Why is it the cops never came after one of there officers went missing?

Why is it the cops never came after one of there officers went missing?
Do the Bakers just kill any cops that show up?

and how come they can regenerate after being so heavily injured? and how come your hand works after being put back on?

Who's aunt Rhody?

Why do you think the japs know how to make anything resembling a realistic game?

Was I the only one who just got bored of this game and stopped playing? I got to the chainsaw fight and just could not give any further fucks to bother continuing.

It cant be that hard can it?
Cant we get one RE that is somewhat realistic?

Don't know what to say to you man.
Did you enjoy the first three REs or are you more into REs 4 to 6?

Because there mutants of course that makes perfect sense there RE monsters who shrug off shotgun blasts to the face like its nothing.
Its common place in RE.

Played the first 2, to death.



For fuck sake...

Go back

Felt like a weird B movie game that kept forgetting it was a B movie game.

>y-you didn't like VII??!
>must be a fan of 4 - 6
Drink bleach, you cancerous little shit.

Learn English, dumbass.

t. re4babby

horror logic
in reality he would call it in, if he stopped responding large scale response would happen from the local sheriff office

Look I'm not fucking around officer. You better give me that gun.

It was a question you faggot.

Why is this a bad idea?
It would make the game feels more real and scary.
But so far not one RE feels like it takes place in a world anything like ours.

>No way fag.