There's still no conclusion to the Half-Life series

>There's still no conclusion to the Half-Life series




>take helicopter with Alyx
>reach artic base
>do some shooting inside Mossman's base while looking for information about the Borealis location
>reach ship
>destroy ship
>Gman appears

There, this is the conclusion.

O..One day..


Samurai Jack is back
HL3 will be too

At this point, it's probably for the best.

Skins & marketplace visibility makes more money.
Also, half life 2 has a criminally overrated story.
>B-but muuuh scienceman doing sciency stuff because atheism

>Also, half life 2 has a criminally overrated story.

I kind of feel bad for Valve since Unreal Engine took their market.

Nobody will make crappy source 2 games

IDK what game you played but episode 2 had a conclusion. They left the ending for a possible another game but they ultimately ended it which is why they haven't made another game yet. Use common sense.

Is that a terrible strawman or do redditors really say shit like that

>tfw yet to play HL2 past trash can
I fucking loved the original game and was surprised by it's good ai back in the day.

s-stop it...

It is overrated, but what "science stuff" are you talking about, aside from the gravity gun who's handed over to you already crafted?

Most of hl2 is shooting at combines, solving puzzles, driving rusty vehicles and jumping on props to not awaken the antlions.

>tfw Marc Laidlaw left
>tfw even if HL3 will eventually be released, it will probably be written by Chet "Cuck" Faliszek
>tfw it'll be full of "zombine! get it? z-zombine... hehehe" jokes

I just want mine 1950s style Sci-fi story. Marc... please....


Isn't the HL 3 script finished since 2007 though?

It's in everlasting changing state.