
>console is estimated to have sold around 330,000 units.
>that is worldwide

Wow, it's fucking nothing

Other urls found in this thread:



Can't wait until Splatoon 2. Jesus.

300k is Japan only

You don't even need to read the article to see that it's talking about Japan, how are you this dense?

Nintendo Switch sold through 95% of its initial shipment... in Japan.
You realize those two extra words at the end pretty much invalidate that achievement right?

Of course the Switch is going to sell there, they have that market cornered and there's a sense of patriotism when it comes to buying from a company that represents your country. They always do extremely well in Japan, the Wii-U did as well; its the international market that they've always, always struggled to get a grip on.

Here are some other titles that I would view on the same 'achievement' merit:

"I managed to win a footrace... against a three year old."

"I got the best mark in the class... of Special Ed. students."

"I had a fight and won... against a severely disabled man."

>>that is world wide
No you dumbass that is japan alone

336, 512 in Japan alone.

>You realize those two extra words at the end pretty much invalidate that achievement right?
"Switch is Nintendo's fastest-selling console ever in Europe"

Let it soak in user

>of course it will sell in japan
No you dumbass, zelda is niche in japan and it still is mostly advertised as a homeconsole.

That's pretty fucking terrible. PlayStation VR sold 50k units during its first week of launch in Japan. VR. Fucking VR.

>Nintendo's fastest-selling console ever in Europe
Let it soak in user.

336 is over 6x bigger than 50k user, and Japan's big obsession Splatoon 2 isn't even out yet. The Switch is selling amazingly in Japan

>Nintendo Switch exceeded first 2-day sales in Americas for any system in Nintendo history
I can feel your impotent rage from here user

That's terrible but not for the reasons you think.


>that is worldwide

The fucking title already tells you its just Japan, you dense motherfucker

>the GC will be their last console! Nintendoomed!
>the Wii will be their last console! Nintendoomed!
>the Wii U will be their last console! Nintendoomed!
>t-the Switch will be their last console! N-Nintendoomed!

>336 is over 6x bigger than 50k user
Playstation VR is a fucking overpriced VR unit, user.
>and Japan's big obsession Splatoon 2 isn't even out yet
You're delusional.
>The Switch is selling amazingly in Japan
No it's not.
>I can feel your impotent rage from here user
Nice ad hom, you fucking drone.
Fasted ever selling Nintendo console in Europe is meaningless.

Oh no, it is terrible and for the reasons I think.

the Wii U sold out of preorders too you know

>Splatoon 2 isn't even out yet
>You're delusional.

It's not.

>M-muh preorders!

>sold more in Japan
>sold more in Europe
>sold more in the Americas

Look at what Nintendo are selling, user: a $300+ dollar tablet with a dock, shitty controls and overpriced games which perform shitty and are generations behind the competition.
That's worse than death for the fanbase.

You're fucking delusional. Splatoon isn't remotely as popular as you think it is.

You're wrong.

>Splatoon isn't remotely as popular as you think it is
You're completely out of touch from the market user

>Look at what Nintendo are selling
A success in the Americas, Europe, and Japan? Ok

the Wii U looked strong on launch

the switch will be revealed to be a turd just like the wii u

>the Wii U looked strong on launch
Then why is the Switch breaking all these records?



No, you're wrong.

Splatoon is really popular in Japan though. Of all your points, this is really the most wrong. If you even did a quick google search you'd find you're wrong. It's sad

>in Nintendo history

and that right there is the important words. shit sales are mildly better than really shit sales.

300k in Japan is still piss poor bad.

You realize that this means it beat the Wii, DS etc. in sales?

You can't tell me those had shit sales.

>110k in france alone

holy fucking shit


>for three days
Ok user

Not to sound negative but the Wii U also had a good launch, not this good I mean but still fairly good. The big thing will be in the upcoming months if Nintendo can keep up this momentum they started, they better hope that the defects won't screw them out of sales too much and hopefully they & third-parties can pump out sales consistently over the year.

repeating the word wrong over and over wont make it true retard

So when will we get to now worldwide sales?

>Not to sound negative but the Wii U also had a good launch
Not this good globally.

>in Japan
Woah, it's like nintendos core audience is in Japan or something

i can indeed.

Considering that is only 95% of what they made and you can expect that the remaining 5% are in stores that jack up the prices or in hard to reach locations that is pretty damn good.

>Also 6x50k = 300k
>Also 300k > 50k

Again, you have to put it in a class of its own - "It's the fastest-selling console in Europe... for Nintendo".

You might be the fastest runner in your town, but as soon as you start widening the net to include other towns, then other cities, then other continents, your performance that was initially seen as very well suddenly pales in comparison.
Fastest selling console for Nintendo, sure.
Fastest selling console ever? Not by a long shot.

I know, I acknowledged that right after the comma. Regardless, my point is they need to keep it up & not slow down like the Wii U did.

>the Wii and DS failed

Let me tell you what will happen.

We'll soon get ARMS and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, they will do well.
There will be Splatoon 2 in Summer, Splatoon almost sold 5 mil and was a HUGE success.

At the same time Nintendo will announce a pokémon game, metroid, animal crossing and a new Monster Hunter for the Switch will be announced as well.
Soon after we'll get Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade 2 and then Fire Emblem Warriors.

The Switch will do more than well, don't worry.

>Breath of the Wild has an attach rate of 60.8 percent with Switch
So 40% of the Switches sold went to people who had already bought one or more?



That's sad.

Japan now adays is built on the success of it's tech companies. 100k a day for three days in a country that's been practically built by Nintendo and Sony and you think a quarter of a million WITH the bad press for console quality is going to save Nintendo and prove everyone wrong. Haven't we done this cycle already?
You're so far up your own ass you don't see it.

You're all retarded.

>did better than even the DS and Wii
>in MARCH, not even in holiday season too

Absolute domination.
Just think of this year's christmas. The Switch will be in a bundle with 1 game and have Mario Odyssery, Zelda BotW, Spla2n, Xenoblade, Mario Kart, ARMS and such.

Holy shit. They will absolutely WRECK Christmas.

USA - 600k+
Japan - 336k (14k better than PS4)

Europe (over 325k total)
- France - 105k
- Great Britain - 80k (double the Wii U)
- Spain - 45k (8k less than PS4)

Console Wars still truly the shittest of posting in all that the term shitposting entails. I just don't see how you can do it any better.

Except the vast majority of Splatoon players is Japanese and you're fucking stupid.
Splatoon 1 sold almost 2 million in japan alone.
That is damn impressive for a new IP on the Wii U specially in Japan.

I think 2m in March alone is easy enough.

>Dengeki says that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has an attach rate of 60.8 percent with Switch. That’s higher than the rate for Twilight Princess and Wii at 35.9 percent.

Who the fuck are the 40% of people who bought a Switch and DIDN'T buy Zelda? The Switch has absolutely nothing else worth dropping $300 for.

I don't give a shit if it's almost double Twilight Princess because understandably those buyers were probably grandparents wanting to play Bowling and Tennis instead, not to mention Twilight Princess wasn't nearly as good and there were more Gamecube owners than Wii U owners at the time of release dividing the game's sales.

>Who the fuck are the 40% of people who bought a Switch and DIDN'T buy Zelda
Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2, Disgaea 5 complete, Snipperclips, Fast RMX, Super Bomberman R etc

But really
>just waiting for Splatoon 2


>holiday season in Shintoland
>Implying holidays mean anything for a console launch
>Less competition from holiday deals

Most people buying video game consoles now aren't little Billy waking up xmas morning. I honestly don't know anyone under 18 that doesn't primarily game on ipad or other mobile shit.

Literally as dumb as you can be and still operate a keyboard.

The fact they are not releasing actual numbers means the sales are pretty pathetic compared to the other consoles

Thanks for Correcting The Record user

Sonyfags should prepare for some next-level Wii shit because Nintendo is going to dominate this generation. Imagine Switch with Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, MonHun, etc. It's going to be a massive success.


> ""Switch is on track to ship 2 million by the end of March, so that's a solid start."


>"Following Sony's successful PlayStation 4 launch last week, Microsoft has announced that it too has sold 1 million units in its first day."

Oh shit. Looks like you can make anything look successful if you only acknowledge a narrow concentration of their own success rather than including the entire picture.

It's like if I started making my own console and selling it around in my town for a decade, and with the latest itteration I say, "Man, this was my fastest console to sell out ever".

Sure, that's impressive on your own personal level, but if I bring in the numbers for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, suddenly you don't look so hot...

It's over bro. I didn't want to face the truth either... but just look at how many games are coming to it in 2017, we have no chance.
When they announce a new MH soon Japan will forever be lost, they'll buy 10m of it on day 1.

We'll just have to accept this...

>The fact they are not releasing actual numbers
You're retarded.

>Miyamoto-san, we have great news!
>What is it, paid shirr-kun?
>The Switch is exceeding Wii's and DS' initial sales in a lot of countries, if this keeps up it means it could end up being as successful, overall!
>That is good to hear, paid shirr-kun... but what about the P ESS FOH?
>...the what?
>If we don't beat Sony as a company we value nothing, all of the Switch's plofits will be nothing but shamefur dispray
>But keeping up with our most successful consoles can only be good...
>You have much to learn, paid shirr-kun. Never forget the wisdom of the internet image boards... now if you excuse me, i'rr have to join Iwata-sensei soon, for i faired him in rife for the rast time

Scalpers and people who ordered from more than one place to make sure they get it

Hitler had the same strategy. as long as they dont make any good games people HAD to buy Zelda

Its oike you love not reading and looking like a retard.
They have shown amazing numbers.
Gamestop has preorders for the second fucking wave of switches in mid-april.
Tell me when they've done this before.

Doesn't count digital sales, I think. But japs had more launch games, too.

All I know is it outsold the PS4.

All is right in the world.

I don't think it can outsell the PS4 longterm.

The PS4 is just too much of a "all-in-one" solution for the living room, netflix machine and dudebro magnet for that to happen.

I know multiple people that own a PS4 and they don't even play video games. MAYBE GTA, but nothing else.

The Switch doesn't have to outsell the PS4 to do well though. It just has to do well for itself. The 3DS won't be getting anything post 2017 so at that point everything Nintendo makes (and MH) will be on the Switch.

>I don't think it can outsell the PS4 longterm.
In Japan?

Splatoon 2.

>old ports and small unremarkable games
>going out of your way to buy a system just to wait for a game that will release when stock stabilizes

Everyone knows Nintendo is limiting supply for the switch. It could've sold much much more.

>before sales number

>NINTENDOOMED. it's not sold out!!! They are limiting supply. No one wants to buy it.

can't even read a fucking url

holy fucking kek

It's not impressive to sell 95% of your first shipment when that consists of only 20 consoles.

It will and easily. The switch has so much potential.

After they add more basic tablet functionality, its really good buy for non gaming folks who want an afforble tablet.

At 300$, it's still a very cheap tablet.

>get proven wrong
>proceed to be a cunt for the next 10 posts
Why do Sup Forums kiddies do this?

Well then you would be wrong.

honestly, WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT JAPAN SALES? Its literally a tiny island and we have established they have shit taste. They rated FF13 as the best Final Fantasy for fucks sake. Japanese developers are good, but who cares about what the nips in general are buying?

>>Implying holidays mean anything for a console launch

>Most people buying video game consoles now aren't little Billy waking up xmas morning.
You're right.
That generation is now the parents of little Billy Junior and they're forcing nintendo down their kids throats because that's how they grew up.


You are deluded as hell. Nintendo has always been and always will be all about games. They arent going to add the same functionality that a 100 dollar tablet from Walmart can do. If you think the general public is going to go for a Switch over a cheap google tablet or the brand recognition of Ipad mini, you need to wake up.

t. Switch and Wii U owner

only the black 32 gb one that they severely understocked, the 8 gb standard was everywhere


You should if you like good games

Console does well in Japan -> It gets Japanese games -> We can then play those

It's pretty simple.

>Nintendo has always been and always will be all about games.

What about amiibos, or when they produced cards? They have done more than just gaems, user.










Those parents are buying the console for themselves and letting Billy play it. They arent waiting for the holidays either. You really think Switch would do massively better during the holiday when PS4 and Xbone will have huge sales and bundles much cheaper than a new launch console?

Scalpers and general population increase.



Cards are irrelevant since it was before Video games and amiibos are a game accessory. Nintendo has stated that they didnt put dvd and bluray in their shit cause they are game consoles. They arent going to add Microsoft Office to the Switch. It doesnt even have Netflix ffs.

It's not hard to sell out when you create artificially low supply tbqh

Oh jesus.

on my phone so I don't have images but


Not bad


I'm still impressed, also where is the PS4 on that list?

And the Xbone after 4 years sold barely almost 30 million units while the Wii in a similar amount of time skyrocketed to 80million and later proceeded to be one of the most sold consoles ever

If they included PS4 you wouldn't even be able to see the switch

>Highlight the Switch bar
>Ctrl + C
>Ctrl + V
>Call new bar 'PS4'
>Move it down so that it's barely inched out by the Switch, but they're both still absolutely eclipsed by the Xbox One.