yeah okay tj """henry"""

typical toddler drone response


>timothy rodgers

remember that brief period in time when games journalists were prepping themselves to be 'gonzo rock and roll' and go all post-modern with their reviews and shit?

that turned out really well



the numale battle cry.

also, who?

Literally who?

>unprovoked name calling

Textbook liberal defense mechanism.

What a cuck, am I right lel?

>you liked it
What's wrong with you?

Tim Rogers is a self-aggrandizing, lying asshole who can't write for shit.

Who gives a fuck

I have literally never heard of this person

Why are nu-males so infatuated with Zelda?


He sounds like he posts here frequently.

On the one hand it's the audiences fault for not giving those people the attention they deserved - although, truth be told, no journalist today writes like Hunter Thompson, either. There is a profound lack of appreciation for gonzo journalism in the world.

On the other hand I absolutely refuse to listen to what Tim Rogers has to say anymore. There was a time when I hung on his worda like they were gospel (same with Icycalm). That was a time before 2013.

Why are girls so infatuated with it? Something about that feminine brain just gravitates toward it. Must be some subconscious attraction to Link.

Oh no, a pedo hipster thinks I'm a freak, what can I do to repair my image in his eyes?

He looks exactly like a nu-male.

>There is a profound lack of appreciation for gonzo journalism in the world.
Thanks G*D for that.

I usually hate the term, since a lot of people call everyone with glasses and/or beard a numale, but he is the embodiment of nu male, with these huge ass transparent pedo glasses, pubic hair on the face, and this confused look with slightly opened mouth


>shit opinion for the sake of starting controversy
Or maybe his opinion is genuinely shit. Fucking apologists are retarded.

Tim was the good part of it. I remember reading him on a smartphone on a subway train between playing pic related. It felt futuristic and I thought I knew what the future of video games reporting would be like. A little self-absorbed, maybe, but smart, sort of literate and fun.

Yeah, it didn't work out that way.
Tim Rogers isn't himself a numale. He's what numales aspire to be.

So Sup Forums is numale then

>I-if you hate something I like you're wrong and stupid!

Literal man child.

Truth be told I would always disregard the ramblings of a fanboy that bought an overpriced fail factory like the switch