Breath of the Wild: 7/10

Breath of the Wild: 7/10

is he hour guy afterall?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's probably just because YOU CANT PLAY AS A GIRL WHAAAA
So no

Jim and Matthewmatosis are going to turn the floodgates back and make everybody realize just how painfully average BotW is. I can't wait for people to wake up.

Contrarian for attention? Yes, he is /ourguy/


At this point the shitposters are so desperade that even if Anita Sarkeesian made a review and gave it a low score they would probably praise and support it.

Enjoy your hate.

wonder how high the review would be if nintendo let him make money off of their product

Can a person who gave Fallout 4 9.5/10 really be our guy though?

"our guy" if you're reddit

Didn't this cuck make a video saying it's morally okay to pirate Nintendo games, totally no bias at all in this Zelda review


Haven't watched it but for the last few weeks on his Podcast he has been HILARIOUSLY over-triggered by weapons breaking and that's it.

Is that the only reason he docked it 3 whole points?

He sure looks the part

Is he finally losing weight?

He always was.

Didn't Sup Forums used to hate Jim Sterling?
What the fuck happened to this place

that and he whines about being forced to do optional stuff

Well I guess his career is over, once you go against the cult of Nintendo you end up getting Vince Ingenito'd

stop trying to push this fat faggot here

judging from this thread, Sup Forums still does

>Look at me Im a special snowflake look how cynical and edgy I am Fuck Nintendo THANK GUHD FUHMEE

>fat, neobolshevik cuck whose wife looks like a clone who is usually wrong
Yes, your guy.

Maybe he just didn't like the game? I didn't care for OoT. (That was the last Zelda game I played so I don't know if I would have liked subsequent releases)

It's not going to affect the metacritic score, is it?

There's something extremely depressing about Jim Sterling, the way he conducts himself, his appearance


>Tells people to pirate Nintendo games
>Gives BotW a 7 when every other publication has gave it 9s and 10s

I have this feeling he doesn't like Nintendo very much.

>It's good what bethesda did to fallout because newcomers would never touch classics
Wishing death on him would improve his existance, so i just hope patreon bucks run out.

well he starts off the review complaining about other reviews so no i wouldnt say thats the case

Jim Sterling has literally always been our guy

He's a fat cuckold who acts smug and makes stupid poses with his xxxl black outfits. He's the ultimate retard, it's no wonder his fat contrarian ass took 3 points off because link is a cismale

Sup Forums is not a hivemind. Not every post you read is a representation of the board you visit.

you need to go back

Soooooo... he IS our guy after all?

Lol, I'm sure he fucks so many people, women are lining up for him

He's right though. Cuckoldry is where you watch the wife fuck other guys and jerk off to it. Nobody on the internet gets it right because they just like using cuck as an insult for everything.

Dan Riggs sounds like a nice dude.

>action game
>you play as the wheelchair bound quadriplegic
Fund it and call it art.

And I would honesty like to see what tpe of guys fucks his wife.

fat fuck fedora with katana . yeah u fucks thats ur guy

well when you're at the top the only place to go is down

>the guy who said DmC was better than its predecessors and everyone hating on it was a retard hung up on Donte not having white hair
If by /ourguy/ you mean "contrarian for the sake of being contrarian", yes he is.

It is overrated as fuck. Almost as if Nintendo fans completely missed the open world craze or something we've been having for years.


The game is a 6/10

3/10 if you dock it for objectionable/poorly designed shit like dead canines dropping raw meat. Dunno why the same company that brought us Nintendogs suddenly allows you to kill and eat dogs.
2/10 if you dock it for Nintendo getting the above part past the ESRB to rate the game for kids when it should have probably been a T rating.

1/10 if you dock Nintendo for being egregious faggots who blatantly and obviously paid for perfect ratings from Journalists, ruining the ride for everyone else since we can't trust either Nintendo or games journalism now.

Like if you're gonna pay for 10/10's, at least have an 8/10 game so the lies seem believeable. 6/10 game at best getting unanimous 10's is the most flagrant obvious horseshit.

I think he ends with a comment about the 10/10s, and that he didn't understand them.

In any case why do people who don't even like him care about what he thinks about some video game. Is it because he helped drop the Metascore to a 97?


he is a cuck though wym.

>raising someone elses kid
>lets people fuck his wife daily
>"b-but he fucks other women too"

I highly doubt anyone fucks him other than his wife

>this shitpost

>I highly doubt anyone fucks him other than his wife
>implying even his wie fucks him

>poorly designed shit like dead canines dropping raw meat

as opposed to dropping cooked meat?

Fuck off.
Just make a classic Tony Hawk's Pro Skater-style extreme sports game where you do tricks in your wheelchair.

Say goodbye to your precious 98 nintendards!

You sure Matthew doesn't love botw?

It feels like Nintendo specifically watched his video on what to improve on:

That's not a katana user...

Uh oh. Slate Magazine just gave it a 60%. Anyone know anything about one Jed Pressgrove and whether other men are currently fucking his girl?

more power to him he's found his audience and plays them like a fiddle everytime. that audience being edgy teens/people in their early 20's who are as yet unsure of their own tastes/likes and find it easier to stick to being negative, scathing and cynical about evrything in order to avoid feeling silly if anyone disagrees with their positive opinions or preferences on any given subject. that's why he just reviews and makes videos about games on steam everyone already knows are bad, it's easier and safer to build consensus around negativity. also he is a fat cunt

Nintendo has over 4000 employees and only about 1000 actually develop hardware and software.

Like what does NoA or NoE even do when NoJ makes the games?
They shitpost on the internet and shill their newest games.

Feel like it isn't right to blame Nintendo fans. I'm a Nintendo fan but I can still see the flaws in botw that make it subpar.

>Rates Zelda a 7 and complains about towers and every other flaw inheirant in open world games
>Gives Horizon a 9.5 despite it having all the same flaws as every open world game ever and having less engaging gameplay than BotW
Really activates the almonds

Sorry. Slant Magazine. Whatever that is.

As opposed to killing yourself you godless soulless gook.

why are fat people such attention whores

This dude really bothers me.

Say what you want about him now, but at one point he had no following, no one knew him, and he just decided to put on a 20 dollar suit and hitman gloves and swing a sword around or whatever retarded shit he does and people like him for it.

97 is still a bigger number than 87. But please do continue pretending Horizon is "the Zelda killer!!!"

I hate Jim, but my girlfriend has a daughter from a previous marriage. Her daughter stays with her grandma most of the time, so eh.

That is because you didn't play Horizon and you think people who spam Sup Forums with anti-Horizon comments are being honest.

if you you're going to be over a week late with a review, you need to be outside the norm/contrarian to get clicks. Since there's nowhere to go up when most places are giving 10/10s, jim had to go lower for the clicks he needs to survive

He talked shit about Kid Icarus Uprising, but Nintendo never gutted him.

dude, you aren't a cuck if you have a girlfriend or wife with her kid from another relationship. being a cuck is letting other men fuck your wife. i don't know how the "wife's son" shit got started, but you're fine.

He has a grudge against Nintendo's copyright bullshit so the low score was blatantly biased

Finally, someone with the courage to have an opinion about a video game

Truly a god among men

Agree with the score but no he's still an awful person

I will never understand how people develop such intimate relationships with toys and the software associated with those toys. Why is it such a big deal whether one person likes one game more than the other. They're both console exclusives so most of the people who hate the other game haven't even played the other game. Can't you idiots just play your video games and get along?

Who gives a fuck about anything this enormous sjw cuck has to say?

>treating Zelda metacritic scores seriously after Skyward
Nostalgia inflates the score by at least 10 points

Your girlfriend sounds like an awful mother.
Also, if you'd actually loved her you wouldn't mind her child, stop living by Sup Forums memes criteria, you faggot.

Does metacritic filter out people who do this kind of stuff for monetary gain then?

Jim has had a hard on for hating nintendo for awhile now.

Are we absolutely positive that Jim and his wife aren't the same person? That looks exactly like Jim if he shaved the side of his head and died his hair with bingo dobbers.

Shit he actually did it

There's still one one review unfinished

At this point in gaming history, having a physics engine that is used for puzzles is actually a detriment. The shit has already been done to death over the past 12 years. Nintendo missed the boat set sail, reach it's destination, actively do return trips for a decade, and has now sunk somewhere in the atlantic.

botw would have been cooler if it came out for the fucking gamecube.

you cant sit there and say bitw has a lot of gameplay options where half of them are older than dirt and no longer popular, and the other half are poorly implemented anti-fun mechanics like degredation and stamina draining.
You should probably just migrate to filling out empty 10 reviees to metacritic instead of visiting Sup Forums. At least there you'll be among similar cocksuckers.

What ps4 games got a 97?

You're not better than anyone else here, despite your low-key attempts to seem so.

>I will never understand how people develop such intimate relationships with toys and the software associated with those toys.

It's just the next logical step in a materialistic society. You want to own things so it makes sense you associate feelings with them at some point.

>Breath of the Wild : 70
>Hyrule Warriors Legends: 70

Was this the call that saved shitposting?

daughter of your girlfreind's daughter??

Oh no, I think her daughter's cool. She lives with her grandma due to school zoning BS. It wasn't something that my girlfriend wanted to do.

It doesn't look fun. The bow acts more like a gun, animations are botched to all hell and I'm still wondering whether the appearance of every fucking character was intentional foreshadowing that they're all robots or a matter of incompetence cause they look like skin suits.
Every time I saw more footage it turned me off more and I'm not paying $60 to get bored in two days and never play it again.

So his main complaints are

>Enemies are HP sponges who hit hard no matter what.
>Shrines are mandatory.
>Weapons break.
>Stamina is bad.
>After finishing the game all he can remember is the little green stamina wheel.

Is he right?

>Like what does NoA or NoE even do when NoJ makes the games?
>They shitpost on the internet and shill their newest games.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they do.

Cuckolding comes from the behavior of the cuckoo, which lays its eggs in the nests of other birds to be raised as their own offspring, with the young cuckoo often devouring or smothering its nestmates. If you raise another man's child, you are the primeval definition of a cuck.

And they give out high scores like a pedophile gives kids 'candy'

Girlfriend's mom.

so the game, a zelda game, was too hard for him

You are living a cuck lifestyle then, but you are not 100% a cuck.

You are right at the breaking point of cuckoldry though, putting you right on the 50% cuck mark.

HOWEVER, if you accept it and are happy with your life, well, then more power to you.

>older than dirt and no longer popular
Haha no

Maybe I'm not better than them, but I certainly get points for not getting upset at someone for finding joy in a somewhat similar yet vastly different video game which I will in all likelihood never play or even remember after a week or two.


>t. false flagging Sup Forumstard trying to start political arguments

*Hyrule Warriors Legends: 95

What a hack