calling that thing humans is an incredible disservice to humanity

>using metrics thinking I'm not going to convert it
143cm = 4.5 feet, not very short.

>143cm = 4.5 feet, not very short.

>not very short

What? Even female animu characters are rarely shorter than 150.

Fuck off smallhead Chad.

i like how you resized him before comparing him to shepard

Holy shit are you a midget?

so their heads and facial features would be the same size
are you retarded?

Someone call /fit/

Ben Shapiro effect.

you are retarded

>wear suit
>body appears slimmer than anorexic models

It's like Bioware is retarded or something.

I know Bioware never throught these things through, but did this guy grow up in low gravity environment?

>brittle bones
>atrophied musculature
>blood pressure issues
>broken hand–eye coordination
>fucked up metabolism
>weak immune system

This is a story about a character on an epic quest to survive the problems of his own body. Saving the galaxy is not included.

>everyone has smallhead chad heads
Fuck off smallhead chad.

Stop bodyshaming you shitlord

....so what does he look like naked?

You're supposed to play as femryder.

He looks like a fucking action figure or something, both default characters are so repulsive.

>manlets have to escape to the Andromeda galaxy due to persecution

They still won't learn though, they never do.

manlet detected

>not very short

He's not a human, he's a dwarf.

Andromedingdong will link the Mass Effect games with Dragon Age.

Ryder is confirmed 185cm. He's just not a smallhead Chad, making him look smaller from far away just like me
Why the fuck didn't they call them "Rider?" I just can't take them seriously with an edgy GoT y put in the name, Ryder just seems so juvenile. Do I have autism?

>be autistic irl
>be autistic in a game

Space Dandy game when.

The proportions are fucked up. Huge heads, long upper body and short lower body. Basically they all have the proportions of a person with dwarfism.

I need sauce for this

proportions are fucked to hell and back then, he really doesnt look like 185 cm in any of the videos released

When will they learn?

One day we'll get that game, baby.

I'd buy that game

No thats straight up legally a midget.

Mass Effect has artificial gravity.
So really the only issue from living on space ships your whole life would be the immune system thing.

Listen up you motherfucking smallhead lankchads, we're not all born with Chad size small heads which give you automatic wide shoulders and superhero build. Some of us, like moi, with a height of 186cm, look small from far away because I have a PROPORTIONALLY RATHER LARGE HEAD. I'm just as tall as Chris Evans. Do I look as good as him? No! Because he's a fucking smallhead Chad.

185...so still a manlet then?
i'm 192cm and thats 6'3
185cm would make him 5'8 or 5'9

wtf Im taller than Shepard

>playing a Sera expy
I always play fem characters when given the choice, but here it would be impossible. Femrider is too obnoxious.

Okee goeie post man, ik haat vriendengroepjes waarin iedereen 190cm+ is. Het is echt gewoon een smallhead chad clubje waar manlets en lelijkerds niet bij horen, echt een stelletje groenejasdragende faggots.

You can handwave anything if you try hard enough

She has the face of an old crackwhore


>You will never be able to roam around in a 3D Aloha Oe and find Meow's girly pillow before sending it into Space
Why live.

Customize the character. Duh.

If you're bellow 150cm you're legally a midget and can use everything that's made for people with disabilities.


What's so weird? It's a game made by a bunch of skilless SJWs

>Deliberately made their characters ugly and short to pander to incels


Bioware need to learn their anatomy.

Fucking manlets

I'm actually glad now how ME3 ended, for me it's officially done, more more ME games.

The girl is already soaked with the tall guy

Look at her face

How fucked am I? The angle is shit and makes me look shorter too

Ryder confirmed 1.85 you manlets actually taller than 1.83 sheploo

The lucky guy can surely lick his elbow.

I actually like the song. Is that bad?

I'm never taking Peebee off the ship dressed like that. Drack and Vetra only desu

I'm talking about her character, not looks. Devs and MC voice actors in their interviews said how different their characters are. Your choice of what she's gonna say is limited by her predetermined character. From what I've seen, femryder will always be an obnoxious cocky cunt.

Yup, women do get turned on visually you know.
You can't lie that you would not get slightly turned on by a 9/10 undressing in front of you.

Drack is kroganlet tho

I really don't think they could have picked a better song to represent Mass Effect Andromeda and bioware as a whole. The entire song is about not taking blame because "you're only human".
Bioware is trying to say its not their fault their game is so bad.

I have a massive head, to the point where the doctors thought I had hydrocephalus shortly after I was born, and I don't look like that despite being slightly taller than Ryder.

His head must be fucking enormous.

False, those heights are way off.

Wonder what it will say at the end of Andromeda.

If only they could figure out how to fix his proportions so he doesnt look like a giant child

All those proportions look like shit, even the aliens.

>smallhead Chad
Why is having a small head a Chad thing? What's attractive about a small head? Or is this just some /r9k/-tier insecurity?

Downloadable Content.

Lead Gender Experts

My guess is having a smaller head makes your shoulders look broader.

It's one faggot trying to force a meme.

why are they all so fucking weird looking? aahhhhhh! makes my skin itch

Nigger my 15 y.o cousin is 178cm

Aww.. how? If ryder a manlet then that means all squad members are dwarves. Fucking vetra should be somewhere 1.80 or drack should be 1.75 you cuntie


In that picture he actually looks taller than the previous Krogan. Krogan's heads were always lower than Shepard's (boob level for femshep)

Doctors had to plunge my head out when I was born, so don't talk to me about big heads you fucking smallhead Chad. If you think Ryder looks anthropomorphically wrong you've been brainwashed by smallhead chad designs in media. Look at Fallout 4. Skyrim had realistic character designs, Fallout 4? Cartoony smallhead Chad fake proportion designs. That's what you are, a fucking smallhead chad. kys


>Tidus laughing.waw

>she sees your bulge

5'9 is around 175cm

But it also makes you look like you have a tiny weirdo head.

I can see how a big head on a small body probably looks funny, but having a large head and a built body definitely looks better than having a built body and a puny head.

Actually its OK

>she sees your bulge

this one sneaks up on ya

>manlet AND americuck

wanted to post the same thing. something about these figures seems really off

Is that why he zones out when the thing jumps on him?

I wish I had a smaller head. I can't find a motorcycle helmet that fits me. When I got my moped license when I was younger I had to awkwardly jam a helmet on my head and it only got halfway down. Only reason I could use it was because the front opened. In retrospect, using that helmet was probably much more dangerous than riding without one, but the law is the law.

Looks like Chris Stuckmann.

All of their heads are too large.

>Not like this.

>183 cm negro

Read the thread and FUCK OFF smallhead chad.

>game takes place in the future where gene therapy is so advanced you can alter your appearence at will
>there are still humans who look like crackwhores


>you see her bulge

>192cm = 6'3''
>185cm = 5'8''
>192cm - 185cm = 6'3'' - 5'8''
>7cm = 7''
Imperial-metric parity confirmed.

OwO whats this
>Pussy ass whitenoi needs a space suit while superior African genes let me survive in any atmosphere
>now lemme fuck your sister and girlfriend again manlet
>you and your dad can watch

Well if yal'll are content looking at ugly people I'll be playing games with attractive people thank you very much.