they're literally copying ideas and business models from other games because they've proven to be successful. It's lazy, and lazy developers usually don't make good games. They're using cheap tricks to get people psychologically addicted to the game.

makes it more satisfying to open


The game is free, so I guess it'll be the highest quality quake game ever made.

How bad is the snowballing in Quake Champions?

Is this a Brutal Doom reference?


With a singleplayer

>try to sign up for the beta
>subscribing for their newsletter is required

Dropped like it's hot.

Just frag my shit up

Because people refuse to purchase proper arena shooters like Reflex, so devs have to come up with this shit to cover their development and stuff.


It's dead Jim.

Here you got

what's the issue? That design is pretty good

I don't like F2P bullshit but I'm sick of every arena shooter being dead. CPMA, quake live, reflex, xonotic/warsow are all dead.
I'll wish on the monkey paw if it means I get regular 1v1s with matchmaking.

Quake 3 had a million fucking customization skins, plus mods

New quake comes with cosmetic customization and Sup Forums shits the bed

some gameplay

Whatever, I'm not good enough for Quake so I wasn't going to play it anyway

Is this the new ui patch for overwatch?

Does it affect gameplay?

If yes, this game is dead.

If no, you and every single other person can fuck right off.

It's "free"

There are like 5 people playing reflex right now despite the fact it came out of early access less than a week ago, all of you niggers are too pussy to play a real arena fps, that's why this is necessary.

>Hit enemy
>Floating numbers

For what purpose

for the same reason quake live had it, so you can complain when you think you did more than enough damage

QL feature

Quakefags make youngins on Sup Forums parrot whatever they want them to say, but youngins will either never play the games or play them and realize that there's no point trying to relive an era that lived and died nearly two decades ago.

It'll be a much more fun casual game to play with my friends than overwatch. I've already accepted that the true arena fps is dead.

>There are like 5 people playing reflex right now despite the fact it came out of early access less than a week ago
Reflex killed itself by being Early access cancer.
It can get fucked.

I pity anyone who thinks the dyke haircut looks attractive.

>lootboxes giving customization items is a bad thing in a F2P game
just unplug yourself my dude

Annnnd fuck this game. I guess I am done with vidya for now. Goodbye.

collective customisation/vanity items is an absolute scourge, i hate it more than P2W stuff

People always defend it with 'oh but you don't have to do it' but i still have to sit there after every match ends with dumb menu's and bars saying 'new crate unlocked!, purchase 10 keys now and get 1 free' and other such bullshit as oppossed to playing the game

Gears 4 and recent Halo's both had this

>Why does it need to exist at all?
From my point of view, for no reason cause I don't give a damn about customizing my character but lot of people like those kinda features and having them in doesn't take anything from me at least. The devs can probably make a buck from it too and further support the game and update it.

>let's make a game that we want to compete with overwatch by making it exactly the same as overwatch
When has this ever worked before?

If you hate that mild inconvenience more than literally paying money for in game advantages then you should gtfo of gaming because you're the cancer killing it.

is he playing with controller or something
looks weird as shit

>exactly the same as overwatch
trying to hard here

>if you don't like muh cosmetic skinnerboxes then you must like P2W!
What an amazing leap in logic, great job Blizzdrone

>Lets make a game we want to compete with tf2 by making it exactly the same as tf2

It has worked, for Overwatch, actually.

They just had to wait a decade and for Valve to kill off its own game.

>like quake
>hate RNGboxes

>dont by game because loot boxes
>devs think people dont like the series

>buy game because quake
>devs think people like RNG bullshit