Katherine = Catherine
They're both fucking awful
Katherine = Catherine
They're both fucking awful
>sexy human adult woman
>slutty demon child with stupid drill hair
C is for fags.
>sexy human adult women who is a frigid controlling bitch
Vincent clearly needed someone like Katherine to micromanage him. He lived in squalor and did nothing with his life other than drink and hang out with his friends. She lit a fire under his ass in a bad way, but odds are none of the other stuff she tried worked with that inconsiderate FAGGOT.
She only acted that way because Vincent is a shithead. If Vincent acted his age she wouldn't have to baby him. Katherine would be wonderful in a relationship if you were a responsible adult who didn't act like a damn frat boy.
Yes. Going to space is the patrician choice.
That and doing Babel for the rest of your life.
Chaos and Law are always complete extremes with ATLUS. Only a retard wouldn't go to space,
Agreed. Erica is best girl.
This I want to fuck the ronald mcdonald tranny
>ever choosing manipulative lying cunt
she also ugly, which is a little miracle on its own since 2D makes everything perfect
Space beats all anyway
Women only act that way when men act like boys instead of real men. Vincent was being a shithead.
>wanting to fuck used goods
Holy shit you three are cucks lmaoing at your life. Vincent could be Mr Perfect and she'd still find things to criticize about him. Only nu-males are fine with women who try to change them.
Space aside, I consider the ending where K dumps Vincent as the best.
Their relationship is so fucked up by the end of the game that there is no reason to keep pursuing it. Vincent walks out of it as an adult who has regained control of his life, ready for a fresh start with a new person. Best ending.
Katherine is my perfect dream gf.
>Their relationship is so fucked up by the end of the game
It's fucked up by the 2 hour mark, let alone end of the game desu baka senpai
>tfw no serious career woman gf
Why bother living?
Why has Catherine been getting so many threads lately?
I don't mind it, but I feel like there's a reason.
Sequel when? Not necessarily with the same story. I just want more puzzles.
>tfw have a serious career woman gf
>her name is Catherine instead of Katherine
>tfw comfy
I just want expanded multiplayer with online.
>all these betas not going for Catherine
You get powers that rival a god and get to just lay around and fuck all day. Who doesn't want that?
>inb4 she fucks other people
Yeah, and so do you, an army of hot women begging for your cock.
Toby pls
>and get to just lay around and fuck all day.
Wouldn't feel very good about myself desu
Erica seemed like the only boy who cared about Vincent, tbqh.
You'd also be king of the underworld in this scenario, dummy.
This is a fair opinion honestly. Even the bad endings were handled well.
It became backwards compatible on Xbone but honestly I think it's just because it stands out even all these years later and people are noticing that, there's no other game quite like it. Also, Persona 5 is still a hot topic and this will get compared to it as it being their test game for HD consoles and a potential engine for Persona 5.
Can someone explain this meme to me?
Katherine good ending she used to be known as Eric back in school
It's no meme.
Erica was once called Eric. and still manages to be the best girl
Give me some alcohol trivia
Superior taste. Disregard whores, acquire spaceships. All these faggots talking about how Vincent needed K to sort his shit out completely ignore the fact she doesn't, he just continues settling for mediocrity instead of becoming Major Tom like he always dreamed.
Why do the japs do this stuff? So weird.
It's a small thing, but I really loved the cell phone mechanic in this game and would love to see it in a game like Persona.
It fit the game and was handled quite well. He wasn't just a joke character, but he wasn't sexualized either. The discomfort the guys had around him was completely believable.
fag detected
both are hot
would fuck catherine so hard her drills would turn straight
would let katherine chain me up in a sex dungeon
>I'm so lonely and desperate for sex I'd hook up with an awful person just to get my dick wet
Beta detected
is Catherine the best game the Persona devs have ever made ?
Every character is believable, mature and realistic.
The story itself is believable, mature and realistic.
Gameplay aspect is fun.
Amazing cell shaded graphics without going chibi shit like Persona.
Music is fucking amazing.
Every ending is good.
Only bad thing is no replay value besides getting all the endings and trophies.
As much as I like Catherine it's not as good as P4/P5. Yes every character is believable, every aspect of the story well done, but that's because it's so focused. A game as vast as Persona is going to have some duds, but overall it's great.
p5 already has it, you even have group chats.
So did Le Blanc ended up being as comfy as Stray Sheep?