They are people who are browsing Sup Forums right now that are going to buy Mass Effect Andromeda

>They are people who are browsing Sup Forums right now that are going to buy Mass Effect Andromeda
Please don't do this.

All ready did. In January

But why?

Preordered a month ago because I'm bored, want to play the multiplayer, and not poor.

Just did

You get a week you can play and still get a refund on Origin who fucking cares.


I don't even want it, but I just bought 10 copies purely to spite you.


Can't wait to see all of these 10/10 reviews.
It will be DA:I all over again.

I like space games.
>Mass Effect is actually the only adventure one
>All others genre is either 4x, space sims, rts or pixel shit

No squad weapon options/alts really killed any interest I had in it

who /smugpeepoo/ here?

Too late.



>All the Andromeda shitposting has gotten me to play the series again
>Just about to finish 3 again
>In the mood now
>On the fence about to pre-order Andromeda

Turian/krogan team like the other games

Ryan Gosling nailed her uglyness.

I just hope you can be a dick.

I preordered the most expensive version of the game on Origin. I ordered the loot crate for the game. I have a few Andromeda shirts. I took off work for the week it's out. I replayed ME1 to 3 for the 5th or 6th time last month in anticipation.

You can't kill my fun. :)


Iv'e already pre ordered the super deluxe edition, because a) I want a pet space monkey and b) I want extra multiplayer loot boxes. I also bought the new upcoming Andromeda novella as an appetizer to keep me hyped.

>implying I could ever trust bioware after the shit show that was ME3

I fully acknowledge that the game is going to be full of shit animations, SJW bullshit, game breaking bugs and glitches and all other bullshit shit.

However, the gameplay actually looks fun and the Mass effect series as a whole is my favorite series of video games. So I'm buying it day 1.

Fuck off brainless collectivist cuck, ialready pre ordered and i am hyped as fuck.

Cant wait to see the story, crafting and going pure biotics.

Tfw you cant gay romance the Krogan :(
Oh well hope the cat like alien is romanceable gay style

>Novel is released the same day as the game
KILL ME, that is such a stupid decision.

Btw do we know what hour the game will be available to play in origin? In EU that sadly releases at 23rd -_-

How do you know you can't? Is there something saying who is and isn't romanceable?

What does the super deluxe edition give you? I saw you said loot crates, what's the space monkey? Anything else?

I really doubt they ll let us romance a male krogan, especially as male.

I cant be sure but i am pretty sure they wont let us, it isnt like Iron Bull who is just slightly bigger.

Please dont raise my hopes

It's too late. HE HAS ACCESS!

nice lie hehe

dunno, I'm happy to support Bioware anyways.

I'm gonna fuck that krogan female


I wonder if even normies are awakening to Bioware's bullshit. Their trailers aren't exactly all fanboys fanboying anymore.

I'm buying it because I want to give it a chance out of love for the mass effect universe.

If I don't like it I'm gonna just return it

I would buy it but with the system specs I might aswell just a buy a ps4 + me:andromeda instead of upgrading my pc. would probably be cheaper at this point.

It's too late, OP. That ship has sailed.

US gets the game at 21st, EU is cucked and has to wait 2 days

Honestly if you enjoy bioware games, it is worth supporting them, that way they can make more.

>mfw we'll never get that excellent NWN1 modding scene back again

Making that game, more than any other, is Bioware's greatest contribution even over BG2.

I like story focused AAA RPGs.
I buy story focused AAA RPGs.
I will, most likely, buy ME:A.
Not because i'm a fan of bioware, but because i love the genre and there is simply nothing else like it new on the market.
Maybe i will even enjoy it even tho it looks bad.

>that face when a bunch of chinese NEETs touch themselves to reading white-on-chink smut

Not even pirating it.

Nice buzzword. I'm happy to wait 2 days more than you burgers because I'm not a man-child.

see pic

>tried to replay the series a few months ago
>me felt sterile and the combat was meh
>ME2 had tons of problems I didn't notice before, felt like I played this game 20 times even though I've only finished it 3 times
>me3 is straight up retarded

>only difference is multiplayer pack
wew lad

Jokes on you I bought EA Access

Two months from now all the shitposting will be gone and Sup Forums will be having normal discussions about Andromeda with maybe one or two dedicated shitposters trying to derail it. You're going to buy it and you're going to like it.

The same thing has already happened to Horizon Zero Dawn

I intend to play a lot of multiplayer :^)

>had preordered the game despite Bioware being shit now, because there's nothing else like it out there
>literally every video and announcement makes the game look worse and worse
>finally cancel preorder
>still watching the new videos in the hope they'll improve, but they just get WORSE
Really bummed about this fucking fiasco.

I don't see any reason to get the Super Deluxe over the Deluxe. What's the price difference? I plan on playing the shit outta the multiplayer but is it enough packs to justify spending all that dosh?

>I'm happy to wait 2 days
Lets be honest man, there is no advantage in waiting, it is a bad thing

You'll have Peebee running around in a vacuum with an O2 "mask" and exposed stomach and you'll like it faggot.

Me too but the 20$ difference isn't worth it

I'm a little cautious about some of the changes taking place. Every character has one outfit, no alts. You can't change your teammates weapons they are set in stone. I know the whole jack of all trades change your class thing makes some sense given the context of the game but I hope it doesn't hurt replay value. The dialogue wheel (no paragon renegade) could go wrong but it could also be good. My biggest concern however is can I romance the lady with the Scottish Accent? The voice actress for her also voiced Cait in Fallout 4.

Speaking of Fallout 4 when it first came out I was disappointed. I didn't care for crafting, and what not. Going back to the game a year later, I'm actually having fun with it. Games you are critical of seem to be more enjoyable after the launch phase is over for the game.

How much is this? Is it true you can play the game some on the 16th?

Any idea if i can upgrade my standard edition to deluxe?

super deluxe is $10 more than the deluxe, you get a free lootbox every week for 20 weeks.

*shrugs* i could use a proxy

I was only joking, I'm getting standard edition

same here but I cancelled after I realized that I shouldn't support cancer

> Buy

>My biggest concern in this exploration focused space opera third person RPG is whether or not I can talk to an npc 5-8 times then get a sex scene

Larian and Obsidian were right. NPC romance was a mistake

Oh boy, here we go.

Bought it already.

That PAX panel sold me on the game, and I dont let anyone tell me whether or not I should buy a game.

Anti-shills are just as terrible as paid shills.

yes, you can indeed.

You get to play for 10 hours (though you're restricted to the first planet) and get unlimited access to multiplayer

>a lootbox once a week for half a year
I doubt I'll still be playing this game in 5 months, no way am I doing that. If I want the MP packs I'll just buy them outright. And the space monkey doesn't sound like something that I absolutely need either. I'll probably just go with the standard preorder.

>That PAX panel sold me on the game
What about it sold you?

I agree. I'm also getting standard edition.

>Excited for game
>30 fps cap

mmmmmmm droooopped!!!!

Combat, Level Design, Scene Direction.

Dialogue is hit and miss, Animations are often shit, and the bugs tend to be apparent.

Seems like it would be a good game for people who love Mass Effect.

I was just joking about the sex scene part, ha! Some people are too obsessed with the sex in games, I agree. Wanting to sleep with any character basically regardless of gender, and race. Pretty sure the store, space exploration, ect is more important than "hurr durr lets bang".

>Unironically likes Bioware games
>Sucks cock

Makes sense to me.

why shouldnt i? i enjoy sci fi games and this looks fun

It doesn't have a 30fps cap

In all truth, I'm not buying it on release.
But I eventually plan to purchase it when it comes down to less than half the price.

A year ago I would've gotten it, but after Manveer's racism, peer to peer MP, Press "Y" mechanic intro video, shit faces, shit expressions, and dinsey humor, I'll hold my purchase.

Proof of cap?

yeah games drop in price extremely quickly nowadays so waiting is worth it

I mean shit, you wait a month maybe two months tops and you'll get able to get it for half off.

asari navel lewd

Some part of me thinks this game has some chance of living up to its predecessors.

I preordered the super deluxe edition and will also most likely buy tons of the multiplayer packs. There's nothing you can do about it Sup Forums, stay assblasted.

Fair enough, I guess.

Honestly I might also be getting it if the characters didn't all seem so insufferable.
It's like they tried to write everyone like oh so funny and clever Joss Whedon characters, and that kind of character writing always gets on my nerves instantly.

>People browsing Sup Forums right now are going to give money to EA and help keep Bioware on life support for 1 more game.
Why would you do this?

You bet I'm assblasted over all this faggots buying this shit game.
You guys better not complain when Bioware's next looks even worse.

I'll buy it when it drops to like $30 bucks. Low enough to deny support for shitty companies/business practices and just enough to not care if it really ends up as shit as Sup Forums makes it to be

Thats a good reason to not buy the game, desu.

They still dont know how to make a decent character that isnt a snowflake.

I still think that based on the panel, the multiplayer will be phenomenal, but my 10 hour trial will be focused on making that call.

In two months? Not gonna happen.

Let's be realistic, it'll be 1 year.
And given their past streak, no Ultimate editions with all DLCs.

Shame, but that's the fucking ME system so far.

>*shrugs* i could use a proxy
How would that work? Just use proxy and connect to origin?

That new IP they're dropping next year probably has the last of the company's quality staff working on it.
Maybe it won't be shit.

Did they fire the anti-white developer? I won't even stop looking for the Denuvo crack until that happens.

Because we arent herp derp Sup Forums bigots who think it is cool to be racist, sexist homophobe, some of us enjoy the game and the progressive theme.

Back to your barbaric shithole.

$24 per year

For Non-EA games a few months is totally realistic, but this is EA we're talking about. So greedy. Fucking all 3 original games for 15 bucks but dlc still full price.

Huge scarcity of space games.
Hell, I even pirated Infinite Warfare for the space setting.

Just got the email to day that the $109.74 charge for the Super Deluxe edition pre-order when through. And I have no intentions of even touching the multiplayer.

boot up tunnel bear, set location to USA, open Origin and game will download.

What about that racist Indian Mass Effect developer?

Fuck off Sup Forumscuck, nobody cares that you are insecure you are becoming a minority.

It's unclear if he was fired or not.
Even if he was, they still allowed him to carry on like that for ages.

People will make a 180 on this game just like they did Horizon after it comes out, despite both games being garbage.

>mmmmmmm droooopped!!!!
Why do you speak like a redditor?

He's not fired, he's a code monkey who gets contracted by several studios, BioWare being one of them.
And he's been working for BioWare for about 6 years already.