Is it worth playing? Just beat ME2 and loved it. I already kinda know what the ending is so I don't care about that

Is it worth playing? Just beat ME2 and loved it. I already kinda know what the ending is so I don't care about that.

No the whole game is a big step step down in terms of quality and tone. It has a few good moments but I'll never be able to forget my disappointment. And I even liked 2! It just isn't good. The multiplayer was kinda fun tho

Damn, that's a shame. Guess I'm done with Mass Effect now, thanks user.

It has some good combat(compared to the rest of the series at any rate) but in every other area it's just a letdown.

That and you just get a feeling it was rushed like fuck while playing it. Similar to DA2, but not exactly as bad.


Yes, but never finish it, get to the moment before the big fight and stop.

>make a robot
>make her this ugly
But why.

Yes you should finish the series out, there's some good in there before the ending.

Yeah it's top tier. Its also free at the moment

What the fuck did you just fucking say about my waifu, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Depends. Do you like the travel around on new interesting planets meeting cool aliens part or the combat part?

Because the entire game is more or less:
>go to citadel
>side quests are mostly just walking past people who shout that they need *insert technobabble*
>talk to NPC to get next main mission
>go to galaxy map, scan a few planets to get item for sidequest, no need to land your ship or anything
>do next short main mission on a planet you will never see again most likely
>go back to citadel

Where is it free at?

>Just beat ME2 and loved it
if you enjoyed ME2 then you'll love ME3.

I finished replaying it yesterday.

It's got some good moments and it's nice to see all your companions from ME2 again, but ME3 just feels rushed. The gameplay has been significantly improved but a lot of the interactions with NPCs have been toned down or removed altogether.

Citadel DLC was pretty fun though, I loved the Armax Arena

Better than 1, not as good as 2. Main thing to enjoy is all the little things that come back from the other games. Story suffers from taking itself too seriously but has some really good moments. Combat is okay but too many turret and 'protect x' segments. If you do play it I'd recommend the Citadel DLC at least if you give a shit about the companions from the previous games.

>Forget to turn in a side quest before major plot event
>NPC now gone
>Can't turn in the side quest
>Still there in the journal

That shit really pissed me off

Sorry went full retard, mass effect 2 is the free one (at origin). Mass effect 3 is also top tier.

Yeah since you already like shit games, I doubt this one is going to change your mind

pirate it with all the DLC and the ending wont be as bad since they retroactively foreshadowed their bullshit

play vanilla and you will be hunted for years

>Hey, we lost our Beta-Orbit Xenowave Mass Effect Laser Afterburner Ground Control Thruster Components on planet X
>spend ages looking for planet X, just can't find it on the map
>give up and read the wiki
>planet X is unlocked after mission Y
>continue playing
>finally get to planet X after an hour
>completely forgotten about the side quest now
>miss the item while on planet
>oh well, you win some and you lose some
>some time later
>all of the side quest item have now magically appeared in the Specter HQ
What amazing immersion.

OP here, getting some conflicing replies here but seeing how dirt cheap ME3 is on Origin, I'll bite. Thanks.
Wait, are you guys saying ME2 is shit? Why? I agree the story is weaker than 1 but I pretty much prefer everything in 2 over 1 except for the story and weird keyboard controls.

I liked all 3 games in the trilogy equally.
All of them have some problems, but in the end I'd say they're all worth it.

3's biggest problems are
-Stupid ending
-Obvious focus on MUH EARTH to make it seem more appealing to casuals because you have to SAVE EARTH OMG
-Reapers are a joke compared to what they used to be

So yeah, there's some stuff that's a shame, it obviously suffered from trying to "appeal to a wider audience" and make it a blockbuster, but overall if you accept it and stop caring about that, I think the game was pretty good and had a lot of great moments.

I liked the game but it felt like the ending came 4-5h too soon and was just some bullshit they pulled because EA set the deadline too soon and didnt want to move it.

I think gameplay was shit, maybe it's my fault for pretty much ignoring biotics and going for guns only (for the most part), but it felt even worse than ME2. I hated it so much I changed difficulty to lowest mid-game and just run past all enemies, because it felt like a chore to spam bullets at them (soooo spongy). Plus every single fucking mission is just a series of "ambushes" you clearly see coming because there are barriers to hide behind etc.

Story-wise it was okay I think, I played the "fixed" version (DLC with tweaked ending) and thought it was fine. A 5/10 game for me, a huge waste of potential.

People retroactively started hating ME2 after DA2 launched and was absolute dogshit. I still remember how there used to actually be threads about ME2 and specifically playing vangaurd when it was still okay to like.

I pirated it and installed yesterday. I played through 1 and 2 few years ago, wanted to finally try 3 so hopefully Andromeda will be unDENUVO'D by the time I finished.

Recap interactive comic was nice, I also managed to recreate my ugly-ass Shepard with bad complexion I used to make back in the day.
Not that bad, I thought. But then first cutscene started:

And finally

So yeah, fuck this game, uninstalled after 40 minutes, that is including comic, so gave it 15 minutes till I noped out.Just watch the story recap on youtube If you wanna catch up, It's also retarded so maybe don't bother at all.

Shame, I remember 1 and 2 being pretty good games.

If you liked 2 you will most likely like 3 as well.

>>spend ages looking for planet X, just can't find it on the map
Also this, why the fuck aren't side missions displayed on the galaxy map?

It was really jarring how cutscenes would switch from in-game engine to pre-rendered.

The third game is fine. The combat is as much of an improvement on 2, as 2 was on 1. It's the peak of the series for the combat system. The talent system is also at its most interesting, its a good balance between 1 which some thought was overwhelming and 2 where there weren't any interesting choices and the system was gutted. The dialog is a bit crappy compared to 1 and 2, still respectable though. Definitely worth playing, don't get memed into thinking its somehow a terrible game because of the ending. The ending isn't even that bad with the extended cut, it's mildly unsatisfying at worst.

I don't mind doing the occasional reading of a quest description. But at least give me a hint the place is hidden on the galaxy map before I spend ages looking for it.

I didn't really mind the ending at all. What kinda killed the game for me was Like by the end I was just fucking happy it was over because the game is just so repetitive and lacking in fun unique locations.

If OP is gonna play it. Ignore scanning planets and going out of your way to do the "I need X items in Y cluster" shit. God it's so fucking dull.

I don't mind it either, but the game does a piss poor job of tracking said side missions. Why not do it like this

"Some asshat wants a space dildo found in the Whogivesashit system in the Somewhereoverthere cluster"
[ ] Find space dildo in Whogivesashit, Somewhere over there

And if you fail to get it in time, the quest would update to "Whats-his-face died during the Cerberus attack, whoops"

Sup Forums was absolutely nothing but ME2 and waifu threads for weeks on release, it was crazy.

As for OP, apart from a few horrible sections it's a great game, especially if you can enjoy the journey and not have the ending decide the value of everything else. If you have the money (or can pirate the DLC) get Leviathan, and Citadel if you like the characters.

At least make sure you install the free extended cut thingy.

There's plenty of amazing locations in the game. Like you get to visit Tuchanka finally. You get to visit the Asari homeworld Thessia. You get to visit the Geth fleet as they're attacking the Quarians. You get to visit the Quarian original planet before they were driven out. I don't even remember the side missions, but the main missions were great.

The only truly irritating part of the game was collecting war assets so you didn't get the 'bad' ending for not grinding enough.


And give is a damn choice of opening the journal while inside the galaxy map so you don't have to exit it every time to look up what stupid name you will never remember it was they wanted you to go too.

You visit Tuchanka in ME2 as well.

But my issue is that for the most part you visit them for one or two missions and never see them again. ME2 suffered a bit from it as well but you at least you had the Citadel, Omega, Ilium and Tuchanka to explore and get a feeling of the area you were in. In ME3 there is only the Citadel and a few mission planets. One single Hub planet where you will more or less do all your wandering around in. It was the same in fucking DA2 for god sakes.

Like even if we do visit Thessia we never get to see more than one tiny little temple.

Here's my idea for the ending.

The Crucible is a galaxy-wide EMP that wipes out ONLY the Reapers.

Your readiness rating determines how many people/aliens die before you can activate it or something.

There is no Starchild, no Leviathans, Reapers remain a mystery.

The "happy" ending where everyone (and Shepard) lives is only possible if you've done everything correctly all the way back from ME1.

Would you be satisfied?

It's been 5 years, let go.

That's more or less how my ME3 ending was.

Well, Starchild notwithstanding.

I won't let go until Bioware comes out and admits the ending was terrible.

Extended Cut doesn't count

It was a shit franchise and it ended in shit, fuck off.

Redpill me on this game and the second one.

I just love Jade Empire and Kotor games, but for some reason I've never played these games. Tried a couple of times but dropped after an hour or so. How could I motivate myself to play it a bit more?

You have a taste shitty enough to like ME games.

Don't. The nice feeling you get at the end of Mass Effect 2 where you don't want to lose any of your squad because each of them has contributed and meant something during your journey is nonexistent in ME3. I just remember feeling completely apathetic about almost all of them at the end of the third one, and that was before the garbage ending

This is a great post. I hope you never kill yourself.

I felt exactly the same way when I played it upon release, apathetic is the perfect description. But I think the anti-hype and disappointment got to me more than it should have.

I replayed the entire trilogy last year, for the first time with all the DLC as well as the edited ending, and it was good for the most part.

>An IGN reporter was modeled and put into the game
>Certain characters were introduced only for pandering
>Your self insert has PTSD
>Kaiden is gay
>Kei Leng
>The new game even takes place in a new galaxy because they writers wrote themselves into a corner.
>At the start of Mass Effect 3, when the team you built is completely scattered, thus rendering the previous game even more pointless.
>We just found the plans for the most important artifact in the galaxy to stop the Reapers. And it’s on Mars.
>The dream sequences.
>Tali is a stock photo
>The ending is a stock photo
>Last words on screen are "Paid DLC"
>Cerberus is somehow fielding a massive army capable of attacking points all over the galaxy all at once.
>We somehow built a huge weapon and we don’t know what it does.
>The final conversation with The Illusive Man.
>The conversation with the Starchild and the revelation of the purpose (LOL) of the Reapers.
>Lore rape and retcons
>In the Arrival DLC, we saw that destroying a mass relay caused an explosion with the equivalent power to the creation of a supernova
>So now we have everyone stranded in the star cluster they were in when Shepard saved the galaxy by blowing up the only efficient interstellar travel system.

Kaiden is bi tho.

Yes. If you loved ME2 you'll probably like ME3 despite the promise of "multiple endings" being mostly a lie. There are some great character moments throughout. Don't missed the Citadel and Leviathan DLC. Omega and from Ashes are both okay, but less essential in my opinion.

If you beated the previous ones play ME3 to end the series, but it's the worse game of the trilogy for several reasons.

>DLCs everywhere