Ay yo how dis make you feel humanboi? you jelly? U mad ass-racis' we wuz robots n sheiit!
Ay yo how dis make you feel humanboi? you jelly? U mad ass-racis' we wuz robots n sheiit!
>mad because women use dildos
u wot
Why does that robot sound like a black man?
In the dystopian future, according Blizzard, we'll be so enriched and diversified that inter-human racism will be non-existent and all our hate and racism will omit towards omnics.
>all those oppressed poor omnics being butchered by a big German man
>Literally worse then Holocaust.
Still nazis I knew it!
Makes sense. If robots, ayylmaos, or any foreign group with a lot of differences from the majority came to us then the majority would be racist towards them
People always say this but every time europeans arrived to some fuck off colony in the middle of nowhere the inhabitants either continued fighting each other or allied with the europeans so they could kill the fuck out of their enemies a bit quicker.
Aliens and shit wouldn't unite humanity at all.
I respect the creative art direction of Overwatch and I think the game is somewhat well made but this whole muh-diversity bullshit is getting really tiresome. Whats next, Blizzard is gonna make Diablo 4 where all races and 34 something gender will have their own heros and shit? Lemmie guess the demons will all resemble some white guy on steroids with horns and talking in southern accents?
>tfw no robot gf to clang with
You're correct, but that example is within the context that the inhabitants are a bunch of warring tribes that hate each other so much they'd take invader help to beat the other. Currently, without opening the can of worms about Sup Forumsitics and Islam, I imagine that a combined force of nations would be able to unite against a powerful one.
See: World War II with America-Russia alliances. They don't get along well, but they did so to beat a greater foe, the Germans.
>Cesspool of faggots and robofuckers
Is it the future of UK?
They are doing for profits. The more they pander towards minorities and fags the more sales they get from minorities and fags. Simple as that.
The mongols were warring tribes that were united by waging war outside of mongolia. Same with the early Islamic expansions into Persia and the Byzantine Empire.
Britain is anti-omnic though.
You'd think there was more money in pandering to the majority considering... they are the majority and as a group has more money.
Which sounds better, United Cuckdom or United Clankdom?
nice satire Blizzard
The majority literally don't care where the hero is from user. They are pandering to the majority by making the game extremely casual in terms of mechanics and to the minority by adding various backgrounds that are overall non-threatening so they don't alienate a demographic.
The game is literally walking stereotypes: the game
I'm actually surprised a lot of the things about it are not lauded as racist on the sjw eyes, but guess the brand name keeps it like that.
Because "diversity"
Hol up robot boi!
Where can i sees u railing that wite bich?
Gimme sum of dat porn boi, dont us be a busta boi
It worked wonderful for marvel
might have to spell that one out user. Unless there's a blackface Lucio or yellowface Mei costume I wasn't made aware of.
That's not stereotypes.
Every single character embodies the stereotypes of the region one way or the other except maybe pharah.
Hell lucio is a favela tech stealing nigger.
mcree is an autistic cowboy
zarya is a nationalistic commie racist which is quite weird considering her design
Sombra even has the make up and nails of a trashy latin whore
I think it's one of the few things that use this stupid fucking diversity shit, instead of putting x race or place in a pedestal it takes a shitload of stereotypes from whatever region, good or bad, and puts them in characters that represent that particular region.
Instead of trying to force identity over others, everyone has their quirks and represents the lineage and culture of a region instead of some WHITE PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING PUT BLACKS AND SPICS AND SANDNIGGERS EVERYWHERE HOMOGENIZE EVERYTHING shit they're doing lately.