Who do you trust for your video game reviews, Sup Forums?
Who do you trust for your video game reviews, Sup Forums?
>not watching uncommentated gameplay footage so there's no bias at all
I prefer to form my owm opinion by mostly ignoring critics and Sup Forums's shit opinions, and simply try out the games myself. Failing that, this:
>name is chad
>with that face
life can be cruel
Generally pic related
I mostly form my own opinions by what i see and hear around the internet and from friends.
Like you're supposed to
What does this have to do with Finance?
Surely not the ''financial times''
can you give me the basic gestalt of the review? Does he just put on the SJW cape?
This guy literally didn't beat the game, and when people told him "you should at least beat the game before you review it" he replied with "but I didn't like what I played! no need to be insecure I don't like it!"
Yes, this is totally the guy who opinion i totally respect.
If you read his review, it's actually a rather fair review if you think about it from a Normie perspective.
He wants the story to go into the war, but it doesn't really do that. He wants to only play the game one time and get the full story, but he's never played a game with multiple endings before. He doesn't like the quest variety, but that's because he's a completionist.
It's a way more honest review than what I would say IGN would put out. The only thing I would say about it is that I wish they would have got someone who is more familiar with the franchise to review it instead.
Honestly, Sup Forums. Generaly I know what I like and I'll buy games without looking at reviews. If there's some game I don't know about, I'll get a feeling from Sup Forums.
It's worked pretty well most of the time. Only place where this consistently fails is ports of Vita games where Sup Forums has no standards, so I got tricked into buying The Witch and the Hundred Knight. Probably would've bought Gravity Rush too had it not been for the demo.
How's his butt cancer?
I keep hearing "HE'LL DIE ANY DAY NOW" but he just keeps going
I only trust raw gameplay footage.
Christian-centered gamer.
I wish I was joking, but they're the only ones who know to properly review a game and keep shit you personally don't think is ok out of it.
That's why they have a seperate "morality" score. Which basically just is how christian of a game it is.
Their bloodborne review is downright perfect.
>He wants the story to go into the war, but it doesn't really do that.
That's a ridiculous thing to "critique". There's no reason for it to do that, and it's not fair to criticize it for not doing what he wanted it to do.
>He wants to only play the game one time and get the full story
This is a little more rational, but even when people told him on Twitter that the 9S and A2 routes were completely different and not "replaying the game" he just went "well I dont like it," so you're making his opinions sound far more fair (and different) to what they actually are.
>Trusting a guy named Chad...ever
>reviewing album
>listen to 3 tracks out of 10
>this sucks, 5/10
Really? I'm curious now. I'll go check it out right now.
>That's a ridiculous thing to "critique".
Perfectly valid. If he was expecting something else out of the story, then it's fair to say it didn't deliver for him.
>This is a little more rational, but even when people told him on Twitter that the 9S and A2 routes were completely different and not "replaying the game" he just went "well I dont like it," so you're making his opinions sound far more fair (and different) to what they actually are.
Didn't know about the twitter thing. I just assumed he played all routes.
Chad, pls go and stay go.
A fucking 5/10 for this game is too low and honestly makes me think that he was being facetious with his review. His tweet about begrudgingly reviewing this taking away time from "muh Zelda" really doesn't do him any favors whatsoever. You give this literally gutless man too much credit.
Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.
I like how he made a positive Zelda review, so he then had to turn it into a Switch review just to make it sound negative despite his positive feelings for the game.
>Perfectly valid. If he was expecting something else out of the story, then it's fair to say it didn't deliver for him.
I would say I don't think expectations should be factored into a review. An opinion, sure. But I consider a review to be a professional evaluation that sets things sure to cause a bias like expectations aside. It doesn't help that he doesn't actually evaluate what's present in the game's story much either.
>Didn't know about the twitter thing. I just assumed he played all routes.
No. He played the first one with 2B and that's it.
Literally who
Haven't been wrong yet.
more like "a big fat ASS"
hoo lawdy dat ass dou
>A big fat ASS
No one.
Not even myself.
more like 2B has a big fat ASS that everyone wants to FUCK
>Perfectly valid. If he was expecting something else out of the story, then it's fair to say it didn't deliver for him.
It makes sense to dislike how a story went, but to complain that it didn't go a specific way you want is a different thing all together. It'd be like saying LotR is a bad story because the story wasn't about Gandalf just chilling in the Shire while the fight went on.
No one is saying you can't dislike a story's direction, but to call it a negative because it didn't follow your head cannon is asinine.
Sup Forums and that one Christian website that gets shilled here from time to time.
Any channel that does this or do you have to scroll through jewtube suggestions for every game?
You know, that frustrates me. Not because he gave the game a bad score, he's well in his right to do so. But because he didn't even finish it. He's a professional critic, for fucks sake. I work in a factory eight hours a day, you can't imagine how many dicks I'd suck and how many asses I'd kiss to have his job. You better believe I'd take it seriously.
Only myself.
I think that people would have been less up in arms if he had at least finished the main storyline of the game that he was reviewing. What he did was pretty dishonest and does a disservice to himself and to the game.
Critics are pointless. If you are ensure about the credibility of the dev, try a demo or pirate first.
last I heard the arse cancer is gone
however it has spread to his liver which is essentially a delayed death sentence. He's holding out pretty well for now but its the sort of cancer with a single digit 5 year prognosis
Same with exception of a few close friends.
Reviewers and ecelebs seems to be in echo chambers and hardly ever stick to a single game to completion.
I used to listen to a few podcasts and they would always be playing flavour of the month games. If a game required a significant time investment or put up a wall of challenge they'd talk about how it was fun and that'd they go back but they never do.
To my own eyes, reviews are for normie casuals.
I don't trust him because his reviews tend only cover the surface level, that's my problem with pretty much every reviewer but I understand if you need to review dozens of games a month you can't spend a lot of time on each and every one. Streams have replaced reviews for me, most streamers might not be very good at the game but it's a good way to see the mechanics and the pacing in a game first hand
Lets be honest though. Those who know what Nier was about were going to buy Automatta no matter what. I knew critics wouldn't latch on cause it's niche.
That said I think the base level of quality compared from Nier 1 to Automatta is significant jump. Sure the sidequests can feel a little fetch quest-y but we have a better fast travel now.
The combat seemed shallow at first until I really started toying with the chip system.
Shouldnt he be fired for this? Its his job to play a game and he couldnt be bothered to finish it. All his previous reviews are also meaningless
[Game name] no commentary gameplay.
It's that easy.
It's bizarre. He's in a state between death and living, in a state between sanity and insanity. He's become a caricature of himself, but a caricature that is interesting none the less.
Just search for the game on youtube.
>game title+ gameplay
Then scroll down to avoid all the marketing and eceleb shit. Works every time. For example
He still had his issues with it. The final boss, for one. I don't think he liked durability, either
maybe he meant to say big fat ass?
nier is a WASTE
my own from actually playing the game. Reviews are straight up echochamber masturbation instead of trying to get a second opinion before making a purchase. If I wanted a second opinion I'd rather ask another Sup Forumstard or a friend
If they are fat then I don't trust them like Movie Bob or Jim Sterling
>Christian-centered gamer
they gave WoW a better score than DaS
Having said that, it's probably a pretty good site
He's become a Dark Souls hollow, he'll end up consuming humanity to keep himself going for eons.
Fair point. I did feel bummed that he gave the game a 5/10. It's just that when I saw the rationale for why he gave it a 5 out of 10, coupled with his tweets and his crass admittance that he didn't even go through the main storyline before giving it the score that he did that I went into full mad salt overdrive.
Honestly, I dunno why reviews matter anymore. Reviews are generally for an audience that may not have as deep of an understanding of a product. The gaming landscape is slowly being divested of normies again, so, there isn't a single person who doesn't more-or-less know the quality of a game when they see it.
Our hobby is one that most of us are intimate with how the inside baseball is played. We have insight that most other hobbies don't come close to having. So what good is a review?
As a Christian and someone who is tired of paid game reviews, I thank you user. Never knew about them.
crtics are a fucking joke, and the job requirements are way too easy from what i can see
>So what good is a review?
Ideally, it allows people who are better able to articulate their thoughts to share their (educated) views on what they like/dislike about a game and why, which should give us a better informed view of whether to make a purchase of a game.
Of course, in an ideal world, the game would probably also have a decent demo so that people could better inform themselves of whether the game is worth the price and time to enjoy.
I think it boils down to being able to inform yourself of the game and reviews should give some insight as to the what and whys of the game.
It also allows to provide a conversation piece on whether you agree or disagree with a view of a reviewer, where they are missing out when it comes to reviewing and why.
>plays through 1/3 of the game
>whines incessantly about great ideas that lead nowhere and unanswered questions
>all is answered but he couldn't be arsed to play that long
>goes into damage control mode on his twitter when people and other game journalists starts calling him out on his faggotry
>blocks people left and right
>pretends it take days to finish 9S's playthrough while it's few hours max
>proffesional reviewer
He will, user. He will, modern medicine is just good at prolonging.
How can he give Nier Automata a fucking 5/10
Thats fucking abdurd. Sure, you caj not like it but a 5/10 is a score a game TMNT or Star Fox Zero but Nier???
5/10 is not the problem though.
Half assed review done after he didn't even finish half of the game is.
If he played through it all and then decided it's shit, detailing why all would be ok.
Does he have a big following of readers?
He has now.
And most are shitting on him in comment sections.
>this Yakuza 0 review
>and does a disservice to himself and to the game.
It's not. If he went with the crowd and gave the game the higher score it deserves, we wouldn't be here talking about this literal nobody, would we?
This is the age of clickbait and journalism has long been dead now. He did exactly what he thought would make him stand out from the crowd and get attention and clicks.
He obviously scored it so low out of spite because he didn't want to do his job and wanted to go back to Zelda. The review should just be deleted
He only played half the game and then complained that the game only had half baked plots.
>He did exactly what he thought would make him stand out from the crowd and get attention and clicks.
Getting shit on on Twitter and Facebook and earning a reputation of lazy fuck who's bad at his job is a win now?
I trust Sup Forums for my game reviews
In this day and age of information overload, man, getting any attention seems to be a "win" in the books. Short term, yes, but a "win", nonetheless.
He's at least going to be remembered as "that fucking asshole who gave a decent game a shitty score" among the Nier fanbase who care about reviews.
unironically this
I trust Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums on their respective media over some journo
>medicine keeps you alive for years
>invasive medical procedures every month
>so much pain
>painkillers stop working
At least my country has legalised assisted suicide.
The magazine I trust gave Automata a 7 (same as HZD).
And OP's image is perfectly right: that's how all Taro games are. A huge mess of everything. It's like he has some kind of ADD and can never develop an idea properly.
Depends on how many people use adblockers, no?
Clickbait exists for a reason.
I feel like this is on the decline these days though, unless I'm just jaded. I don't know if I honestly believe in the whole shills thing, but the recs I get from the niche interest boards have been getting more questionable over the years.
5 is definitely too low. At the very least it should have the same score as the first Nier. Then you could throw a couple of bonus points for Platinum's work.
Youtube gameplay videos. I can make up my own goddamn mind. I dont need someone else to tell me how good/bad a game is. I can see that for myself.
I've known about these guys for a long while now but don't really keep up with their reviews. They always seem pretty fair and I respect they keep morality and mechanics seperate.
Bizzaro journalism or what.
Fuck other people telling me what I should or shouldn't like.
It takes more time to do your own research compared to trusting random faggot but it's not like worthwhile game appears more often that few times per year.
well your own opinion is objectively the most correct. I'd say Sup Forums is wrong at least 10% of the time
>guy called chad
>looks like a numale faggot
>Taro is apparently well-known for making giant artistic messes
So, it was exactly as expected?
>missing the point by half mile
Like other people have said here, myself. There's a lot of subjectivity to what I or someone else will either enjoy or dislike and I don't need someone else to decide for me.
Along with that, I generally feel that it's wrong to "summarize" a game in a 5 minute video or article and then attach a number or ranking based on their own feelings. For all that (most) games are worth, there's no way to accurately explain it completely in five minutes without leaving out crucial information.
>Perfectly valid. If he was expecting something else out of the story, then it's fair to say it didn't deliver for him.
He has no right to complain about the story when he didn't finish it. He stopped after endig A and refused to play.
He went in the game with a heavy bias in the first place because he said it was taking him away from Zelda, and just wanted to get done with it as fast as possible.
>trusting Sup Forums
>the board that unironically thinks the Star Wars prequels and Zack Snyder's body of work are underappreciated masterpieces
>the board that unironically thinks the Star Wars prequels and Zack Snyder's body of work are underappreciated masterpieces
Really? I would have thought it was ironic shitposting given the mixed to poor quality of those movies.
He's right though. You spend more time creating your character than you do on any other decision, desu.
It started like that, but as with many things on Sup Forums, ironic shitposting became unironic
people only care about this faggots review because his garbage half assed review where he flat out admits he didn't care about the game and also it was annoying him he wanted to play zelda instead. it then came out he didn't even finish the game he was reviewing.
people are only mad because his shitty review counts as an official metascore critic review.
this shows how awful both gaming journalism and metacritic is.
>Who do you trust for your video game reviews, Sup Forums?
I don't. Quite honestly, I have never understood the purpose of reviews. Aside from issues with ethics / politics or paid reviews, my subjective preferences (or the reason why I play video games in the first place) may simply be too different from anyone else. I don't think I've ever come across a review that I actually agree with.
What determines my choice to invest in a new game? I just look up vanilla gameplay footage, and maybe read over a few minor spoilers to see if the story or setting sound interesting.
you also forget that his review is getting shredded on twitter and whatever the fuck else this guy posts on