>"And what would you like to drink?"
>"I'll have a water."
"And what would you like to drink?"
tfw you're american and diabetes runs in your family
>diabetes running in family
horse shit. eat nutritarian diet and you'll be fine
Soda is for babies. You should only drink water, alcohol and tea/coffee. No one should drink soda past the age of 12.
Coffee with milk is best
Who /cawfee/ here?
No one runs in your family. That's the problem.
my new stepdad does though
But they always drank Bourbon.
>not drinking water alongside your booze
Never had a hangover in my life.
Amerifats BTFO
>not staying hydrated
dips bedora :DD :D
why would you ruin a good coffee with milk
>drinks milwaukee pisswater
>talking down to ANYONE
smfh bruh just kys
>"I'll have a beer please"
Water > Tea > Espresso >>>>>>>>>> Disgusting coffee everyone else drinks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alcohol
espresso > green tea > black tea > black coffee > water >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any other liquid
>not snorting caffeine pills
Best burn I've seen all year.
What I like to drink > What you like to drink
Nice video game thread you got there, sir.
Coffee>Water>Tea>the rest
t. ignorant redditor
I've been drinking esclusively tapwater for years now (non american,i would never drink tap in america) and i simply can't get used to soda anymore.
This guy is a faggot.
Tea>water>soft drinks>alcohol>>>>horse shit>>>coffee
>go out to eat with coworkers
>everyone orders water including me
diabetes has nothing to do with exercise.
I was a STEM major. I drank coffee for the caffeine until I didn't care what it tasted like. Now I only drink it black.
Nothing wrong with the tap water here.
Maybe Michigan tap water is shit, but I'm from a nice little suburb with good water.
American craft beers are superior to anything you have in Europe.
>pussy repel
And you actually believe that?
Soda is good once in a while, and no worse for you than drinking sweet tea. Quality root beer is top tier.
>[obscure local super-micro small batch artisanal craft beer] please!
>this is what Burgersharts actually believe
>with milk
good luck keeping a type 1 at bay with a good diet
You won't find a better IPA than Bell's Two Hearted.
>tfw to intelligent to drink anything but Dr Pepper
le sigh kangaroo
>drinking beer
Enjoy your estrogen.
Vodka and Wine are far superior.
>Black tea>Alcohol>Coffee>Milk>Flavoured Milk>Everything else>Green Tea
Hope you have some fluoride filters on your pipes, bro
Is this the gween tea thread?
Yes it does. Exercising before breakfast vastly increases insulin sensitivity.
I'm trying to lose weight you asshole
lol user this isn't video games xd
you dumb cuck, top kek
Why would I want to filter out the flouride? It keeps my teeth shiny and strong.
That's like saying you can find the tastiest shit at the dog park.
>lost around 120 pounds not to long ago
>go out with people from work
>always get salads and water so i can still snack on shit food when i get home
>people think i'm vegetarian because of it
>planning outings at work
>"but does that place have salads? user is vegetarian!"
No I'm not you fucks, god damnit.
Milk > Water > Tea > Coffee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alcohol
Feels good being white.
>Consuming any amount of refined sugar at all
Who hungover here?
Point is American craft brewers overtook Europeans a long time ago. Stouts, ales, you name it. It's just better.
>amerishart edjumecation
>Being a vegetarian
why would you do this to yourself user?
enjoy pissing these out you philistine
>enjoy your estrogen
Huh thats odd. My non-fluoride toothpaste cleans my teeth and eliminates bacteria. Are you sure it's the fluoride?
Water doesn't reduce the risk of kidney stones.
You wasted years drinking your magical "water" and you'll still end up pissing out one of thsoe.
How's it feel?
>not getting a water with your alcoholic beverage & qt 3.14
>t. billy 12 years old browing /fit/ a little bit too much
for american tapwater to be the way it is, people have to unironically think this, right? or is it literally just a terrible copout for whoever puts the shit in the water?
Really though I don't understand why those are so popular. They are by far my least favorite type of beer.
you keep telling yourself that fat boy
There are very few remotely nice ones around the world. Most of them just taste like bad lager, and that's a challenge.
Nigga what?
>Water doesn't reduce the risk of kidney stones.
Not technicaly wrong, but not drinking enough water may increase the risk.
>not getting the free tap water
>getting ripped off on drinks
>tap water in Illinois
Fuck everywhere else, tap water here is divine. Softest water to shower and shave with as well.
>"14 redbulls you say?"
>all these kissless virgins calling alcohol yucky
It feels amazing being 194cm, living in northern europe, playing football for a living and drinking milk everyday.
>believing things
This guy gets it
It's literally the #1 step on the top 3 google links. Stop being retarded.
>water, alcohol and tea/coffee
You would be much better off drinking soda though.
Water, tea, coffee, milk and juice is fine. Alcohol and soda are big no-nos that will drastically reduce your life span.
Hope you mean almond milk.
>drastically reduce your life span
type 1 does not, type 2 does
I'll have black tea, diet coke, or whiskey please
Men drink. Don't be a fucking pussy.
I dirnk water because I'm lazy and I find if I drink a glass of water or two I'll be fine but can go through a whole bottle of some sugary shit and still be thirsty later.
Why is this?
do you expect fatties to acknowledge the research? they'll just deny it to excuse their shit eating habits kek
Coffee. Black. No Sugar
>soda is bad meme
Its 2017 you can just get the zero sugar versions and it tastes basically the same
I'm talking regular milk.
Not some shitty processed stuff lmao
Who else drinks Tang and other juice mixes here?
cirrhosis ain't nothing to fuck with
>MFW one day I'll be in a survival situation with a group of my chinese and african friends and the only way to survive will be to drink some cow milk straight from the udder
>I'm the only one who can do it because I'm white
>My friends will have to survive from drinking my pee
Tough luck, my lactose intolerant friendos.
>"And what would you like to drink?"
>"Lemme get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pop."
>Been drinking Pepsi Max non-stop for the past 10 years
Who /won'tlivetosee30/ here?
Reminder that alcohol does literally nothing bad to you unless you drink like a retarded teenager on a friday night without following it up with 2 liters of water before you sleep.
I'd laughed if I hadn't heard it before.
Red wine increases your lifespan.
Eat apples and drink apple juice. Pectine works wonders to make these disappear or simply never appear.
Still fucks up your teeth user