Horizonerds will defend this

>Horizonerds will defend this


Anyone can see Horizon has better graphics, it's the details and love that matter.

Little details that keep Zelda familiar and intuitive while Horizon is just another shat out triple gay title intended to roll in money for a while before everyone loses interest.

Really makes you think...

Other urls found in this thread:


it's not realistic to cut through bushes and trees like Link is.

Horizon never promised any of that environmental interaction.


>Horizon has better graphics

Ummm no sweetie, it really doesn't.

Zelda runs at 4k, horizon runs at a crystal clear 1080p. Truly pathetic.

This isn't a comparison. It's trying to make Horizon look bad. Now do a video where you compare the good of Horizon with the bad of Zelda.

So they promised to make a bad game instead? Huh, that's weird.

Here, I'll do what you've done for others as well now:
>Bioware never promised good animations or character models!
>Bethesda never promised interesting characters or fun quests!
>Naughty Dog never promised actual gameplay elements or player interaction/involvement!
>Evangelion never promised a cohesive plot that made any fucking sense whatsoever!

I guess so long as you don't promise to make a good game then people will always defend you with "b-but they didn't promise any of that!!" So there we go folks, bad games are fine so long as the developers didn't promise you a good game instead.

thank god you pointed that out.
brb defying physics with ancient sand people tech

That's AAA gaming for you.

They only care about making the game look pretty and muh graphics.

Details? Little things? Polishing? Non-issue. What the Gamers™ want are super realistic graphics.

Ok what the fuck I was interested in horizon but I had no idea the world was this static

Autistic details for autistic people™

But hey, at least the backgrounds look beautiful, huh? Just don't touch it. :)


looks good as a movie

that's cherrypicking, horizon has snowprints

they fucked up this though

Holy shit this is embarrassing.


Horizon: 1080p 30fps
Zelda: 900p 20fps

>horizon has enemy variety
>30 robots
>different human tribes


I'm doing it right?

>>different human tribes

Zelda has more flora and fauna and more named NPCs

I don't think so


>Zelda has more flora and fauna

Zelda is literally ps2 title.


>that's cherrypicking, horizon has snowprints
but you go through grass

Reality > What you think

>Link not wearing the barbarian armor


would've played Horizon zero dawn if it wasn't SJW

>Not even using real scores

>user score


>3714 scores
>6855 scores

You don't say

>details and love that matter.
The only thing Nintendo loves is your manchild wellfare.

>user scores

You've never owned or played a PS2 if you think BOTW is a PS2 title.




I'd fuck Aloy like that too

AAA is the cancer that is killing gaming

>implying male zelda has a penis

>implying he didn't do Mipha all the time
nigga play the game

I got both on their respective release days, played and loved the shit out of Horizon for 2 days, but Zelda absolutely steals the show, it's not even an argument.

>Link using his 2 inch shota dick

no you don't

>literally a base point because it's a Nintendo game
both of them should be 8.8

If trolling: Kill yourself
If not trolling: Kill yourself

Someone explain to me if the main consumer for games are the general public or just video game journalists.
>inb4 reported for speaking truth

Yes, it is. Its an argument of opinion though, thus not really winnable. I bought both Horizon and BOTW on their respective release dates as well and I'm still playing Horizon, while I've already abandoned BOTW.

I haven't been into the Zelda series for quite some time, admittedly. I thought this might be the game to change that and nope, I was absolutely wrong, again. Zelda is getting tired, it needs something new, to be less fucking familiar, with less of the same boring bullshit over and over and over again. Say whatever you wish about Horizon, but at least its creative, at least its team tried to build something new in an era of games were sequels seem to be king. I'll take that over the same rehashed bullshit any day.

Instead they are both above 8.8

>already abandoned BOTW

>My only complaint about BotW is that it's too much like all the other Zelda games

Certifiably retarded opinion.

You shouldn't sound so mean to Zelda. It hurts the feelings of these people.

>ancient sand people tech
Boston Dynamics would be able to make most of the robots in this game. Sure they wouldn't necesserily be able to make them as destructive/to scale as in the game but it isn't too far fetched compared to literal "ITS MAGICS" from zelda.

and zelda is a multiplatform videogame(including pc) lol

also nioh is 8,8 now

Sorry Sonybro but it's our time now. Why don't you runts scram and let the big dogs play.

>He sits with crossed over legs because he has a tiny peen

>6855 reviews
>an entire 0-score-army to bring down the average

Holy shit, that is what Horizon babies actually do. If this isn't pathetic I dont know what is.

At least 76% of voters were nintendo babbies though.

With the very important difference that they actually played the game.

>Claim BOTW is the greatest game ever made, yet are always talking about Horizon
>Cry about how gaming journalism is corrupt, then suddenly change their minds when Zelda is rained with 10s
>Think BOTW is some original and unique game, even though Ubisoft games have been doing this for years
>Get triggered at the sight of a female protagonist
>Spent hundreds of dollars on a dead console when the other dead console they own can run it fine
>will buy anything with a Zelda logo on it to up their gamur cred
>Won't have anything to play after Zelda

>Have fun with a game and don't obsess over what other people play
>Support new IP, which is good for the industry
>Play games for fun, not to get their dick wet
>Don't sperg at the sight of a female protagonist
>Can actually discuss certain flaws of the game and how the series can move on in the future without attacking people
>Will have a large variety of games to look forward to
>Has a good job
>An attractive gf

All the open world games should be like BotW: interactive playgrounds where you can actually do stuff with what is on screen. Too many companies just put stuff down to make the stage for whatever activities they imagined you having and sometimes it works (imho witcher 3's world looks amazing and it's a treat just walking through the woods) but most of the time experience ends up feeling staged and hollow. Botozaurs still look cool and I imagine it's quite fun hunting for them but it's a hunting simulator, not exploration/adventure/open world game

>sonybros manipulate metascores
>then go into Sup Forums playing the voice of reason "well look not everybody is loving it" look at all those distatisfied customers
>check out the "bad" review scores.
>all sonybros on meltdown throwing profanities out
How deluded are you sonygers?

Happened with Bloodborne too faggot, stop acting like this is new

>Universal acclaim based on 63 'critics'
>more like ' universal acclaim based on '63 paid reviewers'

I dont follow videogame criticism much, I just play them

>We have reached a point where people are insulting the hypothetical penis sizes of crudely drawn comic images
>Based on the way he is drawn to be sitting
>Because people are angry that someone likes a different game console than they do

I used to go to Gamefaqs when I was young. It managed to have a higher level of discourse than this is reaching.

Try to take a step back every once in awhile, maybe consider what it is you are doing.

Bloordborne also has sub 20s framerates and chuggs at every corner without even being open world.
So it's ok when sony does it?

It's literally okay when Sony endeavors to do a thing.

I own a PS4 but I feel bad about it. This was a fucking waste of money. Literally every good game is coming to PC and the exclusives are mostly shit.

After Persona 5 (not a PS4 exclusive) I probably won't be using this damn thing for years.

Why would you even owe a PC ?
Every good game is available on ps4 plus exclusives. PC is pretty much useless trash, same as Switch.

Yeah it's not funny to joke unfortunately because I actually fucking own a PS4 and it's pretty shit because I have a PC.

But pc is pretty much the shittiest platform out there.
You are literally forced to emulate console games because of shitty pc games library that is comparable with 'google play'.

Dude it's not funny because it's actually bad. I would go in on the joke too if this had good exclusives.



>Horizon has better graphics
>better graphics

Nobody cares bozo.


so you argument is totally invalid. h-haha! how does it feel to get BTFO'd xD

Another one for the filter.