Got IWDEE a few days ago, what should I have for my party?

Got IWDEE a few days ago, what should I have for my party?

>what should I have for my party?
beer and those red cups I see in american movies

waifus. frosty nip waifus

Three melee, three magic. Rest is up to you cuz

they are called Solo cups

a mage that can cast fire spells

you're gonna need it.

Multi classes only.

3 warrior types, mage, cleric, thief
may be a mage/thief for a few extra fireballs

First time playing?
You can go with the safe cookie cutter party that is efficient: 3 melee, 1 magic, 1 ranged, 1 utlity/support or extra
An example would be:
>Fighter (Dwarven Defender if you have a dwarf)
>Paladin or Priest or Thief
>Sorcerer or Mage (I personally prefer sorcerer)
>Ranger or Thief
>Bard, Druid, or a multiclass, or maybe another magic user

Yeah first time playing, from what I've read people say at least have a bard/druid in the party.

I've made a party but I dunno how satisfied I am with it and haven't started till I got a party I am happy with.

Party was like Dwarven Defender, Barb, Necro Mage, Totemic Druid, Bounty Hunter Thief and Bard.

NEVER go single class thief, always mage/thief or cleric/thief

>Enhanced Edition

I would give you advice if it weren't for that. You are literally supporting SJWs.

My last playthrough was:

>Orc Fighter/thief-19 STR, 19 CON, 18 DEX
>Human Paladin
>Elf Cleric
>Elf Sorcerer
>Human Ranger
>Human Druid

One warrior with two handed weapon
One fighter/ranger with two weapons
Free tank/fighter class, take your pick
Druid or cleric (potentially thief/cleric)
This slot can be bard/monk/anything else

Can't really go wrong with a party like this

>A 13 second line on a side character

Nobody likes SJWs but you're a fucking retard to actually get butthurt over that.

If you want a powerful and diverse party:
>Multiclassed Fighter/Thief
>Fighter dual-classed to Cleric
>Fighter dual-classed to Druid

If you want to finish the game quickly and easily:
>Pure Fighter
>Pure Fighter
>Pure Fighter
>Fighter dual-classed to Cleric
>Fighter dual-classed to Druid
>Multiclassed Mage/Thief

so nobody but me uses a pure cleric for all them heals and buffs?

I didn't even know about that, thanks for telling me my bias against this SJW trash was justified.


I do. Pure cleric and pure druid. One for buffing, one for blasting.

pretty much up to you
i cant remember, but i feel it was easier than baldurs gate
so you should be fine with a standard party of your choice if playing on classic difficulty
2-3 melee 1-2 caster and w/e
i prefer a fighter, paladin and cleric for melee
one mage, ranged (thief)class (was it ranger?) or assassin and one guy i pick w/e i feel like - mostly a casterclass

>tfw tempted to replay even when I know I'll just give up quickly
Is that npc pack better than it looks?

>Is that npc pack better than it looks?


he is not
if hed bought that piece of shit called dragonspear, id completly agreed
also: theyve kicked amber scott and that other sjw scum out of beamdog

It isn't shit but it isn't great either. Voice acting is meh and sound quality is horrible.

RPG Special: Warrior, mage, thief, priest, paladin, bard.

Doesn't matter. Beamdog is literally filled with SJW numales who stole content that was made for free by more talented people and are selling it as their own thing.

>Bought the rights

I think you forgot to say cuck and meme also. Gotta hit that quota so you can fit in.

>"Bought the rights"
I'm talking about the MODS that were made by actual talented people and released for free years ago

You pathetic numale cuck

>I think you forgot to say cuck and meme also.
>You pathetic numale cuck
top kek

You're literally a parrot. Congratulations.

Just play the original.

Get at least one cleric. When you get to the section with all the undead, his turn undead ability can take out hordes of undead.

>implying I didn't do it on purpose
You think that if you say "haha and now I bet you're going to rape me anally" [I rape you anally] and then you go "h-h-haha he really did rape me! moral victory is mine haha!".

you are literally a cuck if you ever pay for or play anything from Beamdog

IWD EE is literally the improved original without shitty original content. You can even ignore BG kits if you wish.

NWN > BG >>>>>>>>>>>> IWD

I also started a new game, how is my party so I can adjust it before I go too far, I will also write weapon proficiencies so if there is a class only weapon I'm missing I will change it accordingly:
Undead Hunter long sword++ two weapons++
Cleric/Ranger flail++ mace++ two weapons++
Fighter/Druid spear++ two-handed++
Skald two-handed sword+ two-handed+
Fighter/thief short sword++ two weapons++
Sorcerer dart+

Why do people like this shit design?

>Called out for talking like a child
>Compares it to anal rape

You're 12?

1 attack per round.

What? Scrolls are the only single use magic. And you can just copy them to the spell lol. Once in the spell book you can memorize any given spell as much as you have daily uses for it.

Also, magic is restricted to uses per day for balance. If you can just sit and cast time stop all day long it kinda defeats the purpose of every other character class.

>If you can just sit and cast time stop all day long it kinda defeats the purpose of every other character class.
The no rest restriction and wish already do that

ToEE > All the other DND RPGs

>1 apr
>shittier spells than mage
>can't use any of the 2 apr weapons
Why should i ever play a pure cleric?

Do you make your own party from the start?

I wasn't expected from Anomen to be way more useful than Viconia when I played bg saga the second time. These few fighter levels make a difference.

Combat wise, yes. Everything else in ToEE is complete and utter shit though.


Also, not that user but I agree that it's the best implementation of d&d 3.5 in a vidya yet.

For starters, you don't need to min max.

Otherwise, they get spell uses faster. Higher spell levels faster and are much better at turning undead. They have uses, especially in undead heavy campaigns like IWD.

>These few fighter levels make a difference
They really do, and you almost don't lose anything

The plot itself is better but the writing, music, voice acting and grafics are kind of shit, but that's simply because it had a lower budget than the other dnd vidya

Paladin, druid, bard and priest of tempus all have a bunch of unique dialogue choices.

>For starters, you don't need to min max.
It's not about min maxing, it's about not feeling useless compared to almost anything
>muh prebuffing
Nah, fuck off

I'm sold.

Do the kits break the game making it easier? The original IWD was not balanced around kits.

What was changed? First I hear of this

>Do the kits break the game making it easier?

You've obviously never watched a dozen vampires burst into chunks in a moment. If you're using a cleric in combat you're doing it wrong.

A single fighter / mage that solely relies on buffing himself with the spell that turns mages into fighters and then proceeds to solo every last enemy the game has to offer.

Prepare to have fights that last for like 40-50 minutes and miss A LOT
Also, buy the game from GoG or pirate the GoG version, then follow the instructions to install CO8(a fan patch that makes everything better) and then download Temple+ on top of it too

The real reason to play EE over the original when it comes to IWD is that you can actually use a mage. In the original it had almost no scrolls anywhere. Finding most spells was impossible. EE actually adds in the scrolls.

I did and that's nice but take bg2 for example and anomen was able to chunk vampire while also being vastly more useful in combat

original Icewind Dale had the Wizard Tower in Kuldahar, though. You just had to go buy spell scrolls instead of finding them stuffed up a gobbo's arse.

I can't really remember the expansion packs well enough to recall how mages weathered those areas. I seem to remember the Heart of Winter had a scroll merchant, but the 2nd xpac was pure 100% dungeon diving so you had to go in prepared.

Thanks for the tips m8.

Even in the wizard tower though most spells weren't for sale. Throughout the entire game you only have access to about 1/3 of the spells you can find in the other infinity engine games.

Has anyone played the android version?

Does it run ok? Galaxy Note 3 by the way.

The whole game is about combat, there is no reason to not min max unless you want to gimp yourself I guess.
There's next zero roleplaying in IWD anyway.

all slings for the first two levels unless you like savescumming a lot.

Also make sure you have two mages or it gets a bit shit and boring after the Dragons Eye

You should be fine, it's on phones where it gets almost unplayable due to UI being shit.

I might give it a try, it is only 6 britbongs.


by mages I mean spellcasters

It's good if you like rtwp combat.

Is it possible to solo iwd?

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

Fuck you

>that one guy who always get stuck on the other side of the map
Fuck you

They actually improved pathfinding in BGEE.


I almost beat it and haven't heard at all.

No they didn't, it's literally the same but with more nodes per cycle, which in practical sense only serves to tank performance on mobiles.

Yeah? You sure it's not related to them aping that feature from BG2fix, you goddamn mongoloid?

You're pretty mad huh? You should go outside.

If BG2fix removed it entirely then it's not it.
I'm pretty sure it's still there in BGEE/BG2EE.
Also they probably just gave moneys to modders to do half the job for them, not "aped" it.

Several time on of my character was blocked by the edge of a npc

Anyone? I don't want to unwittingly support SJWs.

>nobody notices your post even tho you attach best two adventurerfus to it
All I wanted was to learn if there were class specific weapons so I would put them pips accordingly.

stupid corporation brand dick sucking braindead amerifat


There's a random drop from a certain pool of items in areas, so you can ended without certain magical weapons.

>Not using the teleport jump to gather your party before venturing forth

You have to be 18 to post here

Sexually frustrated manchild.

You can always just change them later in a save editor or something.
But it's not BG, there's no obvious prevalence of long swords over warhammers, for instance. It's custom made to be as fun as possible combat wise, there'll be enough of everything for every proficiency.

Who /masturbatedtoiwdportraits/ here?

how fat are you

>He's trying to make friends

Not nearly as fat as your mom, sir Aspergerston.

IWD had a fair number of magical axes if I remember right, the skald could use an axe.

IWD's Holy Avenger is a longsword (and a hidden bitch at that, you could walk right by the heap of junk it was hidden in) so that's fine. I don't think it originally had dual-wielding...a paladin DW'ing the +5 HA and that +5 dragon sword (you DID do that quest in the tutorial area, right?) would probably be entertaining.

You've got good taste in portraitfus, user.
Unfortunately, I can't give any advice because I know absolutely nothing about IWD