Super Bomberman R had the series’ best opening week in almost 20 years

>Here’s a look at previous first week sales for Bomberman games in Japan:

[SWI] SUPER BOMBERMAN R – 39.609 / 2017
[WII] BOMBERMAN BLAST – 3.600 / 2008
[NDS] TOUCH! BOMBERMAN LAND 2 – 3.038 / 2007
[NDS] BOMBERMAN STORY DS – 4.359 / 2007
[WII] BOMBERMAN LAND WII – 6.241 / 2007
[360] BOMBERMAN ACT: ZERO – 2.035 / 2006
[NDS] TOUCH! BOMBERMAN LAND – 9.044 / 2006
[PS2] BOMBERMAN LAND 3 – 6.284 / 2005
[NDS] BOMBERMAN – 7.351 / 2005
[PS2] BOMBERMAN LAND 2 – 14.968 / 2003
[GBA] BOMBERMAN JETTERS – 3.608 / 2002
[GBA] BOMBERMAN STORY – 18.072 / 2001
[PS1] BOMBERMAN LAND – 32.595 / 2000
[N64] BOMBERMAN 64: THE SECOND ATTACK! – 12.257 / 1999
[GB] BOMBERMAN QUEST – 15.325 / 1998
[PS1] BOMBERMAN: PARTY EDITION – 34.945 / 1998
[N64] BOMBERMAN HERO – 14.666 / 1998
[PS1] BOMBERMAN WARS – 6.929 / 1998
[PS1] BOMBERMAN WORLD – 76.801 / 1998

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bomber man r sucks ass. the series should just die

Well done, little guy

Good, here's to hoping they make the next one better, because the new on is super mediocre.


the game is pretty great if not innovative enough.

The online sucks dick but they said they are fixing it

Okay, I did my part and saved the series. Can I return the game now?

>50 dollars for a bomberman game

How much would this cost if it were on mobile?

Who's your Bomberman main?

>Not maining black

whats the problem? They pretty much shower you in coins for singleplayer and multiplayer


Green is master race

I heard the controls and the online was fucked. Are they?

$2 per day if you want to play more than 5 matches

Game-winning Green here

The game is garbage yet sold because it was the only fucking game besides 1 2 Switch and Skylanders lol

has there been a bomberman game in 20 years?

there is a slight input delay offline that i cant notice and i'm usually sensitive to it. And online there is easily at least a 15-20 frame delay. Its fucked but ive still been having some fun.

Konami is working on a patch right now to address both of them because people bitched hard at them

Planned to get this game but I haven't looked into the online, what's wrong with it?

laggy controls (feels like almost a half second response time) and general instability with freezes and lag spikes.

Currently they are working on a patch. wait and see if it fixes things

eta on the patch? Cause if they fix the controls I'll get this right way. I'm just a huge stickler with spotty inputs

Probably because it's one of 3 games you can buy for the new nintendo systen.

It plays like smash bros on the Wii U, it's laggy for no reason. Even with friends who live like 10 houses away.

Crazy that the 3DS didn't have one, seems like it would have been perfect.

Cheers buds, how's the community, regardless?

So hows the single player? Is it as fun as classic bomberman?

>New 3D multiplayer Bomberman is more likely than ever in the last 10 years

>Karaoke Bomber is actually Pretty Bomber


So Bomberman is basically confirmed for Smash, right?

>obamaman sux cuz i cant steel it on my $3k Pee Sea >:^(

cri moar, gays


The game IS pretty mediocre to be fair

He'll still never be in Smash

I've been out of the bomberman loop for a while

how long has he had a VA

There was going to be one but Hudson died.

I'm happy this means that Bomberman is hopefully here to stay, and maybe this means Konami will finally learn how to make decent games again.

like 20 years

>people gave Konami $50 to play a rehash

Nintendo buyout when? They were actually involved with R so maybe they'll save us?

there won't be a new smash please look forward to it

>there is a slight input delay offline that i cant notice and i'm usually sensitive to it.
Either I have spidey senses or my Switch is broken solely with this game because I find single player unplayable with the lag.

>the only game with online on the switch right now has mediocre online
>this is the online we'll be locked out of if we don't pay I forget how much by month

Of fucking course.
Why the hell did I think it'd be any better than before.

Why doesn't Bomberman have titties?

>the only game with online on the switch right now has mediocre online
FAST RMX and Puyo Puyo Tetris both have online multiplayer as well.

Do you know if it's any better than the Wii U's? I only have BOTW right now.

splatoon and mario kart worked fine last gen. I'm pretty sure this is konamis fault when they decided to go peer to peer and forgot how to make games in the first place

What did he meme by this

Why did Nintendo think paid online is a smart idea? Nintendo's online has never been worth paying for, and its not like the OG Xbox or early 360 lifespan where that was considered a "privilege".

Plus considering its a handheld its like paying for online on the PS Vita or 3DS, its stupid.

DeNa is on charge of Online stuff.

They pretty much have more experience than Nintendo for that kind of thing.

Not him, but because literally every decision made for the Switch revolves around greed.
>Console comes with shitty gimmick controller
>"HD vibration" to justify the absurd pricing of the controllers
>plastic screen instead of glass
>the Switch as a whole being made flimsy and cheaply in general
>The dock is just a glorified HDMI port surrounded by plastic that prevents you from charging for no reason
>Paid online because they could just use the excuse that "everyone else is doing it"
And so on.

I hate the joycon and how they don't have a digital pad
>press up on the stick
>end up going up-right

Because everyone else is doing it. Remember that report about how the PS+ program is making more money than Nintendo?

>Do you know if it's any better than the Wii U's? I only have BOTW right now.
You need to clarify what you mean because the subject of that question is very vague.
Are you asking:
>Is FAST RMX better than the Wii U version?
>Is Puyo Puyo Tetris better than the Wii U version?
>Is the online better than the Wii U's?

The online.
I thought it was clear because of earlier posts in that chain of comments.

>plastic screen instead of glass
This one does have a legitimate justification.
Having a plastic screen instead of glass screen means that if the Switch is dropped, the screen won't crack.
I still haven't made up my mind on which I consider the better option.
A plastic screen that won't crack or a glass screen that won't scratch.

I want to give a high-five to Aqua, ergo I main her.

They won't.

go white or go home

>no ethernet port

better buy that LAN adapter goy

i think plastic screen because then you can just put a tempered glass screen protector on it

>future updates are also planned

What did they mean by this?

The game is way too sensitive and feels like there's hardly any deadzones so you move in directions you never intend to. It's especially apparent in the menus

Bomberman Hero 2 N O W

Oy vey little goy! You didn't think Konami, king of jews, would sell you a complete game, did you?

Be sure to get your wallet ready for 2 map packs and Max dlc!

The series could have kept going if they made more adventure games like 64 IMO

Does this mean their actually going to stay with this universe or are they just going to scrap it like Jetters and all the other ones?

3d fags are the worst

Story mode on expert is a fucking pain. It's also bullshit how little coins you get from playing story mode.

>mfw hearing this after seeing her trying to hop on Blacks bone
Doesn't this mean all the Devious Bombers are siblings with the normal ones?

The new Bomberman and their personalities are probably permanent, but the super sentai team thing probably won't stay forever

Reminder that PC has the superior bomber man.

this game is surprisingly challenging

You should be replaying worlds until you are able to beat them with only one continue. That way you always make a little more coins than you use. Any more than spending coins for 2 continues and you're doing it wrong

Why ? Every other Bomberman game style can be represented in different multiplayer stages.

Interesting that the closest number on that list next to SBR is Party Edition on the PSone with almost 35,000 copies sold in the first week, succeeded by party game Bomberman Land with almost 33,000. And then both are blown the fuck out by Bomberman World with almost 77,000 copies. To me that suggests way more people were invested in World than in BM64.

why does it mean that?

Pretty Bomber is a human

I actually like the personalities. It'd be cool if we got another adventure style game with the same cast (maybe with the VO tightened up a bit)

I fucking hate Bomberman's man voice

Then how the fuck did she get dumped on the literal junkyard planet with the others?

Worse than Smash Bros 4 online. R is practicality unplayable online. Most people just give up and disconnect after I've played with them for a while and I don't blame them.

This is coming from a guy who didn't even find Brawl's online to be that bad, this is terrible.

Same, thank god you can turn off the voices

Nigga how the fuck do you call this thing human?

>the game is fine, guys!
>just ignore the game's free movement that is at odds with Bomberman's grid-based level design!

shit game

No, it doesn't.

>39000 units
3rd party support is so fucking dead

Same. The only ones I didn't care for were red and green.

I own the game. It's a ripoff at $50 and even if it was $20 it's one of the weaker Bomberman games.


It's a Bomberman game. They never sell well.


Hasn't Bomberman always been like that?

Bomberman has always had free movement

Megaman could take his helmet off too. Doesn't make him human

Bomberman has always had free movement, even in the grid based games. The problem with this particular Bomberman game is that he's way too slippery for the grid based gameplay. The Super Nintendo games were considerably more tight.

They really fucked with the momentum.

I don't like how the actual game toned down Bomberman's voice from the trailer. His obnoxious "HE'S BIG! WHUUUUUUUT" shouting is actually kinda charming.

They did. Second Attack was the best bomberman ever made. Nobody bought it. Generation was pretty great, too. Nobody bought it.

Bomberman don't wear helmets though. They have TV monitor heads

And yet Konami will ignore this and go right back to making pachinko machines.

Nice Naruto run fagboy

Because they didn't bother advertising it

>Second Attack was the best bomberman ever made. Nobody bought it.

Like the song goes, user, one out of two ain't bad

>And yet Konami will ignore this and go right back to making pachinko machines.

Not even that, they're already launching a fanservice-centric spinoff with team-based gameplay in arcades.

She looks better with the mask

She's cute