
What do you want to see in CS3? What are you expecting? Are you hyped?

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I want Falcom to break a few cliches for once, even though I know they fucking won't.

calvard when

Where did this image come from? Looks new.

Why isn't CS3 a collaborative effort with Falcom so we can get a dual release?

Cutest CS3

Reminder that Zero fan translation is still on-going. Will be out after the 3rd. Original leader left, but actual competent people took over instead.

To the user who asked how the translation progress goes.
>Said the translation is finished but there's a shitload of editing still left to be done
>One of the main 3 guys is also working on Brandish 2
>Almost done with the editing (on Brandish 2), so he'll finally move to Zero soon
>Voices have been ripped from Evo version and put into the game
>Character portraits have also been ripped and put into the game

8 new students (at least) confirmed

CS doesn't have a single good waifu.

Older picture using the old font.

Finally I will be able to play my husbando game.
Kevin is best mc.

More Alfin. I support the monarchy.


but literally nobody disagrees that Kevin is the best MC


Rean > Joshua > Lloyd > Estelle > Kevin

>In a series where villains hold back against the good guys, Kevin has to hold back so he doesn't FUCKING DESTROY the villains

We need Kevin to take a holiday in Erebonia and have him convince the Mean Rean Meme Machine to exchange his tachi for a crossbow.


>Better than anyone

Lloyd is painfully dull.

>Evolution portraits
Please tell me I can put the originals back in

Lloyd has a good cast to back him up. Rean is dull and has dull friends.

Only 3 are part of Rean's class VII aka main characters though.

I want to play Crossbell game fuck

>We will NEVER have a MC this badass again.

The portraits for both Zero PSP and Evolution were drawn by Katsumi Enami, so they are not much different other than the Vita ones being higher resolution. It's the Sora trilogy the ones with soulless art and done by someone else.

It will probably be a patch, though.

Couldn't self-insert into Kevin and Estelle huh?

top kek

Dunno. They said that the voice patch and translation patch will be separate.

Rean is literally the worst thing to happen to this franchise.

Rean needs to cut his party in at least half. He gets along so well with Jusis and Laura, but some of them just add nothing to the team like Gaius and Elliot.

I don't need to self-insert, I just don't like being forced to play as women and sissies.

>gets along well with Laura
If I have to hear one more discussion about swords...

>Rean has a dream sequence with Crow
>Wakes up
>Finds a Blade III deck in his hand

>Gaius and Elliot

B-but Rean, Elliot and Gaius was the bro party at the beginning of Cold Steel

I can't wait for the third Crossbell game.

Jusis/ Machias/ Laura is the best bro team.

Which third crossbell game? This is Persona no Kiseki.

I can't say I'm optimistic about it. The Sen series really doesn't feel like it's accomplished much of anything at all up to this point, and it looks like they're just taking it back to square one with no guarantee that it will expand into a meaningful entry in the series this time either.

Who knows, maybe Falcom will surprise me by using this as an opportunity to "reboot" Sen and develop the Erebonia arc into something to be remembered, something worthy of the Kiseki title. But I think it's more likely that they're just playing it safe and continuing to court the younger fanbase they've picked up in recent years. Unless sales of the Kiseki games (and whatever other faux-Kiseki they make alongside them, like Tokyo Xanadu) drop off significantly at some point, they don't really have a reason to abandon the current formula.

With Ys8, Falcom proved that they can still make good games with narratives that are willing to have some fun, narratives that aren't shackled by the same easy templates. So it stands to reason that they could make a Kiseki game that's capable of pleasing both new fans and veterans, but the question is if they think that's worth the effort. Having played almost every modern Falcom game, I've gotten pretty damn tired of their needlessly drawn-out plots and hamstrung narrative progression (not to mention the stale dialogue and one-dimensional characters), so they will need to do something quite different to impress *me* at this point, at least.


I want more Laura. I loved how CS2 let me make her a part of the party for entirety of the second act.

By the end I even forgot Alisa was in the game.

But Rean is an absolute bitch, probably the biggest one of them all. He's got a lot of Joshua's complexes, but for smaller reasons and more pronounced due to his status as MC.

>not the hilarious typo version

>all these women
Do male characters even exist in Crossbell arc?

my nigga agate is gonna show up right?

I agree with him.

Dudley is so manly they don't need anything else


Probably not, he's not top tier in popularity and has no ties to plots outside Liberl.

>Tfw Rean has to rescue NepNep and Alisa from the big dragon
>Rean shows up in time to watch Emma and Laura fucking tear a dragon apart

CS' cast is way too bloated, and lacks cohesion and story connection.

Alisa as the main heroine is wasted potential and she's there because twin-tailed blonde tsunderes were the norm when the game was written. It feel checklisty. Also, why does Rean need an sister that wants to have incestuous sex with him?

The cast should've been:

Jusius and Machias in the same roles they have now
Fie in the little sister spot
Emma as the same mysterious and kind class rep with huge tits role
Elliot as the cute boy to pander to the fujoshis
Laura as the love interest, and have her connection to the Lance Maider tie to Rean's connections to the old king. Basically make her Rean's Lance Maiden.

Kiseki didn't need harem shit.

Zero has more playable dudes than waifus. Ao adds more waifus but also dudes, so it's more or less 50/50 i think.

They arent really a monarchy.
But yes, royals are better than us commoner scum.

>ugh... I'm such a bad brother, I bet elise secretly hates me... I'm also a terrible son... And a bad swordsman not worth shit... And my friends deserve better than me, I'm not worthy of their friendship...
Why the fuck is Rean such a pessimist when his adoptive parents love him and are rich, everyone from classmates to teachers to even royalty figuratively sucks his dick 24/7 and Elise LITERALLY wants to suck his dick.

>No Trails game where you play as a group of communist revolutionaires, ending with you cutting Alfin's head off.

B-b-b-but MUH WIND



I want to see punished Rean.

hold on


He's a bad mary sue-ish character, which means any of his flaws aren't really flaws at all, they're just complexes he has with no base in reality.

It's like how in those women focused romance novels, the main heroines are always "clumsy" or "fall down a lot". When your character is flawless, you either give them something meaningless to complain about, or a meaningless trait that is exagerated.

Reminder that xseed posted a Trails the 3rd localization update the other day.

They said editing is 100% done and they've been working on QA.


Gaius is imo the easiest to salvage despite being the shittiest, the plots are literally already there but just remain unused. He's a religious fuck who got taught by the dude from Dominion that took care of the North Ambria incident, just capitalize on that. Make him aspire for a career in Gralsritter.

Thanks for introducing me to this series Sup Forums. I've heard some mixed things about it as a whole, but I personally enjoyed it. Though I do prefer the setting and characters of the older ones compared to the newer characters and school setting.


>Also, why does Rean need an sister that wants to have incestuous sex with him?

If you even read the story, you would know they aren't blood related, so the incest part goes out the window.

The non blood related twist only makes it more cliche if anything.

Why doesn't Rean have tons of unprotected sex with his not blood related sister?

It doesn't even matter since it's all but confirmed that Patrick is taking home the Elisebowl.


user, the incestuous part was in jest. Rean is a piece of shit character made up of a thousand anime tropes stacked on top of each other. He has a fucking power-up mode where his eyes turn red and his hair turns white for god's sake. It feels like a parody of bad LN adaptations.

He did not need a sister that wants to bone him. That could've and should've been cut from the game, but you need to pander to these fat otakus I guess.

Praise adios peasants!


Thats a hell of a big implication.


You'll be getting that because CS3 will apparently show what Rean was doing during the annexation of North Ambria, but with a good dose of teacher Rean as well.

Rean would kill him

GeorgeXAngela is low-key and secretly the best written romance in the entire series.
>There are people IN THIS THREAD who don't realize what's going on between the two of them

Dumbass normie with no sense of curiosity whines about Trails of Cold Steel

>waahhh they didn't shove the entire plot into my face all the time, it was boring


So we can all agree that Estelle>Rean right? I can't take that edgy little shit seriously. He's basically a LN protagonist, and a shitty one at that.

When has anyone ever said Rean was better than Estelle?

Rean is a much better than Estelle. She's probably the worst main character ever 'written'.


No, Estelle is the real LN protagonist with LN hair, LN body, LN father, LN brother/boyfriend, LN weapon, LN personality, LN character development, LN mentor and LN rivals.

Is the 3rd translation going on smoothly?

How much can I look forward to it, or should I lower my expectations? I loved Kevin in SC but it wouldn't suprise me if 3rd amounts to nothing more than a little addendum.

if you love Kevin then you will love 3rd

>why I will never play CS2
Sounds like a smart gal, considering CS2 never shoves the plot into your face as the plot happens offscreen on the other side of the continent.

Fuck off retards. Rean is terribly written. Estelle actually feels like a real person who learns and grows over the course of her two games. Rean just repeats an endless cycle of "muh pity party" over and over again.

Thats not Annabelle x Lakelord.
or Kargo x Patiry.
or Alan x that other girl
or Laura x Monica
or Dorothee x Me

yeah she's so smart that she needs the game to shove the plot in her face for her to feel like anything is actually happening in the game

fuck off.

Trails isn't for retards like you and this chick

Kevin > Estelle > shit > Rean

I don't know where Crossbellguy ranks but I was rooting for him rather than Rean in CS2.

I'm pretty sure they were being sarcastic. Rean is laughably bad. He legit feels like a character out of a terible SAO fanfic.

>estelle will never step on you with her bare feet

Whereas Estelle switches between genki bitch and sad bitch a few times and that's it.

>forgiving Falcom for making an entire game of the last 20% of the planned Cold Steel 1, and then padding it out with useless trash

THis is a minor point, but why the fuck did they use the character models in the text boxes in CS instead of using sprite art like in previous games?

It makes a bad looking game look even worse. Csan you imagine how shit Persona 4 would be if the godawful character models kept popping up on-screen whenever someone's talking?

>Liberation of Trista, the big goal of Class VII, was literally "just a prank, bro"
I have no more faith in Cold Shit after this.

Estelle is your typical LN protagonist, with million cliches and anime tropes stacked on top. I'm sure there are better written characters in Sonic fanfiction.

their faces literally copy pasted of each other.

t. never played Trails in the Sky and Trails in the Sky SC

It's not useless trash. You're a retard if you think it is.

Get a brain.