China bans Korean vidya

>China bans all new games developed in South Korea from launching in the country

Thoughts, Sup Forums?

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why not crush best korea instead

>female president

>implying commie fags use Sup Forums
>implying SK had games worth playing in the first place

Are Japanese games allowed? If yes, then it's a non issue, Korea makes shit games.
They should ban American games while they're at it desu.

Didn't Korea also ban Korean games from themselves?

>Enjoy Korean and Japanese variety TV shows
>Both societies are fucked up (Korean more so than Japanese)
>China is also fucked up
What's with the Asian countries having shit societies?

societal/sexual repression fucks you up hard.

>Female president
HAHAHAHAHA, every country who has a female president become a shithole or is it one. germany,brazil,sud korea etc. Woman destroy everything after all.

>children are being arrested for watching chinese cartoon porn online

Is it all loli or shota or he is talking about regular hentai?

Why do people say "North Korea is best Korea"?

Are they just trolling?

but SK impeached the pres yesterday or something. Does that mean the nation will be great again.

>Pro-Park protesters - mostly older conservatives - turned on police.
>Literally controlled by fucking illuminati
>Does shady stuff
>People still defend her
What the fuck is wrong with them?

Loli/shota or literally any Hentai that feature underage girl/boys regardless of their physical appearance.

now that their feminazi president has been ousted due to corruption, is south korea gonna recover?
will they stop ruining video games now?

she's a woman

Looks like the only good asian country left is Japan.

No. Now we invite you to Best Korea for teaching about Best Korea and how US is the devil.

Obviously. It's a jab at North Korea, actually.

>NC censor
that has more to do with the localization cucks in NA than the actual main branch


>wants to implant this law in Japan
Good luck with that. Japan is unflinching.

All Asian countries are shit. Especially Singapore.

for the same reason people say "Griffith did nothing wrong"
they are correct

I hate my country - they literally ruined MMOs and eat dogs. DOGS. Imagine someone eating your fucking dog.
And all the women here have plastic surgery. You know that fugly ass girl back in middle school? In 10 years, she's going to look like one of those dress up KPOP barbie dolls because of surgery.
What a country hoo wee.

>banning video games from asian jews

didnt know chinks were so smart

>Asian countries having shit societies

Where do I apply for Chinese citizenship?

So basically they want to cockblock competition from other F2P shit made in South Korea?

Now I'm ironically glad I live in South America, you can murder here and no one gives a flying fuck.

North Korea is truly the best Korea.

>Asian societies

wew lad

Japan has its own fair share of shit too you fucking weeaboo.

Isn't Singapore a chinese city or something?




>all Asians aren't a variety of Jew

Where's that picture that has all the jaws they cut from surgeries in a tube at a mall or something?

Like what? They are the best country in the world.

>fixes manjaw
why won't western women do this

wrong, this happened last summer after

NC went on a censoring spree since all their vidya developers are liberal feminist cucks

They are employed by the kikes to keep the shipping lane open.

Is China /ourcountry/?

Because gooks would dream of to look like an average western woman. Most western women just need to work out and eat better. But gooks are structurally fucked.

It's essentially a "independent" Chinese city that pretends to be democratic.
Also Singapore is the Israel of SE Asia.

It's a shit country. No joke.
>full of arrogant Indians who wipe their assholes with their eating hand
>scrawny ass obnoxious loud Singaporeons who spends 70% of their time in internet cafes playing Dota 2
>Filipinos who will do everything in an attempt to scam anyone (especially tourists) for their own benefit
>Malaysians - same as Filipinos, ironically hate each other
By the way, if you're white, everyone will hate you.

Congratulations on having this webm just for this specific post. How long have you waited for this?

>terrible infrastructure
>nuttier nationalism than the yankees
>Lobbying-infested political system

t. Japanologist

Not really long as I have posted it many times before.


Fucking love chinks

That's a good thing.
They're cutting themselves out of the genepool that way. Plastic surgery just propogates shit genes.

And nothing of value is lost

Based China

In fucking China they steal your fucking dog to eat it.

Can you fucking believe they fucking enter your house like fucking nothing and they kidnap your fucking dog to eat it?

Don't forget the kike level of the Chinese.

There is literally nothing wrong with plastic surgery

Go back white scum.

That's actually pretty scary

They would rather get lip and ass implants to look like niggers. Tyrone doesn't care about their manjaws.

Your children will be.

Your children will be born fugly

>marry good lucking woman
>make children
>they look like half pig half dog monsters
>turns out woman was an orc before plastic surgery

>so they take plastic surgery again when they grow up
damn, Plastic surgeons in asia are playing the long con. Wish I went to med-school

>having children
>not pumping and dumping

>inb4 muh biological imperatives propagating genes meme
Oh please, go fuck right off if you're going to deduce complex beings to mere biological functions.

nah you probably failed orgo

>liking anything remotely related to Korea

fuck Koreans I hope they all disappear from the internet

>gook women carve their face to be pumped and dumped

I've never met a humble Korean person. They always have this air of stivk up the ass or something.

>poor reading comprehension

It's all hentai in general.
Ero doll got fucked and he sure doesn't do loli.
15 y.o. girl got arrested and registered onto Child Sex Offender list for next 20 years and got fined 2 millions won because she watched BL novel.

I wonder how much chicken money the nigger was paid for this

all asians do.

two nukes weren't enough, eh?

I've literally met like ONE (1) chill Korean person who isn't arrogant. Such a fucking bro, he's a fob too.

I'm a different kind of Asian, but Koreans are the most conceited fucks out there.


Now post the Italian version so we can all laugh at them.

>implying im Japanese

have fun with your shitty exploding phones, washing machines, and soon, cars and TVs.
Everything in Korea is artificial, from their faces to their attitudes you gook loving scum

>I wonder how much chicken the nigger was paid
One bucket.

Game had a fuckton of issue left unpatched but when feminist complained they rushed a patch to censor things in all regions faster than anything they ever did.

Are you a jungle monkey?

though I admit that image gave me a good laugh

>gook becoming this desperate
Atleast Japan has created culture. What has soulless gooks created?

I'd take artificial and perfect over fat hambeasts every day, nerd

Why are Korean games so grindy

Nope, I worked on localization and QA on Blade and Soul, we had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, I'm Vietnamese but I pass as East Asian. Even Vietnamese people think I don't look Vietnamese.

And my Chinese teacher thought I was Chinese. Other people think I look Korean.

>gook women don't mutilate their faces to improve their chances of reproducing with a genetically superior male.

You have a lot to learn about women, champ.

>ero doll
didn't he come back as another account

Do South Koreans still make Starcraft clones?

Vietnam is rightful Chinese territory.

kys :^)

holy shit the one on the left looks identical to my first girlfriend

I have bad news, user, you're a chink rape baby.

Nah, they still play broodwar


Fuck off Achmed

That wouldn't make sense since I literally just look like a taller, slightly more attractive version of my dad.

Plus I was born in America.

Taiwan is China done right.
And it's probably the most weeb country in the world after Japan.

You know what to do.