Swimming on Cemu doesn't wor-

>Swimming on Cemu doesn't wor-

>PCbros continuing to be pieces of shit and pirating a game devs worked day and night for

CEMU dev here. Stop pirating our software or give us $5.

I bought a physical copy on Wii U so it's technically okay to emulate it on my PC. Even if it's (eventually going to be) running with over double the original pixels and framerate, tee hee!

>he's not smart enough to dump his copy of the game for Cemu

Bought a copy on switch and I'll pirate the CEMU version later, get fucked CEMU

I came here to enjoy delicious nintenbro tears

>pirate the CEMU version
But it's free. How can you pirate something that is free?

CEMU dev here. We worked hard for this emulator. Pirating the game is ok, but pirating from us piratebros?

Fuck off.

Framerate won't change retard. Physics are game logic are tied to it.

They're not gonna make the game run at 60fps. It'll always run at 30. But running it at 4K is gonna be nice.

>literally sped up with Cheat Engine
you can't make this shit up

Not the latest builds

You realise the free version (which has more work put into it) is released 1 week after the Patreon (beta test) one? By the time you're done with BotW on the Switch, the emulator will be able to play BotW at 4k for FREE.

hahahha get FUCKED cucktendo babby hahahha you fucking faggot retard hahaha

>thinking cemu devs are pirates
>being this mad you start falseflagging so poorly

They're just software devs, they probably all have switches and already played BOTW. The fact that you retard believe think "WOAH PEOPLE ARE USING THIS FOR BAD STUFF" is irrelevant. Might as well not use a computer because you might do something illegal with it.

Is OP shitposting or can you actually swim right now? And what about using runes?

consolebabbies then

consolebabbies in the past week since emulation of all 3 consoles caught on

really makes you contemplate

If you really think anyone posting delete this or we're gonna report you to Nintendo are actual console owners you are a retard.

How do you know they aren't?

seems like the post I quoted is very close to that and doesn't look like falseflagging

Alex Jones here
Fuck off Globalist
Stop pirating Video Games

> PCgaymers are this dumb

Literally everyone knew this was coming, stop strawmanning.

Doesn't mean you can't have an ounce of grace and not smear shit all over the walls over how smug you are to pirate.

Post link to everything I need to emulate it

Top Smash bros here. Fuck you Nintendo worked hard on this game stop making your emulator.

>emulation is piracy
here we go again

Fuck off

Maybe 5 years ago that would be accurate.

Now I'm not so sure.

As a loyal Nintendo customer, fuck off. You're making people pirate games.

read op

>want to support Nintendo because I like their games
>don't want to buy a switch or a Wii U
>want to play Zelda
I know that either way they won't be making money from me but it just feels wrong

PC bro here. Thanks for making emulator. Nintenbros BTFO

> Playing a brand new game for free

It is.

>Oh no, only 5 million people bought this game instead of 5 million +1, now Nintendo will go bankrupt and no video games will ever be made again

It actually says somewhere on Nintendo's website that having a physical copy doesn't entitle the owner to having a copy for an emulator.

Twitch streamer here. I don't have to buy a switch now, thanks!

Europoor here. Thanks for making my life a little better.

Not him but
That's not the point, if emulation becomes very widespread that's potentially hundreds of thousands of sales Nintendo will miss
Even if it's not that number now, over time emulation will spread like wildfire if more people find out about it

Is this the d version?
So now all we need is grass?

>dumping your legit copy because you don't want to play in 720p

really tickles my turkey

Satoru Iwata here stop emulating my console you gaijen fucks

why didn't he rape them?

Eat shit toddler

I never got an explanation to this gif

Is it house robbery?

It's ok to steal from Walmart because other people are paying for their groceries


>if emulation becomes very widespread that's potentially hundreds of thousands of sales Nintendo will miss
Good. Then we need to spread it more.

> spouting this bullshit like anyone would believe it

Cemu shills don't own the games they play.

niggers man

>Implying you don't pirate moves and music

Laws say otherwise, Nintendo's just REEEEing.

It also says in that same shit that downloading unauthorized copies made without nintendo's consent is always piracy, but nintendo did exactly that for 100% of all virtual console games.

I pirate Nintendo to send a message. The message is : you should go software only you fucking chinks no one want to buy your shitty overpriced console made in china with stupid gimmicks just to play one game.

George Soros here. Stop it Goyim or else there will be consequences

I occasionally pirate moves I see on the dancefloor but never music.

Then surely nintendo can easily rectify the problem by making versions of their games run on platforms that don't have mobile hardware in, right? Sounds like that's the free market at work to me.

That's fuck up. Where are you from bro?


Seems fake. I mean, I don't think anyone would survive so many punches and hits, specially a woman. Still, what the fuck?

But im done with Botw on the switch.

Beat it last night. 100 shrines 100 korok seeds.

Well the message you're sending is "never release PC games because we will just pirate them. I don't care if you pirate, but justifying it that way is just dumb and kinda sad

Bite me, nerdfag.

no user how dare you play games at a resolution and framerate that isn't poorfag tier

Nintendo's website also states that dead pixels are a normal part of the switch

>only 100 koroks
You're clearly not done. There's another 800 left, user. You haven't even maxed your inventory yet!

If a middle aged woman survives attacks from a chimpanzee and gets her face torn off then a woman can survive punches and choke holds from a nignog.

No thats the message only a nintendo fanboy like you could interprete

You wouldn't believe what kind of shit people can survive. A few monkey punches and getting choked seems pretty "harmless" and it looked like he wanted to only knock her out instead of straight up killing her anyway.

It is when you're illegally downloading the ISOs

Is that a child on the sofa? He fucking punched a child? And killed her? Since she doesn't move at all. What the fuck is this?

Anyone else just pirate as a demo?
>Game is good
Buy it
>Game sucks or unoptimized

LoZ fan here. You fuck off. People like you ruin companies.

we are talking about emulation and not piracy

>Is this the d version?

ehh, the game started getting a bit grindy after the first 50 or so seeds/shrines. Honestly its not that great of a game.

Shitty trips

He obviously wasn't aiming to kill her I didn't see his punches being that heavy

God I hate niggers. The fucker didn't even get life in prison for this.

no faggot you must really be the only one

My name is John Cemu, father of Steven Cemu creator of CEMU emulator. I heard some folks in here were bullying my son in this forum. I'm looking at you bastards. Touch my son again and Im gonna beat your asses.

Nah, the kid just stood there motionless like an autist since the beginning

>losing life while still having stamina
ok so the game is entirely fucking broken and unplayable.

nice job neckbeard peecucks

>We worked hard for this emulator.
Fake news

hook line and sinker

>water effects are weird and miscolored
>lighting looks off
>video is sped up or 60fps looks weird on pause menu

hey, progress though.

>merely pretending

>Pirating game is ok
Fuck off

If this ISN'T bait, then let it be known that you lose hearts in cold water no matter what armor or food you use

using speedhack. doesn't stop the shit frame pacing but it's playable so idgaf

>game devs worked day and night
Yeah. It's so hard to copy Skyrim.

Wow that's pathetic. You realise you lose HP when you're in cold water yeah? Grasping for straws here laddy.

>pay to steal games

how about no? fag

Pirating game is ok.

pee cuck damage control

Switch owner here. Fuck off will you?

Enjoy it, PC bros.

Because it'll be the last Nintendo system ever to be emulated, now that they've gone Nvidia.

When Super Mario Oddysey rolls around this year and tops Super Mario 64, CEMU won't save you.

>now that they've gone Nvidia.
aka: it will be easier to emulate. lmao

Paying for emulators is completely fucking retarded, and asking for money for roms or emulators is disgusting and you will go to hell for it.

PCbros will get BTFO user don't worry.

This is just Nintendo slowly relearning how to make games, don't expect Odyssey to beat the magnum opus of 3D platforming. At most it'll be slightly better than Sunshine.

hahahahahaha PCbros will get btfo soon! If Nintendo updates Zelda and make it uncrackable thats gg