Battlestation Thread?

Battlestation Thread.

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bump for interest. I want some inspiration, post some riced up shit anons.

whats with the cables?


Awesome cable management.

nice piece. Where'd you get it?

Hey Sup Forums.

I just wanted to play my switch, it'll be better once I get a more permanent spot.

It's from ikea

Should be a comfy Sunday here, bois.

been a nice lazy morning.


retro game basement, has been working on getting some pvm worked into the setup.


hello again

Question for you guys
Where do you guys buy figures? Not weeb shit but things like Nintendo characters
All I want is a figure of link from wind waker and maybe someone from fire emblem

>star wars
Posting just for that. Enjoy my lazy ass station.


The few I've gotten were at cons. Sunday deep sales though.

Comfy as hell

nice dolls

Thanks user, people rarely say nice things about my Battlestation

>samefag circlejerk the thread

your computers are fucking toys, you are worse than car bros with their car gangbangs

Unironically comfy except for the dolls

Looks pretty solid, user.

t. poorfag

>720p console on a 4k tv

Console station

>windows open
>curtains catching the breeze
Where we at, user? Living in Maryland and annoyed that the past week has been Spring LiteĀ® and suddenly I'm supposed to get a Blizzard tomorrow. Open window weather is best weather.

How does it feel to have fucked up neck and eyes, probably not very comfy?

To be fair it is a bit of a circle jerk with the same few people posting the same pictures. Wish more anons would participate, if only to get a glimpse into anons lives.

>single bed

negro please...

>Fire Emblem
>not weeb shit
is this the first time you've been on Sup Forums since 2011?

>im stuck with last generations console

dunno about the other guy but i am "THE ROOM" guy and the big tv isn't intended to be viewed from the desk. it's a space saving tactic so my wife or son can watch tv without my head blocking the screen. (my house has shit tons of windows and doors so i litterally cannot but it anywhere else without blocking something)

Do you downgrade your TV for your console or what you fucking retard

>this will destroy you


I'd participate if my battle-station was salvageable. It's not. I have to use my dresser as a TV stand.

Gotta dust your shit user. And stop being lazy and hand some stuff on that wall.


Actually yes. Idiot.

i have that same microphone, have you ever had any issues with it? mine already works like shiet

here's mine

Let's see it. Now.

you might wanna change that desk user

I don't want to be responsible for blinding any young anons.

They are hanged. Just took that own down to show it to someone and forgot to put it up. I'll be dusting and cleaning later today. Just relaxing now

Just outside of Dubai

Thanks, user.

I hope you have a relaxing day then.

Yeah I got it for free and the Onkyo was too heavy for it.

Gonna get rid of desk and Xbox one. Literally haven't used Xbox one in months. Might trade it in for a switch and keep the Xbox controllers

It's also my work-from-home station

I'm and it's really not that bad. I rarely sit and look straight up at the mounted TV, it's mostly for streams or whatever that I more listen to than watch. My chair sits far enough back for it not to be an issue.

Will you stop being a faggot and post?

...Mike Pence?

Thanks. I'll be watching expanse for a while until I go get some food.

Sorry about the mess.

people are afraid to post stuff for whatever reason
then again, the threads here are pretty shit anyway, so it's not like there's any point on them posting it besides getting bullied
at least on Sup Forums you can maybe get some help on how to improve things if that's what you want

You live in DSP's old complex?
>TvC stick
My Nigga.

I thought this was Ultimate Surrender for a second.

You almost had my respect, user. Almost.

Desk bros. Most solid Ikea purchase i've ever made, considering most are flimsy garbage.

Sup Forums used to give suggestions on how to improve setups.

Miami. Had a get together recently so had to stick the drums and racing seat into a corner

I mean, I can understand. Shit I feel poor in comparison to some set ups and I'm pretty well off despite what I do.
Just >pls no bully it and pray for the best. Could use a change in scenery.

Comfy user. The view the ocean or just straight trees and sky?


Still need to get a mic.

What are some cheap but good desktop mics?

Trees and skies. I'm facing East. Moon rises are the greatest things ever



Old fire emblem games are great
Fates is weebshit

but now it's weebshit

I'd love this, but man, having to manually bring down blinds would be annoying. they are automatic, right user?

>look in one of these threads for the first time in a year
>still same people posting same images of their same setups

who's the fucking poorfag?

like holy shit

I got mine from a friend who was getting a new one. It's awesome because it's so big.

I just love simple, cozy things, not the overdone lighting and 50 screens other people have

>half the city can see you fappin

How do you fap without getting photographed?

>tfw have over several dozen unopened figmas and nendroids in storage cause my room is too small as is
>coming up with blue prints on how I would design my battle station when I move out and integrate my figure collection into it while still looking at least somewhat presentable and classy even though having a figure collection in the first place is the antithesis of classy to begin with


doesn't matter how big the window is, you dolts. Remember that like, 80k image that was posted onto the internet and anons found a dude browsing Sup Forums through a small ass window?

degeneracy but also surprisingly comfy

sugoi desu ne~

>Remember that like, 80k image that was posted onto the internet and anons found a dude browsing Sup Forums through a small ass window?
No, post it.

Same here, the bare necessities. All that pointless shit is just for attention.

do you live on your own by any chance?

I'll have to find it.

>having a figure collection in the first place is the antithesis of classy to begin with
If you properly display and light everything, while also having high quality figures, there's nothing wrong with it. Don't believe what other people say about it.


Of course.

Do it then.

nigger detected

i am you fuck

can you tell me which lamps and leds you are using for all of this ? the lighting is amazing.

No. Germany.

Nice Makis

Ok then.

Did you find it yet?

The LEDs on the shelf, back of the TV and under the desk are all 5050 RGB ones. The left lamp I found on a local lighting store and it's using a cheap old incandescent bulb because of the dimmer, and the right one is basically the same as this one, with a yellow kinda low power LED bulb:

Nice, i like it. Clean, no anime or manchild stuff some effort was made with the cable management. Nice.
>console stations
Good station ruined by anime.
Poor cable management, poor monitors, poor furniture.
Poor cable management, poor monitors poor furniture.
Poor cable management, messy, and poor peripherals.
Nice. Nice desk.
Horrible. Awful wall pattern and furniture.
Messy, no cable management, bad furniture, screen too big desk too small.
No cable management. Otherwise it's good but mostly because of the view. You could lay a dead badger in the middle of the room it would still looks great thanks to it.

Nah. I can't find the original big ass image, either (it wasn't exactly 80k) because then I couldn't find the user in it. If any other people know of it, their help would be greatly appreciated.