The anime managed to be worse than the game
Holy fuck what?
Is Sorey in a coma? I imagine it took him a lot if Alisha was able to armatize.
so the anime resorted Alisha to her proper role before Baba fucked everything up?
yes. fuck anyone who moans about Alisha being a mary sue
that's not too rare phenomenon nowadays tho'.
VC1's anime adaptation was a disaster.
Anything that tries to get rid of Rose is a good thing.
Anyway, is the anime worth watching after playing only Zestiria without Berseria?
Picked up.
its visually pleasing if nothing else. I hear the show follows the scrapped plot before they redone it in the final version.
this adaptation is fixing the mistakes of the game
>Anything that tries to get rid of Rose is a good thing.
Alisha is fucking awful too, Zestiria´s plot is literally destroyed because of waifus.
But its been clearly better from start to finish, Baba
>armatized Alisha
Fucking BASED.
How buttblasted must Baba be at this point?
They originally wanted Alisha to armitize in the game
Any fullscreens of her armatus?
Does anyone genuinely give a shit about Zestiria aside from Fujos, Ednafags and Baba anyway? Alisha had all the personality of a rock and Rose is Rose.
All I care about is anything it references in Berseria.
Zestiria R soon goys.
>best human and best Seraph armatizing
Babas tears are delicious
Mikleo still best girl tho
Is the dlc worth a playthrough?
>Waifu wars is still going on 3 years after the game came out
Back in the days we just circlejerked about Sheena' breasts.
no idea, I never bought Zesteria to all the negative things I heard about it
and yet I got the DLC when it was free.
Baba, plz
My wife is here.
>Baba leaves after Zest flops
>kick him in the gut with a sequel that shits on it, and adapt it with all the issues fixed that he was adamant against
>Baba apologists BTFO
Your wife has a wife already.
Fuck Babafags, anime is better.
When will we get more Velvet?
I seriously cant believe they are doing this.
If the following game is just as great
as Berseria then Baba was truly the reason this franchise was going to the shithole.
Is there a reason birds fly?
The adaptation can't fix all the gameplay fuckups, which are what really made the game shit.
This shit is about as canon as P3Femc
This shit is entirely canon, Baba
Who cares about the canon if the canon is so bad the man responsible was kicked out of the company.
How long is the Alisha's story DLC?
>The Anime fucked Rose up and turned Alisha into the main heroine
Baba will kill himslef when his Square studio fails.
Needs more birds
>So that's it huh? We sum kind of Tales of Zestiria X
Shouln't take much more than 2 hours.
Alright, thanks.
The only canon thing here is you being BTFO, Baba.
>Game Alisha got shafted for superior girl Rose
>Anime Alisha is made a mary sue
At the end of the day, Rose still wins.
>>Anime Alisha is made a mary sue
being restored to your rightful position is not being a mary sue
literally all anime main characters are mary sues
if they pull a super saiyan transformation in the nick of time for some plot reason, they are mary sues.
people dislike rose because of how much of an asspull marysue she actually is even by anime standards, and also she has a shit personality.
>Anime ALisha getting the proper treatment
Holy shit, she deserves it. Best female design in the modern series. Hot, sexy and not ridiculous
Overshadowing the actual main character for most of the series is being a mary sue.
For the love of god just fucking drop this universe already Bamco.
The actual main character is shit though. She overshadows him becasue her arc is actually interesting.
Baba, you said yourself that you "quit" Namco, why are you upset about this and Berseria?
Not until you buy Velvet's next game.
Now i actually gotta watch it.
Not until 5 more Phantasia ports/remakes.
>Overshadowing the actual main character
except Rose was never intended to be the MC
>Rose defenders in 2017
Get outta here
>Alisha is a mary sue!
>Rose is a mary sue!
so Velvet is still best girl?
It seems we're slated for one final game before they move on.
>So Velvet is
>the last Phantasia game was 7 fucking years ago
Okay grandma, you stick to your old games.
Velvet is the biggest marysue
how is that post you quoted defending Rose?
He's too busy making some shit with SE to notice sadly
Phantasia plot is really good we need more remakes.
What? Phantasia's plot is bare-boned as fuck. Have you even played it?
I'd honestly be surprised if anything Studio Istolia put out was anything more than shit.
>SE employs both yoko taro & baba
Actually made me think, what was the best Tales universe?
ufotable in save of saving zestiria
Found Baba
Why is Velvet so smug? What the fuck does she have to be smug about? Her dead brother?
only if they save best boy
Abyss second
Does Alisha get to fuck Sorey or did they not fix the gay shit?
She knows about her i-frames.
>fucking anyone besides Rose
She makes the fujos angry
But she was supposed to fuse with the other failure and become Dark Alisha.
>those fake spoilers about her being Heldalf's bitch
Fun times. Those threads were crazy.
When will they go back to having two teams?
Put Okumura with Fujishima and Iwamoto with Inomata.
what animu is dis?
She's number one
Tales of Zesteria X
Rose is worse
Rose > Lailah > Edna > Alishit.
Just got caught up on this + the 2 games, is this supposed to be wrapped up in 2 episodes?
I know Zesti is very low in terms of actual plot happening, but it seems like they'd have to push 20 hours of plot into 40 mins at this point.
Also it doesn't seem this is popular enough to get another season, unless Bamco is literally just fueling it themselves.
Alisha x Rose is pretty cute T B H
Yes. They basically said a FUCK YOU to the plot and made the anime a giant Alisha/Rose filler. It's supposed to be finished in é eps, which is ridiculous.
Baba pls
A simpler time.
>The anime is what the game should have been
fixed your post OP
In the end, what the fuck was her problem?
Will be explained in the inevitable third game.