Nintendo's Switch Abandoned by Third-Party Developers


Wii U 2 confirmed

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Nice source


this can't be....


upcoming switch games (none)

Most developers/publishers don't feel like expending the mental effort to figure out how to use some gimmicky exclusive controller when they're also concerned with releasing on other platforms (which lack wagglan support.) If Nintendo wants games to make use of detachable wagglans then Nintendo has to foot the bill themselves.

Of course Switch won't get third parties

Just look at the fucking thing, it is a chinese tablet.

You would need to develop an entire new game for it instead of just porting it, and who the fuck wants to do that?

Ubisoft is shit anyway we don't their games

>Ubisoft and EA

And nothing of value was lost.

>Never supported in the first place
Really made me ponder.

its a chink shit tablet knockoff and is basically as powerful as two Wii's taped together (which is 10 years old), of course no one wants to touch it

its a fucking cancer console and the only game worth playing is a few months away from free emulation.

Nintendo is finished.

As long as we still get our niche Jap games like the 3DS and Vita did, then I don't care. I don't play AAA Western garbage at all.
Too bad for Nintnedo though, they'll probably have to go third party after this.

>Switch wont get the next ass creed or homofield
Such a shame.

It doesn't matter. The only thing the Switch lacks is a strong First Party Support. Third Party is almost irrelevant, that's what I got a PS4/PC for anyway.

t. bought ZeldaU for WiiU that was only worth it since I didn't have a Wii

(Buy every second console to win against Nintendo.)

People that buy consoles don't even know what emulation is.

Source, OP replaced "wii u" with "switch"


You cant make this shit up

glad that Todd doesn't betray us

I used to buy Nintendo consoles, I know what emulation is, I don't buy Nintendo consoles anymore.

It's a shit console with no upcoming games of any significance, it's going to be a disaster. Nintendo expects to rely on this hardware for the next 4 years? Give me a break.

gotta give him credit. he got some (you's) out of it.

>release console that's not up to par with the hardware standards of the competition
>make it so multiplats can't be easily ported over without seriously overhauling the game to make them run
>"I don't understand why 3rd parties aren't supporting us"

The last nintendo console to get decent 3rd party support was the gamecube, which was also their last console to have processing power on par with competing consoles.


Nobody likes leeches. Enjoy circle-jerking with the other 10 shitheads on Sup Forums. :^)

can't wait to play original unmoddable Skyrim in 20 fps

You know your post is gonna be ignore so the autists on each side can keep battling it out

>Can't read
>Or think
>Post anyway

Really activates the almonds.

I don't own a Switch because there's only one game out / announced for it that I would halfway want to play, and I really don't give a fuck, but read the article before believing bullshit. The article's nothing but fallacies piled on top of fallacies. They're basically taking one fact and then trying to extrapolate a chain of like five "what ifs" after that. Jesus christ.

>Ubisoft and EA
>And nothing of value was lost.
You have no idea what you are talking about, fandrone.
You may not like their normie oriented annual AAA trash, but their support is extremely important and very much vital for a console's success.

even if it's bait OP is actually correct, i can see cheap indieshit running on the switch, current AAA titles? absolutey no fucking way

regardless of article's validity, Switch does seems to have issues with 3rd party

Can't abandon a console if you never supported it

>Sup Forums shits on ubisoft 24/7
>suddenly it matters that they don't produce for the switch and you're a nintendo-shill if you don't care

never change guys

Game companies exist to make money.
If the switch sells well companies will want to make games for it.

Regardless, nobody bought a switch to play 3rd party games. They bought it to play Nintendo games.

The switch exists to try corner the female market, who only really play games on mobile.

>Nintendo makes literal greatest game of 2 decades on "shit hardware" that everyone is enjoying and giving 10/10's

3rd party devs:
>"But this hardware isn't good enough for our videogames and experiences"

Explain this.

Third parties are risk-averse and don't want to invest in development to take advantage of Nintendo's latest gimmick.

You said it. Third parties don't make videogames, they make experiences.

Key word is "their" games. Straight up ports are impossible due to inferior Switch hardware and I assume it's not worth making an entirely separate version of the game just for the Switch. I think the real test will be Skyrim on Switch.

>The switch exists to try corner the female market, who only really play games on mobile.

The Switch is a huge fucking brick and does not fit in a purse or pocket.

Are these Nintentoddlers all fucked in their wahoo'd heads? I'll Paypal you $5000 if you can go outside and find a female playing a Switch.

>the female market, who only really play games on mobile.
That's not true, I play all of my games on PC.

you think its bad now
wait until next year when both the Scorpio and Ps5 are in the market
The Switch is barely a overclocked Wiiu. by next year that thing will be 2 gens behind

fucking embarassing

Nice edit faggot :

Driven by nostalgia and peer pressure. If any game would include shit mechanics like the weapon breaking or the pixelated comic look, it would get a 7 at best. Zelda is a good game but not 10/10 material.
Will it sell well? Sure. Pretty much every Nintendo fan will get it. Problem is "every Nintendo fan" is still just a small fraction of the userbase from Xbone/PS4 and you, as in you as 3rd party dev, would directly compete with a franchise that makes customers turn a blind eye to glaring flaws.
Vidya companies are not that stupid anymore to throw money into the max 7 million sold switch.

Nintendo has never had third party support, so I guess?


Wii U and Gamecube sold like shit though. Wii was a fad / fluke due to normies.

Facebook integrated games are the same thing, more skinner box than anything else.

Friendly reminder that the Switch has already many many games that you can enjoy right now

>expect to sell many Switchs in 2017

How did nobody catch this

you mean that toddler skyrim with transgender twink?

I don't even HAVE a facebook. I play real videogames and I've been doing it since childhood.

>Ubisoft was expected to release games vital to the Switch success
>Rayman Legends
>Beyond Good and Evil 2


You're kidding yourself if you think Third-Party will break a Nintendo console, tho
Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Monster Hunter all v strong franchises.

Thanks user

>peer pressure
>Hey kid, what the fuck is that?
>U-uhm... It's a V-Vita
>What the fuck did you say to me? I'm taking your Vita. Next time I see you you better have bought the new Nintendo Switch. Fucking pussy.

Western games are garbage

I believe you honey, calm down

Oh man. Who saw that coming?


good job my fellow Nintenbro now we got proof that the Switch has NO PROBLEM with third party and it was all Sony's bait

>Monster Hunter
>a Nintendo first-party game
user, what?

Is this you?

what will nintendo ever do without AAAAA games

if they dont have AAAAAAAAAAA developers thenn bnodoby will byuy it

bnintendo should focus on AAAA dev

Friendly reminder that the Switch has already some cheap and shitty games that you might enjoy if you are a filthy casual with no sense of monetary worth


Not sure he said that user


low effort*

>posts an image with games that aren't even out yet

it don't need third parties nintendo enough.

Yeah, Ubi only wanted to release Beyond Good and Evil 2 on it, but who cares about it.

The fact of the matter is that third parties don't want to support Nintendo hardware because they know they can't compete with Nintendo's brand or franchises.

This thing about 'power' is just an excuse. They were abandoning Nintendo looooooooong before the Wii era. Which was, may I remind you, an extremely successful console.

>Nintendo makes literal greatest game of 2 decades
>t. game journalist who totally won't get fired if he trashes it like that IGN guy who gave Switch as a thing 7/10.

so OP was indeed a fag

good to know

>lacking Snipperclips

Fucking why is that game always over looked in these images? It's the best game for value right now on the Switch.


3rd party needs to save money and develop for the platforms that makes the money.
And it simply isn't at Nintendo.

>we don't their games

shhh guys we've angered it so much he can't even type correctly

>Beyond Good and Evil 2
>L M A O


It's a game for couples. Sup Forums is filled with manchildren.

Why do you think?

He implied that though. He said that nobody buys a Nintendo console for third-party games and then listed games that people buy Nintendo consoles for, Monster Hunter being one of them.

>25gb's of bandwidth
>in 2017

Switch is utter garbage

the special edition skyrimjob actually runs nicely on pc atleast, and it looks really good unmodded.

difference really comes and goes for mods that require SKSE

Nintendo paid Bethesda to port Skyrim because obviously a six year old game will sell to the masses who already played it.

What Nintendo didn't know was that they had to rebuild most of the game to run on the thing and tweak it to look ok. Since they went through all that they said fuck it, rerelease it as a definitive edition.

Nintendo more or less paid for the Skyrim rerelease. It's hilarious.

We're quickly approaching the point where third parties only really deliver three kinds of games you don't find on Nintendo platforms. Realistic open world titles, realistic online shooters, and realistic sports game.

Anything that doesn't fall into these narrow stipulations doesn't really do as well as it would have if it were on Nintendo platforms.

it's a generalisation, obviously, but it's true. The majority of the female gaming market is handheld.

Not to mention AAA rely on physical copies and none of them will fit on a single switch disk. Gamecube all over again

Just because millenials say literally all the time doesnt make it so

This looks pretty good. Is it Switch exclusive?

NO... NOOO!!

It has Switch exclusive features.


crashes, console bricking, desynching controller


I don't think they've gone into detail yet, but we do know it uses HD Rumble.

Mfw newfags to the thread are ignoring the most important post in it to go on their ramblings.

It's a non-issue guys (currently), OP is a baiting faggot.

Please learn to never take sourceless material for granted, ffs.

>reddit spacing
>mfw with no reaction image
>calling others newfags