Is this game any good?

Or should I wait for Dark Souls 3 GOTY Edition

GOTY is 1 month away. Wait a few more weeks.

Its like playing Dark Souls in slow motion.
Also every enemy and boss in the game is just a variation of "dude in armor".

played it, couldn't bare more than 10 minutes
hilariously bad writing, pure shit gameplay


its shit

If you hove nothing to play, it's worth 5$ and some of your time

its harder than Souls games but for the same reason Souls games are hard to begin with

shit gameplay

get nioh instead of this

Game is trash.


Enviroments look uninspired and boring as fuck.

its a combat driven game . If you want good environments just stick with dark souls and bloodborne

Also the most impressive boss is The Champion or whatever it was. Because you can shield bash him to stop his charge.

And thats the story of the game: The new cool added mechanics doesn't get used to do anything.

Anti-Denuvo and Fromdrones are mad as fuck that a sequel has already been confirmed. It's a better, Western take on the Souls formula with greater than Japanese production values that blows Bloodborne out of the water.

>A LOOSELY Souls-style game with INSANELY better graphics.
>Motion-captured animations.
>Westernized/European aesthetic and ideals.
>Dynamically placed, ambient music cues
>A FULLY REALIZED, immersive story with a set character that's actually voiced.
>FULLY voiced audio notes
>Mouths actually move when characters talk
>Stops at NG++.
>Much harder, REALISTIC fighting.
>Metroid/Castlevania style exploration.
>Don't have to worry about retards interfering with your game
>A much MORE rewarding Level-up system that emphasizes risk versus playing it safe.
>No retarded marathon runs to get back to a boss
>Boss weapon drops are dependent on how you battle/kill a boss, making strategy VERY rewarding.
>It's on PC

It's like the worst aspects of every Souls game put into one, with a completely dogshit artstyle and story. Not worth more than 5 bucks imo.

Paid something like five bucks for the PC version and the DLC. It's not great, not even that good, but it kept me busy while waiting for Nioh.

Rolling beats everything, so it's really fucking easy. I think I died around five times during the whole playthrough, and at least three were me falling into a pit. There are some completely overpowered skills too; had to force myself not to abuse the regeneration spell.

The soundtrack is pretty good, though.

get Salt & Sanctuary instead

I'm sorry you didn't get to play Bloodborne. Hopefully they'll announce a PC version soon so that you can stop embarrassing yourself on the internet.

Seconding this. That game actually understands what makes a good Soulslike and it's probably cheaper too.

>it's probably cheaper too.

$2 LOTF vs $20 Salt and Sanctuary

it's "fine". if you have to play souls like game that do it, but don't expect anything near from software quality

is this a new pasta

Damn, game's better than DS1, who would've thought

The game is terrible. Absolutely nothing good about it. I'm not just being a Sup Forums shitter, I legit don't want you wasting your money.

It's a Souls clone and a bad one. It's Souls moving at a 1/3rd of the speed and without any good lore, boss fights, monster/level design, character choice (pick one of three classes, only one is good).

Get Nioh or just wait for DS3 GOTY. Or hell, try Let it Die. That's ~kinda~ soulsie.

It's still $20? Might want to wait for a sale in that case. It's not all that long, you can get all achievements in like 15 hours.

I looked forward to fighting the huge demon from the opening cutscene.

Never happened. Just more armored dudes.

>I'm not just being a Sup Forums shitter
>Get Nioh

Nioh is the japanese Lords of The Fallen except Sup Forums jerks to it becuase MUH NIPPON DEVS despite being just as shit as LOTF

You forgot to mention that the setting is crap. There is only melee combat and at that in a setting that makes no sense to have melee combat. Melee combat is slow as fuck. You get slow motion at the end of EVERY attack plus finishers that trivialize the whole combat system. Melee Combat is easy as fuck. There is only a single attack. The whole drop system makes no sense. The game forces you to go back to lame ass places to open some stupid chest you weren't allowed to open in the first place, instead of simply placing the chests further into the game. Levelup system is pointless. Armor looks like trash. The player can craft tools and use these as weapons but apparently he can't craft actual weapons. The player character looks like ass and nobody will ever remember what he looks like. Other characters don't exist in the game and just talk to you through doors. Enemies are boring and non challenging. Bosses are piss easy. Story is gay as fuck.

freind gave me his steam code for free its ok

Guessing this is bait but holy shit I'm hooked.

>A LOOSELY Souls-style game with INSANELY better graphics.
Straight up lie. It looks like hot dogshit compared to ANY Souls game, especially DS3 and BB
>Motion-captured animations.
Mocap is a meme and the animations don't look any better or worse than Souls animations.
>Westernized/European aesthetic and ideals.
More like WoW aesthetic with fuckhuge pauldrons and weapons that look absurd
>Dynamically placed, ambient music cues
The Souls OSTs are some of the best OSTs in gaming, kill yourself lmao
>A FULLY REALIZED, immersive story with a set character that's actually voiced.
Holy FUCK LOL the writing is SO FUCKING ABYSMALLY BAD it's literally the worst fucking story with the most boring hackneyed Gary Stu protagonist
>FULLY voiced audio notes
The voice acting is pure dreck
>Mouths actually move when characters talk
Is this really your selling point? Sad!
>Stops at NG++
Wahhhh anything beyond that is 2hard4me
>Much harder, REALISTIC fighting
Much harder because it's clunky and unintuitive, realistic because it's slow as fuck and boring.
>Metroid/Castlevania style exploration
Complete with boring as all fuck levels that are all the same exact environment
Go play Skyrim
>Don't have to worry about retards interfering with your game
Wahhhh I'm so shit I can't kill invaders please remove them 2hard4me
>A much MORE rewarding Level-up system that emphasizes risk versus playing it safe
It's exactly the same as the Souls formula except your XP compounds the longer you stay away from the Totally Not A Bonfire.
>No retarded marathon runs to get back to a boss
Waaaahhhhh I died and now have to repeat the area 2hard4me let me save in front of bosses
>Boss weapon drops are dependent on how you battle/kill a boss, making strategy VERY rewarding
Yet all the bosses are "le big man in armor", boring and uninspired as fuck.
>It's on PC
So is every Souls game but Bloodborne.

so its like dark souls 2 ?

mate he was talking about their next piece of shit set in the future

but mostly all you said also applies to their new game, just that it's even slower now because the slowmo happens after every hit now

Hm, that was lost on me. Didn't even know a sequel was happening, I hated the first one so much. Got any links?

He probably means The Surge by the same devs.

It's old pasta

That game REALLY needed a map.

>Or should I wait for Dark Souls 3 GOTY Edition

is there something special about it or does it just include the dlc?

>More like WoW aesthetic with fuckhuge pauldrons and weapons that look absurd
Yeah let's keep absurdity out of our games REEE

the latter

Better than DS3 really. Actually requires skill, weapons feel like they have weight. The visuals are well done but the style might not be to everyone's taste.

This game would have been good if it was set in the Warhammer Fantasy setting. The setting would alone would have saved it.

>ywn explore Mordheim in a 3rd person survival action game

you get the base game without dlc and a copy of armored core 2 and sword of moonlight

Why is FASHION... a absurd thing?

Dark Souls never tried to be realistic. It always had certain whimsical goofy elements. But you can't claim Lords of the Fallen is a "realistic" Souls game when the main character wears WoW-tier armor and weilds hammers the size of a van.

It is terrible, don't bother. It is sluggish and non responsive as fuck. If you need another souls type game get Salt & Sanctuary or Hollow Knight.

Yeah he must have been talking about the surge.
Though the surge isn't complete crap. You can tell from the videos that they will improve in some aspects. Through regrettably the combat seems even slower/worse and the setting is retarded, so it doesn't really matter if they improve on anything else.

What game are you talking about?
Because it sure as fuck isn't lords of the fallen.

game is as good as our favorite ogre

>What game are you talking about?
It's obviously Bloodborne.

the surge