Switch and the lack of third party support

I see a lots of games being announced for ps4/xbone but I don't see any big game being announced for Switch. Switch is only getting indie games and the "AAA" games that the thing is getting are old ports from previous generations. I don't see Switch getting RDR 2, KH3, VII remake, Mass Effect, etc.

>release console with outdated phone hardware
>expect third party support

No more Heroes 3 is upon us. The only reson i'm getting a switch.

That might be a multiplat

If that's the case, then fuck the switch but I doubt it. NMH 1 was on PS3 and wii but for some reason Desperate struggle was a wii exclusive. Hopefully NMH 3 comes to ps4. Travis is the GOAT.

Expect to hear announcements this E3, mate.

I expect it won't get most AAA games outside of Call of Duty, Madden, and MAYBE Assassin's Creed unless it sells a lot. I think most of the industry is in wait and see mode to be honest. Nintendo's successes are pretty inconsistent, so I don't blame them.

We'll see what happens at E3.

Why would it get FFVII? Or is that a confirmed multiplat? I don't keep up with that one.

Xbox one can barely play games , do people really think triple A games will even work on switch without significant downgrades.

Also most third party games are online and Nintendo has a bad history with online

No More Heores not FInal Fantasy.

It says VII remake in the OP dork

Apparently VII Remake is coming to PC.

My bad, thought you replied to the NMH post :/

i'm screencapping all these threads so i can put them in a big collage to post after the e3 presentation

i wonder what all you retards think nintendo's dev houses have been doing, because there hasn't been shit on the 3ds or wii u for at least a year.

what do you think retro is doing?

with the direction the industry is headed, soon all you'll be able to get on x1 and ps4 is multiplats shared with PC and maybe a game a year that forces you to buy in.

with the switch you get first party games you can't play anywhere else. nintendo knows it's software sells systems. expect a huge e3 for them.

>expect a huge e3 for them
What are they gonna announce anyway? It's too early for Pokemon

>what do you think retro is doing

If the FF7 remake isn't coming to Switch why was Cloud in Smash? Checkmate Sonybros.

>with the direction the industry is headed, soon all you'll be able to get on x1 and ps4 is multiplats shared with PC and maybe a game a year that forces you to buy in.

That's pretty much happening right now

>with the switch you get first party games you can't play anywhere else. nintendo knows it's software sells systems. expect a huge e3 for them.

Well I can play Zelda on CEMU

>expect a huge e3 for them

I think that they will have a solid e3 but not that huge

i expect them to show whatever retro has been working on whether that's metroid or the rumored new ip.

also likely to announce or show something animal crossing and another big hitter, maybe something in the vein of new smb or link between worlds.

expecting a few indie exclusives and at least one remaster.

i personally hope they improve and port star fox zero

>gets no more heroes, bayonetta and other masterpieces

Tell me why any self respecting gamer should care about modern AAA games.



When did they announce this?

Because if Switch doesn't get third party AAA games, it will be another Wii U 2.0

because wii, the best selling console of all the time needed those, right?

Which is why the Switch or any Nintendo console past the Gamecube for that matter no longer applies to those that play a wide variety of games. Its mainly for manchildren that can't move on and would play another Mario game for the 100th time.

Pokemon Console game at E3 would destroy the world.

Pokemon Go style honestly.

>unironically wanting to play garbage like KH3, the butchered 7 remake or Trash Effect

it doesn't matter if its good or not silly goy! it matters if it will sell!

Any multiplat the switch gets would have to be severely optimized and graphically toned down. Consoles already use reduced graphics for multiplats. I wonder what "AAA shooter war game 2017" would even run like on a switch.

It would be rather unreasonable to expect the next Call of Duty that is optimized for the Scorpio, PS4 Pro and PC to run on a handheld like the Switch

One made by the same people who make Animal Crossing.

With severe framerate issues, like it's Wii U prequel.

The thing has 2gb of ram and a cpu/gpu comparable to and ipad 2. AAA 3rd party games will not come to the switch unless they are last gen games like Skyrim

This guy was weak as shit but got tons of titles from 3rt party.
It's all about install base.

but why? switch is the only new console released in years and the only one in the forseeable future. everybody already has a bro box/station and can play all muh CODs on that or PC.

This thing didn't have to compete with smartphones and tablets.

>It's too early for Pokemon
Cross-gen Stars for 3DS and Switch in late '17/early '18 wouldn't be too early

They're working on the game tie-in for the Emoji Movie.

The 3ds did and still managed to sell more than 65 million, if Nintendo release Pokemon and get Monster Hunter and other Japanese developed exclusives it will do fine.


Want to hear a secret?
Smartphones aren't actually in competition with handhelds. They're actually competing with PC and TVs.