Can we all agree that if Diablo IV is ever to be made...

Can we all agree that if Diablo IV is ever to be made, it should drop the obsolete topdown point-an-click combat and adopt vastly superior From Software games formula? And bring back itemisation from Diablo II/I

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>From Software games formula

Why? What's good about clicking mob until it does like a mouthbreather?
Dark Souls Diablo with blizzard polish would be infinitely superior.

Diablo will never come back as blizzard is trying to get wider audience with each new game.

Next game will be mobile garbage or cross platform including mobile and it will be ridden with micro transaction

What are you saying?
If anything they will copy the overwatch formula and reduce available skills and attributes even further while making sure that every character has their unique character issues such as being retarded, gay, trans, muslim or whatever.

sounds like paranoia to be honest

I don't care what they do, Diablo 3 was daylight robbery.
Blizzard can suck a dick.

Next stop waggle shit.

No, fuck you. We don't need more dodging simulators.

David Brevik himself when asked how he would fix the ARPG genre said he has no idea. It's time to let it go user. Souls is the future.

>abandon iconic isometric hack n slash

wouldnt be diablo without it

You could say the same about fallout
But at least Fallout 3/NV work as fallout games

Just because something isn't perfect, it's no reason to change it to something far worse and generic.

> heroes of the storm
dota/lol formula with kd ratio hidden to not offend normies, lazy rehashed heroes and very expensive micro transaction
> hearthstone
F2P multi plat (including mobile) card game ridden with micro transaction
> Overwatch
lootcrate galore snowflake shooter promoted by porn

Only good thing that came from Blizzard those last 6 years was the overwatch porn they commissioned prelaunch

next game will be a clash something rip off set in blizzard universe

>le every arpg should be dark souls meme
That said Diablo 3 is shit and seeing as Blizzard hasnt made anything decent since Wings of Liberty i doubt they Diablo 4 would be any good.

Show me someone who is content with isometric ARPG games. The genre is dead.

>From Software games formula?
dark souls didn't invent third person and the series is far too slow and methodical for a diablo game

estus as a limited source of health regen is better than unlimited potion spam though


Even Diablo 3 is more fun than the dodge spamming *souls gameplay. And D2 and PoE are miles better.

Bumper combat or bust.

RoS is better than both

>Dodging simulators
I fucking wish.
D3 = Arrow hitboxes the size of a bus.
Vanilla was OKAY back when full glass canon DH was all the shit, there was actually a sense of danger and progression.
Not to mention you literally got paid to gitgud.

Worst part about their games is their adamance to make them as uncompetitive as possible.

I still go back to D2 once in a blue moon.
All it's missing is modern quality of life features and an anti-bot something-or-rather.

I meant souls games when I said dodging simulators. Diablo doesn't have a dedicated dodge button.

Didn't console d3 add dodge rolls?

Blizzard isnt able to make a good combat system


>unironically thinking that the lack of ability to dodge(or parry (or block) attacks in a game is a good design

souls combat works well, unlike diablo which is LITERALLY without irony or exeggeration just a braindead clicking simulator

>top 10 on Steam every new league and top 5 every first week of new league
>population keep growing for every new league
>dead genre
Do you perharp also think 4x genre is dead because no one on this chink board talk about them too ?

souls combat would be far too slow for any sort of diablo game

they are completely useless. They could just as well add a jump button to the game, they are only there to make you believe first that you are playing some console action game.

Overgrowth combat or bust?

A genre being dead means that there are few if any games made in it. RTS for example is considered dead despite Starcraft being popular as fuck. Hack-n-slash is the same outside of PoE and D3.

>unironically thinking that a combat system that's completely based on rolling on the floor for 50% of the battle is in any way fun

If anything it should be WASD with dodge/block but the same isometric perspective.
D3 on a console is far more engaging.
Grim Dawn managed to make it playable with a controller as well and it definitely makes the game better.

not nessecarily
people completely forget the pace of diablo(1) and that you were always tried fighting enemies 1on1 to not get into stunlock

now the speed of d3 is ridiculous, it's all about spamming huge aoe attacks to clear 10+ enemies at once and then jump right to then next room with some mobility skill.

isn't overgrowth basically a fighting game
You can use google anytime you know
And by your logic, MOBA is dead genre because all the players of the genre are either playing LOL or dota 2

It rather have HZD-esque control + overwatch class style with diablo 2 itemization.

Yes Horizon zero dawn's combat is that fucking great.

Why do so many of you anons just make stuff up like this poster?

I would enjoy more in depth modern action rpg dungeon crawl Diablo compared to the old top down. Just don't fuck everything up like D3.

>fallout 3 works as a fallout game
You are embarrassing yourself, user

>souls combat completely based on rolling on the floor
I guess your only knowledge about the game is seeing some webms about it
blocking is way easier and less risky
parrying is way more rewarding
sidestepping is also usually better
staggering is viable many times and more rewarding

my reference for diablo combat is like diablo 2 cold plains clear speed, which is about as slow as it gets in the later games, and you still kill monsters dozens of times faster than in dark souls

but I think it would be better to have a third person view and some at least basic movesets with regards to melee attacks and such

it would probably help atmosphere, and I remember diablo mostly for the atmosphere
you can make some really neat areas with isometric view though

>they have to write "like diablo" in the fucking title
>people use ARPG instead of hack-n-slash or dungeon crawler

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

to be fair dungeon crawlers and hack-n-slash can refer to completely different types of games

Yea isometric sucks dick but nu-Blizzard can't into good combat. So just give the IP to From Software.

You completely misunderstood the point of the whole looting of diablo 2
The power of each piece of gear giving to player must be huge, and you have to get loot to progress through the game and make build base on your loot, unlike your soul game where you can steamroll through the game without any gear
If you implement the same kind of loot that make diablo 2 good into game like darksoul, you will see shit like instant blink or faceroll all boss in the game or leeching facerolll boss,which completely kills the soul gameplay aspect
Just look at borderlands, it is barely an fps anymore, your sniper can fire faster than your smg and you can spam rocket launcher, you cant progress thjrough the game without getting new loot every 5 level, but that game is one of closest example of diablo loot in 3D games, not "random loot with color" like nioh or shadow warrior

thats just tree of savior then and look where that is

It didn't back in the day. Diablo 1 and 2 were considered both, and so were many other games like Roguelikes and similar. Might and Magic series is a good example of a dungeon crawler. And now apparently hack-n-slash means games like DMC or Bayonetta these days.

Stop messing with my genres you fucking kids. And get off my lawn while you're at it.

Where my Grim Dawn niggas at

Blizzard is a scummy company that hires phycologists to make their games addictive rather than fun.

No, keep Diablo Diablo. We don't need to homogenize the action RPG genre.

>tfw the comfy melancholic overcast druidic grasslands of D2 act 1 turned into tim burtonland in D3
it was at that precise moment my childhood ended and I became a manchild

This 100%

>you're not having real fun! this is false fun!

here, help me decide on a good build senpai, I've already played 2h dps warder and conjurer zoo afk build.

looking for something with a skill rotation

Reporting my dude, I can't get enough

>No, keep Diablo Diablo

So keep it shit? Why?

> frustration makes the player come back

it's the current trend in game development

what do you like or are interested in?

cold TSS caster or a bleed build would give you options, even a basic fire-based demo. lots of different build ideas

If you think its shit why dont you fuck off and back to your souls games ?
You dont even understand what make diablo 2 good, and what proper diablo loot look like, and nope, diablo loot are not just "rondom loor with color"

Nioh already did Diablo 2 loot system and Souls combat pretty fucking good why can't Blizzard?

a dot build could be fun

Diablo 3 didn't happen, DaS is my Diablo 3 with Gwyn being the Diablo'd Warrior.

if diablo 4 is made, it'll be called just "Diablo" and they'll just continue updating that forever and ever. out of the 6 blizzard games, there are only two that still do the sequel format (diablo and starcraft). blizzard is going to try to stop that.

Dual-wield Bleed build would cover that easily, shit that is not a skeleton or Aetherial (specifically the ghost types) fucking melts

See Nioh is another game with random loot with color
Proper diablo 2 loot system is made upon the unique, one of the reason people priase LoD becaue it bring Enigma to the game

you're retarded Nioh even has sets like Diablo 2.

Im 100% sure there is no unique shit in nioh that either completely change the way you play the game or force you to make a build solely around it, and nope, the set bonous are not the unique trait im talking about here
This shield in bl2 for example, you can play and finish bl2 without using guns using this shield, and bl2 is a fps game
This is how proper diablo loot is like

If they make a d4 they should throw in some semi-pagan religions alongside the semi-christian one

there's nothing that says "ancient and mysterious" like druids and old growth forest

could be a cool angle if they didn't automatically go "ok so these dudes are agents of diablo lol" while still making them sort of hostile

there's too much known about the universe for it to be interesting anymore, without adding new things that we don't know about

but there is retard maybe play the game.

Diablo should be first-person, as all the greatest games are.

I wouldn't say no to a Warframe style D4 but I don't trust Blizzard on it.

melee combat in first person games is iffy though

>hack n slash ARPG from a Dark Souls perspective
Gotta say, I don't hate the idea.