I'm so sick of these nu difficulty games that have been popping up in the last few years

I'm so sick of these nu difficulty games that have been popping up in the last few years.

Oh your game is hard because of pointless contrivances, handicapping the player and making them figure out 30 different systems with no explanation. What an accomplishment. A child could do that.

You want real difficulty. Look at literally anything made by Cave. With two buttons, their games manage to be harder and more rewarding than anything Dark Souls or it's imitators have shat out.

Yeh, more hard. Also more boring. Also, Nioh is easy as fuck, easier than Ninja Gaiden, for example.

Nioh is easy and its combat system is objectively speaking one of the best in recent gaming history. Why objectively speaking? Check out the reviews - all mention the combat as the greatest fixture. I think they wanted to make a soulsclone but opened themselves to a lot of abuse and OP shit because of that loot system. While I won't say I like that system, it doesnt break the enjoyment for me and I'm still spending some time in Nioh days after I platinumed it.

>"learning is bad" the post

Lamo ded game

Dude... you basically stated that you dont want to learn new mechanics and fuck gaming devs for trying new things and working with successful ideas.

My point is that any game can be hard if you make the player weak.

Look at ESP.Ra.De. You are faster than the enemies, you have shields, bombs and unlimited maneuverability. Yet the game still manages to be incredibly difficult.

The only reason Nioh is even remotely challenging is because the main character has the stamina of a pack a day smoker.

>any game can be hard if you make the player weak.

Explain. Because now I am almost certain you didnt play the game after its 1st hour.

I'll explain it nice and slow for you.

How does a game with unlimited maneuverability in which you are faster and stronger than every enemy, manage to be harder than a game in which you are slow, cumbersome and have limited stamina?

>Comparing shmups with RPGs
>Comparing a CAVE shmup of all fucking things with an RPG
It seems you're quite fucking unaware of the scoring system in Deathsmiles. Or maybe your argument was that shmups are usually straightforward? Check out Hellsinker and try getting around its stupid complexity before talking out of your rear. Or the deathbombing in Touhou.
I'd take a shmup over souls clones any day of the year, but I'm not going to lie to myself those games are not artificially hard. Pull your head out of your arse.

just git gud

At what?

Nioh's combat makes the player really overpowered if you know what you're doing, you can wreck shit so easily in this game.

Keep in mind that this is how the system works in Nioh and both you and your enemies are subject to it. Your KI management is shit? Use low stance and invest in Flux / KI increase upon dodging - the enemies dont have access to any of those, they dont hit even remotely as hard as you, apart from friggin bosses which are supposed to hit hard. I never felt like an underdog in Nioh when confronted with hordes of opponents, either whirlwinding them to death with 2 kat tornado skill or just blazing through each with 2 quick combos of the Kusarigama. Also, in other games you CANT tire out an opponent. Here, you can. This is how this works here, this is the gimmick of this game.

You are entitled to your opinion but I disagree with nearly all you said. Good day to you sir.

>I play videogames 20 hours a day and everything but games designed with infinite difficulties pose no challenge to me
Get assblasted by your own stupid life.

Nice refutation. Your reward is this ESP.Ra.De artwork.

Thank you my good man. What a jolly token! I shall treasure it always.

What? Are you claiming that Nioh or Dark Souls are harder than any Cave shooter? Have you played a single one of their games?


Why in the fuck would you think your opinion is worth sharing?

Nioh's combat was great but I think it's still a step behind Bloodborne.

Attacking in Nioh is way faster and enemies take a lot more hits to die so it starts to feel a bit button-mashy later on.

>Draw a girl
>call it a guy

I'd fuck J-B anyways.

>reeeeee why are you talking about video games on the video game board

>Attacking in Nioh is way faster and enemies take a lot more hits to die so it starts to feel a bit button-mashy later on.

Only if you dont have a weapon with good modifiers on it, but thats a seperate problem in itself

Not true. Get a good build and start wrecking your enemies with 1-2 strikes, I didnt ever get the button-mashing vibe. For example: go 1kat, invest heavily into attack on all armour parts, get that juicy katana with A+ in Heart, start wrecking shit with 1-2 strikes with Kato, Kara-Jishi or Tengen Kujaku (this one needs Extraction Talisman but is potentially more OP than the rest).

You didn't want to talk about video games you moron.

You started this thread to shitpost and fish for (you's)

Get fucked.

>Compares two things that have barely anything in common.
>hurr x is better than y you're all dumb for liking it play my buy games from my beloved dying genre pls

Good to know the retard population is intact on this board. Don't want the background noise to fade out just yet.

>opinions I disagree with are bait

You're really not helping yourself here