Halo should be more like Logan


I'm pretty sure that general consensus around here and the Halo community is that Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series. Halo 5 took everything that Halo 4 did so right and ruined it.

What if Halo 6 can be more like the movie Logan? I think it would be great to see more of Chief humanized, going through hell and back, to save Cortana. We NEED more character building, stronger narrative in Halo. 343 did everything right in 4 but went 5 steps back in 5.

>halo 4
>best anything
Is this your first day on the Internet?

>Halo should further stray away from what made it great in the first place and be more like The Last of Us
>There was nothing wrong with Halo 4

Fuck you and your shit opinion.

>I'm pretty sure that general consensus around here and the Halo community is that Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series

There is literally nothing wrong with liking halo 5

Oh boy, here we go. Halo 4 had actual character interaction, development and building. Master Chief was no longer a killing machine with no humanity. He was finally a human with emotional depth. We also finally got to see the Forerunners and it was cool as hell to fight a new faction, the Prometheans. The campaign was the best in the series. I don't play Halo for the multiplayer so I don't care much of it.

>I'm pretty sure that general consensus around here and the Halo community is that Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series.

That game felt like the developer equivalent of old farmer Jones taking a wounded animal around the back of the barn and then hearing a loud bang.

Can you stupid idiots at least watch the fucking video first?

>watching post-capeshit


Shilling is a bannable offense.

I didn't make it, I just want to get it popular enough so that 343 can see it.

>seeing the forerunners
The whole reason they were interesting before is because we didn't know anything about them. The forerunner book trilogy was good but it completely took away the mystery of the franchise. Halo 4 took it a step further by actually showing us one.
>the campaign is the best in the series
Just because you keep spouting this shit doesn't make it true.

What I learned from the movie Logan

>Old white men are too weak to do anything
>All bad in the world is done by men
>Girls are now running the show
>The new superheroes are super diverse

I think all of these points were already reflected in Halo 5.

>Halo 4 abandoned the cool meta narrative and world-building to go fight identical robots for 5 hours, made the badass Master Chief "human" (read: pussy), and ruined the mystery of the Forerunners forever by destroying Bungie's original intention of Forerunners = Humans.
See, I can post opinions too.

the whole problem with 4 and 5 compared to the trilogy is that it went from a military sci-fi story with emphasis on events instead of characters to a sci-fi story with an emphasis on characters instead of events, but the writing was too poor to make that change worthwhile

They were featured in the books, so why not in the games? We already knew about them through the terminals and Halo 3 was preparing us for the Didact's return.

Also, it WAS the best campaign. Master Chief actually has a purpose instead of "DURR LET'S KILL SUM ALIUMS HYUK HYUK". He has to save his best friend, something no Bungie game could pull off both from a narrative or emotional point of view.

logan was bad and so was halo 4
halo 2 was the pinnacle of the series

>oh boy, here we go

Please, if you're going to throw out some outlandish opinion like you'd better be ready to justify your point, so don't you dare act so indignant as if you're in the right here to begin with.

>Halo 4 had actual character interaction, development and building
And the works in the series didn't? I'd even go so far as to say that Halo 2 and 3 had more characterization than Halo 4 & 5 combined based on the Chief's interaction with Cortana, the Arbiter, and Johnson alone. You'd better come up with a better argument than character development.

>Master Chief was no longer a killing machine with no humanity. He was a human with emotional depth.
What, because of that little speech Cortana made at the end? How many thing did you kill just to get to the Didact? Can you really say that he's no longer a killing machine?

>We also finally got to see the Forerunners and it was cool as hell to fight a new faction, the Prometheans.
The Promethan were hardly "new". Is a robotic dog harder to headshot than a grunt? Is a knight any different than breaking down an elite's shield and going for that vulnerable head? Is a watcher any more different than drones flying overhead? 343 sticks to scripts and conventions, so you'll be hard pressed to argue that Promethans were "new".

>The campaign was the best in the series.
You don't get to make that statement until you've proven your point, so get off you high horse and start defending yourself.

Look at this retard lol

>going through hell and back, to save Cortana
to save cortana? AGAIN? isn't it like the third time we'd be doing this?

Don't forget halo 3

>no Bungie game could pull off
bungie has basically only made halo and destiny in the past 15 years
the fuck do you even mean "lol bungie games"

>logan was bad


>hyuk hyuk

This is some reddit tier autism

3 was still better than 4 but 2 was better

it was the weakest xmen film in recent years

I'm pretty sure the theme is that the old generation, period, was too mired in their own issues. All the old generation that were women were just already fucking dead.

>the books did something retarded to the story so the games should too!
>Chief had PURPOSE in 4
As opposed to saving humanity in the first three games? Christ, you're probably just baiting for (you)'s at this point.

>They were featured in the books, so why not in the games?
book spinoffs of videogames are almost always garbage though

Why do people think Halo 4 was the "pinnacle" of Halo stories? How the fuck do people actually like that shit now? Was Halo 5 so bad that it made 4 some kind of masterpiece in comparison?

We can at least agree that Halo 4's campaign was worse than either 1, 2, or 3 (or even ODST), right Sup Forums?

Halo 4 was better than 5 but 4 still ruined the story.

>Master Chief actually has a purpose instead of "DURR LET'S KILL SUM ALIUMS HYUK HYUK".
so saving the world and everyone on it isn't 'purposeful' enough for you because it doesn't involve an emotional subplot of having to save cortana? because you feel the game is just about 'hurr durr violence' even though 4 is JUST as violent?

Sup Forums, you know nothing about the X-Men, this has been discussed at length. It's literally been a pro-diversity story since day one. I mean they already had fucking pinko commies on their team by the 70s.

Halo ended in 3.

Hell it might've ended in 2.

of course
also people are unfairly critical of ODST

You typed all this out just to sound fucking dumb. Was it worth it?

I don't want to go to Sup Forumsshit but I'm quite interested in Logan. How is it? Yay or Nay?

xmen has always been a thinly veiled gay rights demonstration, no idea why people argue otherwise

If microsoft has money to throw around, why can't they fucking get manga authors/artists to make their fucking content?

Nihei did halo justice, and I'm not even a halo fag to begin with.

These retards can barely fucking draw.

What the Halo franchise desperately needs is more open-ended levels that allow you to shepherd the Marines around and if you're careful assemble a 20+ man squad to tackle the final encounter with.

We can all agree on that, right?

What makes you say that?

Because there are some decent scenes between Master Chief and Cortana people conveniently forget god-awful villain, the Forerunners being ruined, and some breathtakingly bad character writing.

logan was a pretty mediocre movie
was disappointed

best xmen film since x2

>I'm pretty sure that general consensus around here and the Halo community is that Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series

Hey there user, my name actually is Brandon Smith and I live in Plainville, Connecticut, United States of America, and I just wanted to say that you are an absolute cock-inhaling faggot of a human being who should go and shitfuck himself up the dickhole for having such genuinely retarded opinions. It literally seems to me that you may actually legitimately be a mentally handicapped person whose handler has accidentally allowed to access a computer. My recommendation is that you go out to your nearest freeway at your earliest convenience and insert yourself into the traffic such that motorists are forced to either swerve or splatter your being upon the hoods and windshields of their cars, traumatizing all those within them as you do, so that these sorts of inane and stupid shit thoughts that seem to just spew out of your anus of a mouth will never be seen on this board again. Alternatively, go to your resident barbecue and turn the grill on to its highest heat, then place your hands into the flames until they are roasted into unrecognizable stumpy, blackened appendages that will require years of treatment and therapy to heal into scarred lumps which will require a lifetime of medication to relieve the constant and permanent pain from nerve damage, in order to prevent yourself from ever typing such a dumb sentence ever again.


x2 was fucking horrible though
the early 2000's xmen films are just so campy and silly that they can't be taken seriously

>Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series

5's writing was so atrocious to the point that 4's flaws look minuscule in comparison. 5 almost made me want to forsake the series for good entirely.

>Halo 4 campaign

Lol'ing at all the butthurt Bungo fans.

here's your (You)


>hahaha you're butthurt
>but let me spend 30 minutes desperately trying to prove that halo 4 was a masterpiece as tears flood my keyboard
sure thing

I was always disappointed with that one level in Reach that I forget the name of where you get like 20 marines beside you and there's a shit ton of Covenant dug in ahead but from what I remember their pathing doesn't really let them follow you into the enemy positions.

CE is probably still the best at this, like getting those 10 man squads in Truth and Reconciliation, or Assault on the Control Room, and 343 Guilty Spark. Real shame they disappear in the second half of the game.

Halo 4's story was, and I don't say this lightly, worse than ten 9/11's, back-to-back
Logan, on the other hand, is the best superhero movie I've ever seen


>Halo 4
>best at anything
Far and away the worst multiplayer. Campaign was eh, good story but the enemies were shit, the levels were boring, too linear and uninteresting. The Didact was a shitty uninspired villain and actually showing a Forerunner was dumb.

Halo got a lot darker once the Chief had to find the Captain's location

>Still having shit taste.

Which is better, Bungie Halo or 343i Halo?

Stop shilling your autistic videos

>it was the weakest xmen film in recent years
Apocalypse exists


True, but I think they could have at least had a few more instances of them being beside you and stuff. Just feels so weird with the stark contrast, makes it seem like literally every human on Halo besides Chief/Cortana and Foehammer died as soon as the Flood showed up.


Halo 5 has the best multiplayer in the series, and anyone saying otherwise is a contrarian nostalgia fedora. But the campaigns in 4 and 5 are atrociously bad.

You think that characters & story is what is wrong with Halo? Were you born stupid or did your parents drop you on your head?

>learn from logan
What are these two things have in common? Why would a fucking Halo need to learn something from a movie about mutants?

The story had terrible pacing, stupid filler missions where you just walk around in a hub, reused bosses(you fight the warden eternal 4 or 5 times throughout), awful squad banter from Osiris aside from Buck, boring enemies, the Arbiter feels like a pointless addition and more like a cameo, not enough of blue team, and the glaring issue of "why does any of this shit matter?". Cortana goes rogue and links with the forerunner domain and starts doing crazy shit and it all just feels so ridiculous without having any feeling of being an actual threat.

Not to mention, the whole Locke vs Chief conflict they used to hype up the game is concluded about a third of the way into the story.

I'll admit that if it wasn't p2w I'd love the req system, because I love getting little goodie bags of customization rewards

user, this is the only thing I remember from Halo 4.

Even with the p2w, Warzone is still the best Halo MP mode to date. Not to mention all the fun community game modes.

ME3 has the best multiplayer of its series and we all know how that worked out

What a stupid comparison. ME3 had the ONLY multiplayer in its series. Halo has been a multiplayer-focused series since Halo 3, so having a strong multiplayer is key to it being a good Halo game.

>reach happens
>contrarian shitposters go on about how 3 has the best campaign

>4 happens
>contrarian shitposters go on about how reach has the best campaign

>5 happens
>contrarian shitposters go on about how 4 has the best campaign

the cycle of halo shitposting continues

CE = 2 = 3 > ODST = Reach > 5 > Wars > Spartan Assault > Halo 2600 > Mega Bloks containing setpieces from 4 > 4

>Guardians being above anything

my point is that good multiplayer doesn't save the rest of the game, you twit

No one except fags like OP is trying to say 4 is good though.

Is this overall or Campaign only because if it's the latter then you're actually an idiot.

>CE is the best
Kek, campaign-only nostalgiacuck detected.

2 > Reach > 5 > 3 > CE > ODST > 4

My point is that in a Halo game, it does. After Halo 2, the campaign took a backseat to the multiplayer, so multiplayer is a very important metric in later halo games.

this is an overall rating by the way, if you want campaign only stick 5 with 4 where the garbage belongs and put 3 above 2 and CE

>CE has no online multiplayer
>puts it first overall
>but if you're judging by campaign only, drop it two places
What the fuck

Halo 4's campaign was alright though in terms of gameplay though. Just garbage story.

This is some grade school tier reasoning right here. Nobody liked halo just for the violence alone.


Shit's all there in the title. No need to watch the stupid dribble. The premise itself is retarded.

I disagree.

>I'm pretty sure that general consensus around here and the Halo community is that Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series.

>I'm pretty sure that general consensus around here
you've never even been on this website before

then why is he implying they did

Holy fuck, why do people spend so much time thinking about and analyzing AAA capeshit garbage that is solely shat out for money when they could instead invest their time in something that was made with their interests in mind?

For fucks sake, just play a different fucking game series, go watch a movie that wasn't made in this decade if you want real good character building. Play something that isn't AAA shit released in the last 5 years.

I'm already getting sick hearing about Logan, God I fucking hate superhero shit and the lame asses who only watch the movies.

objective, non contrarian non meme rankings:





Good taste. 2 should be higher for story and Reach should be higher for MP, otherwise good taste.

I have no idea what is going on. I specifically remember us shutting on 4 a bunch when it came out. Nobody liked that campaign, but as a whole the game was alright I had a lot of fun with the mp. But it doesn't hold a candle to the first 2 campaign wise.

If you like this stuff, play Darkest of Days. It's not super polished but it allowed you to lead around 20-30 man squads around a battlefield pretty often. Sometimes there can be battles with up to 200+ AI soldiers on either side.

Just be warned it was a budget indie FPS though so it is clunky at times but man the devs put some real effort into it. Also a US Civil War and WW1 setting is underused.

I'm there with you on that. That shit looks like trash compared to the stuff manga authors do.

>Halo 4 had the best campaign and story in the series
2 > ODST > Reach > 3 > 1 > 4 > 5.

Shill your vid elsewhere you faggot.